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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Robin, you … you really awakened the Sharinyan! ” Looking at the Sharinyan in Robin’s eyes, Reina was a little excited and a little worried.
” Yes, father! ” Robin was also very happy.
At that time, Reina told her that if she had the potential to awaken Sharinyan, she might awaken when she experienced great sorrow or great pain.
So after thinking about her own experience, Robin felt that she should have no chance of awakening. After all, whether it was the departure of her mother, the destruction of O’Hara, or the memories of her childhood, she could just write Wheel eye conditions.
But she still hasn’t awakened, so it can only prove that she has not awakened the potential of Sharinyan.
But she didn’t expect that God made such a big joke for her, and at this time, she actually awakened the blood of her father’s writing round eyes.
Although according to Reina, Sharonyan brought her a lot of burdens while improving her combat power, especially when she was not a master of physical or swordsmanship, Sharonyan’s help to her would not be enough. It’s not that big, and even if it is turned on all the time, it will drag her back a bit.
But she doesn’t care about these, what she cares most about is blood!
She inherited her father’s blood, and after she had Sharonyan, she could prove that she was Rayner’s own daughter.
Although no one said anything in front of her, she knew it. Many major forces believed that Reina was not her real father, but was interested in her ability to interpret ancient texts.
She knows the truth herself, and she also knows that Reina doesn’t need her ability to interpret ancient texts at all. If the Whitebeard Pirates want to find the big secret treasure, they can find it at any time.
Now that she has awakened the same ability as Rayner, she can smack those people in the face, she is Bernery D. Robin, the child of Bernery D. Rayner.
” Okay, turn off the writing wheel! Remember what I said to you, right? The temporary use of the writing wheel should not help you much, but the functions of each pair of writing wheels are not the same, so how to use it? It’s up to you to write the wheel eye! ” After seeing that Robin really opened the wheel eye, Reina smiled with some relief.
This is the biggest change since he came to this world!
Robin, who closed his eyes, opened them again, his eyes had returned to normal, and said to Reina with a smile: ” Father … I finally inherited your bloodline! ”
” Idiot! ” Reina smiled and tapped Robin on the head.
Reina naturally understands the meaning of Robin’s words. As for those rumors, he has never taken it seriously. He has always known that although only Robin’s words were spoken at the beginning, Robin is definitely his own daughter. Incorrect.
” By the way, when you turn on the writing wheel, is it consuming your spirit? Not your physical strength? ” Reina asked curiously, thinking of Chopper’s diagnosis before.
Because of his writing wheel eyes, it consumes his physical strength.
If it was to consume mental power, he would not be able to afford such a serious consumption.
You must know that a person’s mental power is very limited, and it is difficult to improve mental power. If Robin consumes mental power, then this writing wheel eye is really tasteless.
” This … it shouldn’t be, but it doesn’t seem to be completely exhausted! ” Robin shook his head and said, ” This feeling is very strange, my use of the wheel eye doesn’t seem to cause much burden to my body … . ”
” That’s it … you turn on the Shaker again, and then look carefully at my movements! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” Okay! Shaker … Open! ” Robin seemed to turn on Shaker with ease, and then looked at Reina.
” See clearly! Ninjutsu , Fire Escape , Hao Fireball Technique! ” Reina directly used a C -rank ninjutsu and spit out a large mouthful of flames towards the front.
” Ninjutsu … Ninjutsu? ” Chopper and Brook on the side were surprised. The ninjutsu used by Reina was more like the legendary ninjutsu than the ninja in Wano.
The leader of CP9 on the side was also ugly.
Although the trick used by Reina does not seem to be very powerful, they do not know that Reina will use the number of people, which means that the other party still has hidden strength.
After seeing the ninjutsu used by Reina, Robin frowned slightly and said, ” Father … is this ninjutsu? ”
” That’s right! Authentic ninjutsu, or our Sharinjian is also a type of ninjutsu! This is a special ninjutsu called the bloodline limit, which can only be performed with such bloodline! ” Reina nodded and said with a smile.
” So, Robin also belongs to the ninjutsu family? ” Chopper’s eyes turned into little stars, and he asked with admiration.
” Try it! ” Rayner didn’t admit it, but said to Robin.
” Ninjutsu , Fire Escape , Hao Fireball Technique! ” According to Fang Yi’s seal-making process, Robin directly and perfectly re-engraved the past, which is one of the advantages of Sharinyan.
” Phew ~~” Some flames really spewed out of Robin’s mouth, but he laughed a lot more than Reina’s.
” Really … really successful? ” Chopper and Brooke said incredulously.
” How is it? Do you feel it? Is it the consumption of mental power or physical strength? ” But Reina’s focus was not on whether Robin could use it, but asked her what energy was consumed when using ninjutsu.
” This … a little mental power, very small, if I hadn’t paid special attention just now, I wouldn’t have noticed it at all! Physical power is also consumed, a little bit! In addition, the main energy seems to be a … My new energy! ” Robin said after thinking about it.
” Chakra? ” Reina was really a little shocked. Is this the benefit of a native-born Shaker, which brings Robin? Let her really have the Chakra of Naruto World?
” Chakra? ” Sure enough, Robin was surprised when he heard Reina’s words.
” I can’t be sure yet! Chakra is the best energy to use ninjutsu, and the hunger ninjutsu used by Chakra is the most suitable! ” Reina couldn’t help saying: ” But I’m not sure now, you Do you really have chakra! So, try it, mobilize that special energy in your body, let it cover the soles of your feet, and then walk up this wall as if you were walking on a flat surface! ”
” This …” Robin looked at the straight wall, can this really be done?
However, out of trust in Reina, Robin closed his eyes and began to try to mobilize the energy in his body.
” This … this … this is just …” Seeing Robin walking on the wall, it was really like walking on a flat surface, Brooke and Chopper’s eyes were about to pop out.
” Be careful! ” Hearing the voices of Brooke and Chopper, Robin opened her eyes directly, and then she fell from the wall, but Reina, who had already been prepared, caught her directly.
” Father …” Robin looked at Reina.
” Wow ~ I really didn’t expect … my daughter … not only to wake up with Sharinyan … but also to have chakra! Robin … maybe one day, your Sharinyan … will surpass mine! ” Lei Na said excitedly.

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