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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
In the end, Robin, who returned to the flower capital, is trying to find a way to contact Nami and the others. Now she is being monitored by the Beast Pirates at any time, so she does not dare to act at will.
After appearing in front of Kaido with Reina, her safety in Wano country has been guaranteed, but her movement has been restricted.
But she didn’t know that at this time Nami and Brook had sneaked into the general’s mansion with Xiaoren and the big snake was entertaining the first beauty of Wano country, that is, the oiran Xiaozi.
As the oiran, Xiao Zi died on the body of the gang boss Kuang Shi Lang, and as a result, the general’s house was in chaos.
On Chopper’s side, facing Charlotte Lingling, who had regained consciousness but lost her memory , she could only be brought back to Pickle Village.
” I’m so sorry, Miss Xiaoling, I only have this food here! ” Ah He said apologetically.
” Well ~ Well , well ~~ Although I haven’t eaten enough yet, you’re also very poor, and you can share with me. Thank you so much, ah crane! The red bean soup is really sweet and delicious! ” Charlotte Lingling seems to be a different person. She doesn’t say anything to people and is very polite .
Chopper on the side couldn’t believe his eyes.
” You can eat it if you like! ” Ah He said with a kind look on his face.
She didn’t know any BIGMOM , she only knew that this tall, strong man was a very polite and nice person, not much different from Luffy and others before.
” Do you really want to take her there? If she recovers her memory at that time, it will be bad! ” Chopper was actually very worried about Ayu’s proposal to take Auntie to save Luffy.
” It makes people anxious to wait like this, and now is indeed an opportunity, isn’t it? ” A Yu nodded and said firmly.
” That’s fine! That …” Chopper came to Charlotte Lingling , hesitated for a moment, but found that he couldn’t speak.
No way, knowing what kind of existence the other party is, Chopper really didn’t dare to treat her casually, unlike the others, who had never seen a grumpy aunt before, thinking that the current aunt is normal.
” Sister Lingling, shall we go to the rabbit bowl? ” Seeing this, Xiaoyu immediately stepped forward and asked.
” Udon? ” Charlotte Lingling didn’t know where the rabbit bowl was . She thought Xiaoyu was talking about udon, so she nodded and said, ” Is there a lot of red bean soup there? If there is, we will immediately Let’s go! ”
So after persuading Charlotte Lingling , the group set off directly to the Rabbit Bowl, which is the quarry where the prisoners were held, so Luffy must be there. Leizang had already set out to save Luffy before. But there has been no news, Xiaoyu and others are very anxious.
” This little animal called a snapping turtle is really honest and obedient, so good! ” A group of people headed towards the rabbit bowl, sat on a super huge crocodile, and moved quickly towards the destination.
Hearing Charlotte Lingling ‘s words, Chopper burst into tears in his heart. It was terrifying that such a huge and terrifying monster surrendered after being punched twice by the aunt.
It’s just that they didn’t know that in the quarry at this time, Luffy and Kidd were already preparing to make a big scene.
Kidd escaped directly with Hailoushi because of his partner, and Luffy directly overturned the guards of the quarry because of Goro, the soldier of the flower, but at this time, the quarry’s The manager, one of the big signs of the Beast Pirates, and one of the three plagues, Quinn, also returned to the quarry.
With Quinn’s return, the chaotic quarry has an immediate backbone.
However, in the chaos, Lei Zang was not completely without gains. He found one of the original red – sellers, Kappa Hesong.
So what Raizo needs to do next is to rescue Luffy and Kasong, but Quinn has returned, and Raizo no longer has such a good chance as before.
On the other hand, Usopp, Frankie and others fled to Ebisu Town, but Zoro was not there because his knife seemed to be missing, Nami and Shinobi quietly returned to the flower capital to go to the bathhouse. Of course, Sanji disappeared with them.
Sanji, who got the “3” voice changer, has the ability to be invisible, so he went to realize his childhood dream.
But just as Nami and the others were about to leave after taking a bath, Drake and Basil Hawkins came to make a surprise inspection.
” Everyone, come out, show your ankles, and take away all those with anti-crescent marks! ” Basil Hawkins blocked the door of the bathhouse and ordered loudly.
” I’ll leave this kind of chores to you, I won’t go in! My mission is to capture Noodle Mask! ” Drake said calmly, standing outside the bathhouse.
” Whatever you want! ” Basil Hawkins said, casting a glance at Drake.
Soon, Basil Hawkins noticed Nami and others hiding in the corner, but just when he was about to check Nami and others, Nami suddenly pretended that the bath towel had fallen off, so the naked Nami It gave everyone present a blow of happiness, and even Sanji, who was invisible, was forced to show his true form.
” Sanji? Why are you here? You’ve shed so much blood, right? And what’s going on with your outfit? ” Nami was naturally surprised by Sanji’s sudden appearance.
” No … it’s all right! Miss Nami … like a turbulent river …” Sanji fell to the ground, still muttering to himself.
” It’s Noodle Mask, Noodle Mask has appeared! ” Sanji’s appearance made the hungry people of the Hundred Beast Pirates immediately alert.
” What? The noodle mask is in it? ” When Drake heard this, he immediately walked towards the bathhouse, only to fall down as soon as he reached the door. It wasn’t someone else’s sneak attack, but he couldn’t stand the way a woman didn’t wear clothes at all. , especially Nami’s dominant figure.
” Run! Take advantage of it now! ” Seeing the opportunity, Xiao Ren and Nami were ready to escape, but Basil Hawkins and Drake at the door had not left, so they couldn’t escape directly.
” Hehe … It seems that we are just in time! ” Not far away, although he has been under surveillance all the time, at this time Robin can take action without hesitation.
With Robin’s help, and Sanji also reacted at this time, he took them all and fled.
” Something’s wrong! ” In the air, Nami said in a deep voice: ” Those people know about the anti-Crescent Moon! It means that what Mr. Renner said is true, there is a traitor among us! ”
” That’s right, it’s really hard to handle this kind of thing at such a critical moment! ” Sanji nodded and said, ” Also, all of Tran’s partners were arrested before, it seems to be to attract him to show up. , but this way … we can’t be very sure about who is the traitor! ”
“The other party should be doing this on purpose because of this! ” Nami said softly.
She believed more in Reina, and believed that Kanjuro was a traitor, but now there is no evidence, she can’t talk nonsense, otherwise it will destroy the internal unity.
Shinobi and Robin on the side didn’t say anything, because of Kanjuro and Reina, they couldn’t say much.
” By the way, Sister Robin, you will be here? Didn’t you get captured by the Beast Pirates? ” Nami looked at Robin beside her and asked curiously.
” No! I have been with my father before, but after Luffy was defeated by Kaido, my father came forward to save Luffy, so my father and I have already appeared on the bright side! Back then, my father seemed to be on the same side as Kaido. The companions on the ship, so the two have some friendship. He was invited by Kaido to attend the banquet on the island of ghosts. As for me, I have been being watched by Kaido’s subordinates! I saw you just now, so I suddenly shot, now It can be considered to take the opportunity to escape their hungry surveillance! ”
Robin explained things briefly.
” I see, no wonder those people seem to be very polite to you! But Luffy was finally captured by the Beast Pirates! ” Nami said helplessly.
” Huh? ” Robin frowned, because he felt that Kaido was not the kind of person who would play such a small conspiracy.
” Don’t worry, in terms of Luffy’s ability, there should be a riot in the prison at this time! ” Sanji said with a chuckle.
Everyone nodded involuntarily when they thought of Luffy’s character.
” So what are we going to do now? ” Robin asked curiously.
” Let’s go to Ebisu Town to meet Usopp and the others! I heard that Zoro is there too! ” Nami said with a smile.
When he mentioned Zoro, Sanji immediately became unhappy, and said with a flat face: ” Miss Nami, Miss Robin … don’t worry, with me, there is no need for that green algae head! ”
” Anyway … let’s go to Ebisu Town to meet everyone! ” Nami ignored Sanji at all, but said directly.
As for Sanji … He didn’t dare to refute Nami at all, Nami hadn’t asked him to settle the matter in the women’s bath just now!
” Huhu ~~ Why don’t you continue to run away? I just ran after you when I saw you. I didn’t expect it to take so much time! ” Zoro blocked the thief who stole his weapon on a bridge.
” Stop talking ! ” A tall man with a large sword said to Zoro: ” I have returned the famous sword Qiushui to the place where he should have existed! That is the samurai in the legend of Wano Country—— The stolen treasure from Ryoma’s tomb! ”
” I know! ” Zoro chuckled and replied calmly.
He took Qiushui from Ryoma himself at the beginning, so he naturally knew who this knife belonged to.
” Since you know, then go back obediently, or I will confiscated the other two weapons around your waist! ” The big man said deliberately intimidatingly.
” Oh? Are you a weapon collector? ” When Zoro heard this, he immediately came to his senses and said with a smile: ” By the way, we are very short of weapons now! Since you are a favorite … We are really destined! Your weapon collection … I’ll take it all! ”
” Bastard, since you know that it is Lord Longma’s sword, are you really a knife thief? ” the strong man roared angrily.
” I didn’t steal it, the autumn water was given to me by Longma! ” Zoro replied with a serious look.

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