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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Reina and the others followed the life paper to a certain sea area in the New World, they found that the position pointed to by the life paper was actually below.
” Hey ~ it looks like Dad and the others are at the bottom of the sea, is there something wrong? ” Marko frowned and said.
Although Xuanyue Island can indeed turn on the underwater mode, under normal circumstances, Xuanyue Island is still on the surface, unless something happens.
” Hard shell, turn on the dive mode, let’s go down and see! ” Reina also felt that something seemed wrong.
As the hard shell dived, they followed the guidance of the life paper and quickly found Xuanyue Island on the bottom of the sea.
” Deputy Captain … You are finally back! ” He was greeted by Frank, the chief administrator of Xuanyue Island.
” What happened? Where’s my big brother? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” This …” Frank hesitated for a moment, and said, ” It’s like this, because the World Government has cancelled the title of King Xia Qiwuhai, and also sent troops to attack! So Empress Boya Hancock , and the fisherman island that Side has sent out a distress letter! Dad thought they had given us a lot of help, so he went to the rescue! ”
” When did they leave? Who went? ” Reina nodded and asked.
If you just go to the rescue, it’s not a big problem. With the scale of the Whitebeard Pirates, if you only rescue two places, it shouldn’t be a problem.
” Dad took Joz, Bista and the others to Fishman Island, while Sage took four or five captains and six pirates to the daughter’s country! ” Frank replied directly.
” Who else is on the island now? ” Reina felt relieved when he heard it. With such a powerful force, it should not be a problem if it was just a rescue.
“The captains have all gone out, only the doctor’s father and daughter and Perona are still on the island! So just in case, I asked the doctor to submerge Xuanyue Island to the bottom of the sea! ” Frank said with a smile.
” Yeah! You’re right, but now you can inform the doctor and let Xuanyue Island go back to the sea, otherwise it will be inconvenient for Big Brother and Sage to come back! ” Reina nodded, taking Marko and Ai with him As they entered the island, they said.
” Okay, I’ll notify the doctor immediately! But Dad and Saatchi have boatmen on board, and they can coat the pirate ship at any time! ” Frank explained with a smile.
” Yeah! You’re doing business, I’m relieved! ” Reina said with a chuckle and nodded.
Since Reina brought Frank back to Alabasta, his ability and loyalty have long been recognized by everyone. Although his strength is not at the level of a captain, his status is already at the level of the team leader of the Whitebeard Pirates. .
However, Frank did not feel that he was really at the level of a captain. Whether it was receiving people or anything, he was very humble, but this guy also has a bad point, and that is the honor of the Whitebeard Pirates. It is too important, no one is allowed to underestimate the Whitebeard Pirates, and no one who dares to slander the Whitebeard Pirates will be spared.
Reina once told him that a little slander had nothing to do with underestimating it, but he just didn’t listen, and regarded the glory of the Whitebeard Pirates as more important than his own life.
But it may be officially because of this, so not only the captains under the white beard, but also the captains give Frank quite a face. Generally, as long as he comes forward, as long as it is not a matter of principle, everyone will give him face.
Soon, after arriving on the island, Marco and Ace left first, especially Marco, who didn’t meet his family so much. He missed it very much. It happened that he met Nami when he went out this time, and he could have a good relationship with him. The wife said.
Reina didn’t have much to do. Originally, he planned to negotiate with Whitebeard about the future of their Whitebeard Pirates, but now that Whitebeard is not on the island, Reina just gave himself a vacation.
The doctor who received Frank’s notification quickly made Xuanyue Island rise from the bottom of the sea to the surface, which also made the residents of the island very happy.
Originally, Xuanyue Island was only a gathering place for pirates, and it was the base camp of the Whitebeard Pirates, but after years of operation, it can be said that it is more like a country. The residents of the island are all related to the Whitebeard Pirates. inextricably linked.
Some are family members of the ship’s members, like Nuoqigao, while others are orphans picked up by Whitebeard from various places.
When the Whitebeard Pirates were first established, the crew were basically picked up by Whitebeard, including Marco.
Later, after Xuanyue Island came into existence, the orphans picked up by Whitebeard were no longer pirates, but residents of Xuanyue Island. They lived and worked here. While building Xuanyue Island, they also gave them to themselves. a more stable life.
That’s why Xuanyue Island has its current scale. If someone sneaks in, he will be pleasantly surprised to find that he is exposed very quickly.
Because the people on the island basically know each other, and maybe some of them are related. Although there are a lot of people on the island, what the Whitebeard Pirates like to do most is to hold banquets. The huge banquet square , has been expanded more than three times.
Originally, according to Reina’s design, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates held banquets in the banquet hall of the main building. This banquet square will only be held when a big happy event occurs, or when there are many people participating. Open, such as when the pirate group gathers every day.
But Whitebeard doesn’t like the banquet hall and feels a little uncomfortable. He still likes the banquet square, and the residents of the island can also participate. As long as you want, when the Whitebeard Pirates have a banquet, you don’t need to bring anything. You can come and eat and drink.
Of course, ordinary residents will bring some of their own things, some are drinks, some are food. In short, every time the Whitebeard Pirates hold a banquet, many residents on the island participate. Over time, the residents of the island will also They are all very familiar with each other.
If an outsider sneaks onto the island, it will definitely be discovered by the residents very quickly, and thus will be reported.
Reina is quite confident about this.
” Marco, do you think Nami and the others have really reached this level? Can they be compared to the Whitebeard Pirates? ” During dinner, Nuoqigao asked Marco curiously.
Because Xuanyue Island returned to the sea, Nuo Qigao made dinner after drying all the clothes in the house, which also caused their dinner to be late.
” How do you say it? Didn’t you read the newspaper before? The Straw Hats have already been called the fifth emperor of the sea! Plus they defeated Kaido and Big Mom’s alliance this time, their popularity will definitely be even more terrifying. ! ” Marco explained with a smile as he ate.

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