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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Yo ~ are you still fighting? Do you need my help? ” When Reina and Marco came back, they happened to meet Zoro who was fighting with Jhin.
” No, leave it to me here! ” Although he was in a hard fight, Zoro still didn’t plan to ask Reina to help.
Hearing Zoro’s answer, Reina shrugged and took Marko directly to Chopper and Robin.
” Marco, for the time being, you are in charge of treating the wounded with Chopper! ” Reina looked around, most of the battle is over now, except for Kaido and Aunt, Jhin and Quinn, there is not much sound of battle.
” No problem! ” Marko replied with a smile.
Unbeknownst to them, a great crisis is threatening them, and a large amount of weapons and ammunition are stored underground in Onishima, and Kanjuro’s flame giant is heading there.
At the same time, Yamato, who was also heading there, was stopped by the tsunami sound Skullachman Apu.
Seeing that things were not going well, Apu wanted to join forces with Drake, who also betrayed Kaido, but Drake, who was an undercover navy, naturally wouldn’t agree.
Originally, the battle between the two was about to break out, but Yamato, who happened to pass by, broke in.
So Apu wanted to use Yamato to get rid of Drake first, so the three had a direct melee.
Yamato thought that Ke and Apu were still members of the Hundred Beast Pirates, so they did it without saying a word.
Although Apu and Drake explained that they have now left the Beast Pirates, they belong to different camps.
Yamato doesn’t have time to tell the truth from the fake, and now he wants to deal with the arsenal first.
However, Apu, who wanted to hug his thigh, was obsessed with Yamato, and Drake, who did not let Apu go, also chased after Apu.
“You really don’t plan to go back to the Whitebeard Pirates with me? ” Reina came to Robin and asked, ” Now that you have awakened the Shaker, staying by my side is the best choice! ”
” Father, I have a partner! ” Robin said with a smile.
Reina shaved his head and looked at Luffy who was fighting Kaido in the sky, and said with a smile: ” I really hope Kaido will defeat that stinky boy now, so that you can go back to Xuanyue Island with me! ”
” I believe in him, he is my captain! He will also be the man who will become the Pirate King in the future! ” Robin said firmly.
” Hahaha … If I don’t want him to become the Pirate King, I can stop him at any time! ” Reina suddenly said with a smile: ” Do you think he can beat me? ”
” Yes, father! ” Robin replied without hesitation.
” You ~~ Forget it, come back when you want to come back! ” Reina touched Robin’s head and said with a smile, ” Tell you! I don’t even need to fight him, I can make He can’t be the Pirate King! ”
” Huh? ” Robin looked at Reina in surprise. After thinking about it, he said, ” Luffy won’t admit defeat easily! ”
” I know! As long as I arrive at the final island before you, what do you think? ” Reina said with a strange smile.
” Hehehe …” Robin suddenly covered his mouth and laughed when he heard Reina’s words.
” Don’t you believe it? ” Reina asked, frowning slightly.
” No, of course I believe that with the ability of father and father, you can reach the final island at any time, but … father! Are you afraid of Luffy now? ” Robin looked at Reina, although he asked, but in his eyes But very firm.
” Okay! The potential of this kid is indeed terrifying, look at him, he has now learned the overlord color cover! This is not something that everyone can learn! He just felt this power from Kaido’s moves, It can be used easily, this ability is too terrifying! ” Reina put away his smile, nodded and said.
” He is the man destined to become the Pirate King! ” Robin said quite proudly.
” How many historical texts have you found? ” Rainer changed the subject after smiling.
” It’s not a lot! But I know a lot! ” Although Robin was a little surprised, why Rayner suddenly asked this, but he answered truthfully.
” Know Joey Boy? ” Rainer asked with a smile.
” Yes, it seems that an agreement was signed with the murlocs, but it was not fulfilled! ” Robin nodded and said, ” There is an apology letter left by him on the murloc island! ”
” Ah ~ the big secret treasure was left by their group. Roger found all the real historical texts and left them in Ralph Drew! ” Reina suddenly said: ” So even if we Whitebeard Sea The pirate group went to the island of the end, and the eldest brother can’t become the pirate king! Because … the candidate for the pirate king is already doomed! ”
” Father …” Robin looked at Reina in surprise.
” Okay, while I have time now, let me teach you some ninjutsu! I’ll have to watch it when Kaido’s there! ” Reina chuckled and said, ” Didn’t Ace also help deal with Auntie? ? ”
” Thank you father! ” Robin said gratefully.
” Don’t tell me this! I should do anything for you! ” Reina patted Robin on the head and said with a smile.
In the sky, Luffy, who has turned on the fourth-level balloon man mode, is fighting with Kaido.
After understanding the entanglement of the overlord, the battle between Luffy and Kaido has reached the level of the four emperors, and the two’s counter moves can trigger the abnormal changes in the sky.
” Straw Hat … I have to say, you are really amazing! ” Kaido, who had re-turned into a dragon form, said, staring at Luffy on Momonosuke’s head.
” Humph! ” Luffy snorted coldly and said, ” When I hit you, you will know that I am more powerful, take it! Kaido! ”
With that said, Luffy charged towards Kaido again.
” Hey giggle giggle … Don’t get too carried away, kid! Wind blade! ” Kaido in dragon form has the ability to control the weather, and the huge tornado he summoned, like a wind blade, flew towards Luffy.
” Rubber Rubber Great Ape King Gun! ” Luffy was not afraid at all, and moved directly towards Kaido.
” Boom boom ~~~” There was a huge roar in the fight between the two, which made Momanosuke on the side so frightened that he almost hid.
” Thundering gossip! ” Kaido, who was hit by Luffy, changed back to his human form again, and then quickly moved towards Luffy.
” Huh? ” After being hit by the wind blade that Kaido summoned just now, Luffy was injured in many places, but he still discovered Kaido’s thunder and gossip right away.
” Boom! ”
The huge fist came into contact with Kaido’s oversized mace, and the huge explosion of energy generated seemed to destroy the entire island of ghosts.
” These two guys are so messed up! ” Reina, who had finished teaching Robin, looked up at the sky. The clouds had completely disappeared. Because of the collision of the energy just now, there was nothing near the island of ghosts at this time. of clouds.

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