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” Well ~ Well ~ Reina, your Naxi helper doesn’t seem to be able to do it! Well , well, well ~~~” BIGMOM laughed and said to Reina, looking at the pirates who had been defeated by Kaido.
Reina was also a little helpless. He did not expect Luffy and others to lose so quickly. Although Luo, Kira, and Zoro still had fighting power at this time, Luffy and Kidd, who were the main fighting force, had already fallen to the ground one after another.
” Ugh, cluck, cluck … The last blow, send you to hell! ” Kaido, holding a mace, has already started to charge up. If this blow is hit, Luffy and others are afraid that it will be finished.
Reina naturally wouldn’t watch Kaido attack like this, so the ice wing behind him wanted to fly towards Kaido.
” Well ~ well ~ your opponent … but me! ” BIGMOM stopped Reina and said with a big laugh.
” It looks like you guys really want to kill them all, but it’s not that easy! Go, Bing Lun Pill! ” Reina threw the Bing Lun Pill in his hand, and he also released the swastika mode.
The ice wheel pill in the air directly turned into a blue light, and turned into a humanoid with X -shaped marks on his face.
” Hinglunwan, protect them! ” After instructing Binglunwan, Reina made a direct move, and Qianben Sakura appeared in his hand, directly blocking BIGMOM ‘s attack.
” You kid … Are you underestimating me too much? Fire in the sky ! Explosive flames ! ” When BIGMOM saw Reina fighting with him, he even threw his weapon out to protect Luffy and the others. Prometheus grabbed his hand and punched Reina.
” Damn it! ” Reina, who had just taken out Senbon Sakura to block BIGMOM ‘s slash, couldn’t dodge BIGMOM ‘s fist for a while, so he had to choose hard resistance.
” Boom ~~”
Although Reina blocked BIGMOM ‘s flaming fist with her arm, she was still knocked into the air by her punch.
” Well ~ Well ~ Reina, your kid is still too tender! Take the trick … Weiguo! ” While Reina was shot, BIGMOM didn’t give Reina any time to adjust, and it was the giants who took it. The hand skills are powerful, and they directly chop at Reina.
On Zoro’s side, although there was the help of Hironimaru, it only delayed the time of failure. Seeing that Kaido was about to attack again next time, Zoro threw the Luffy he was carrying to Luo and said: ” This is Recruit me to pick it up, but after picking it up, I guess I will lose my combat effectiveness! ”
” Did you all misunderstand something? ” Luo said with a black line on his face, quite unhappy.
When he just came up, Luffy asked him to send Kinemon and others downstairs, and now Zoro leaves Luffy to him to take care of, and Kira over there seems to have this plan.
He is the captain!
He is the main combat member like Kidd and Luffy, but he didn’t come here to do logistics.
However, Zoro didn’t listen to his complaints at all, and directly drove towards Kaido with the Nine Swords of Ghost Qi, and directly chopped Kaido down with a sword.
” This kind of breath … it belongs to that guy from Oden! ” Kaido felt the breath of Oden from Zoro, because Oden was the only opponent who had hurt him, so Kaido’s memory of Oden’s breath quite profound.
In this way, after resisting Kaido’s moves and saving everyone, Zoro lost his combat effectiveness temporarily. In desperation, Luo had to take a group of wounded and plan to run away, but luckily Luffy used gear 4 at this time. The sequelae after that have come into contact, and once again have the strength to fight.
On the other side, Reina, who was blown away by BIGMOM ‘s punch, did not dare to fight head-on in the face of the mighty mighty country, so he directly used the substitute technique to dodge.
” Well ~ well ~” BIGMOM laughed proudly when she saw Reina being hit by herself, but she didn’t think Reina would be killed so easily.
” It’s really troublesome! ” Reina, who appeared on the other side, looked at BIGMOM and Kaido who were not injured at all, but his side was almost collapsed.
If he didn’t know that Luffy would win in the end, he would have retreated at this time.
There is really no need to continue fighting!
To deal with two four emperors at once, no matter how you look at it, it is too crazy.
” Tera Man, take them away first, Kaido … leave it to me! ” Luffy said loudly after looking around.
” Well ~ Kaido, what’s the matter with you kid? Don’t let me drop the chain here! ” Although he knew that Kaido was not injured, it was too embarrassing to keep being knocked to the ground by these newcomers, right? !
” Ugh, cluck, cluck … These little devils do have two boys, but it’s time for the end to end! ” Kaido slowly got up again, and after being cut down by Zoro, he didn’t take any damage.
” It’s a monster-like body! ” Luo, who was beside him, sighed involuntarily.
” Really, if you don’t have the consciousness to die, don’t challenge the four emperors casually! ” In this regard, as the head of the four emperors and the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Reina must be standing in Kaido’s position. BIGMOM here.
” Don’t worry, we won’t drag you back! But it’s too oppressive for these two people to stand together. First of all, we have to find a way to separate them! ” I don’t know when, I was knocked out before. Kidd, who was also awake, regained some combat power.
” I have an idea …” Luo Xian put the injured Zoro aside, and then said softly: ” Let’s start with BIGMOM ! ”
Kidd narrowed his eyes, nodded, and said: ” It is indeed a way! Then do it! ”
With Reina as the main force, it would be easier for the two of them to deal with BIGMOM together than against Kaido with Luffy.
” Go! Damn Thundercloud! ” Kidd directly used his ability to trap Thundercloud Zeus.
” It’s up to me next! ” Luo was not to be outdone, and with one blow, the sun Prometheus was scattered.
” Oh? Do you want to attack BIGMOM ? At least give me a hint before you do it! Scatter it, Senbon Sakura! ” Seeing Luo and Kid suddenly attacking BIGMOM , Reina’s eyes lit up and said directly.
” Damn it, Kaido … what are you doing? ” Without Thundercloud Zeus and Sun Prometheus, BIGMOM was in a hurry to face Reina’s attack.
” Then next, let you taste this, BIGMOM ! Demonic Qi · Magnetic Storm! ” Kidd formed a huge fist with all the scraps and iron, and punched BIGMOM directly .
” Hmm …” BIGMOM was directly knocked into the air by the huge fist, but she was not hurt. She was about to taunt Kidd, but found that she had been punched outside the range of Onishima Island.
” Ah ~~~~”
Seeing that BIGMOM actually fell out of the island of Oni, Kaido and Reina were a little stunned.
” Hey … you’re not going to drown her, are you? ” Reina asked in surprise, looking at Zeus who was trapped, and Prometheus, the sun who had not recovered from Luo Gan’s fall.
” Although I also know that it is impossible to kill BIGMOM , at least she and Kaido are separated! ” Luo said softly.
” It seems that you guys have your own plans, but … do you want me to deal with Kaido now? ” Reina pointed at Kaido and said with a smile.
” That stinky old woman, make trouble for me! ” Kaido said with a twitch on the corner of his mouth, looking at Reina looking at him.

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