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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Kizaru saw Ace, his face changed, because Ace was in the crowd, it proved that Reina should also catch up, but now Reina didn’t show up.
As the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, this is not normal.
Logically speaking, if Reina is here too, then he can only be standing beside Whitebeard.
So now it’s clear that Reina is here, but not here.
So where will the other party be? Kizuna suddenly fell into thought.
Soon, an idea popped into his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it was to be true.
” Now … it’s troublesome! ” Kizuna sighed and said.
” What’s the matter? General Yellow Ape! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel on the side didn’t know the seriousness of the matter, and turned his head and asked Yellow Ape.
” Reina isn’t here! ” Kizaru said softly.
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was taken aback for a moment, Reina wasn’t there? What’s the meaning? According to the Navy’s intelligence, didn’t Reina just set off from Wano country not long ago? He should have returned to Xuanyue Island, right? Isn’t it normal not to be here now?
But just as Lieutenant Flying Squirrel was about to speak, he glanced at Ace who was standing beside Whitebeard, and then he was stunned.
Because he remembered it, the intelligence said that in addition to Reina, there were Marco and Fire Fist Ace in Wano Country. Now Fire Fist Ace is here, so … it proves that Lei Na and Marco were probably nearby, but they weren’t showing up right now.
” Gulu …” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel swallowed his saliva unconsciously, and said, ” General Yellow Monkey … What do you mean … Reina might lead someone to ambush nearby? ”
Kizaru shook his head and said, ” No! I suspect he may have the same plan as us! He took people to ambush our reinforcements! ”
” Ah? ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was taken aback for a moment, and then he asked meaningfully, ” Our reinforcements? ”
” Ah! ” Kizaru nodded and said, ” Originally, our plan was to surround the pirates led by Saatchi, and after Whitebeard took the bait, we would encircle them all! Now it seems that … the other party is deliberately taking the initiative. After showing up, attract our reinforcements, and then ambushed halfway! ”
” Then what should we do? ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel asked with a change of expression.
Originally, if Kizaru was there, it might be no problem to block Reina’s attack, but now that Kizaru came to rescue them first, then the reinforcements there would definitely be defeated by Reina.
When the reinforcements are defeated, and without reinforcements on their side, they will inevitably be escaped by the Whitebeard Pirates, and it is not impossible to even defeat them in turn.
” Although the situation is indeed a bit bad, but … the Green Bull is over there, and it shouldn’t be defeated! ” Kizaru shook his head and said, ” It’s just that we want to exterminate the Whitebeard Pirates, and it is estimated that it is impossible! ”
Hearing the words of the yellow monkey, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel breathed a sigh of relief and said, ” Since there is General Green Bull, that’s fine! ”
Huang Yuan sighed and didn’t say much, but said to Flying Squirrel: ” Now the matter is settled, it’s useless to think too much, just attack! ”
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel also nodded and replied, ” Understood! ”
” Goo la la la … It seems that they have already understood! But it doesn’t matter! Ace … Let Saqi and the others prepare … I will give the Navy a greeting! ” Seeing the face of Kizaru, Whitebeard knew that the other party had already fully aware of their plans.
But it doesn’t matter, because they were originally conspiracy.
Just when Whitebeard and the Navy were about to make head-to-head contact, Reina had already dealt with the Navy.
The hesitation was a sudden attack, and with Reina and five captains leading the team, the first round of the attack caught the navy by surprise. At least three warships were directly silent, and there were many naval soldiers floating on the sea, waiting for rescue.
But now the navy’s warships have no time to rescue them, because the attack of Reina and others did not stop.
” General Green Bull! What should we do now? The other party is the Whitebeard Pirates, and the leader is Deputy Captain Rayner! ” A sergeant reported to a man with long green hair.
” Ah ~ it’s actually a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, they don’t go to rescue the people they are surrounded by, why are they running here? ” Lu Niu said lazily.
” Sir …” The non-commissioned officer was a little speechless. It was obvious that the other party must have a purpose in coming here.
” Okay, don’t worry, have you contacted Senior Yellow Monkey? Ask how the situation is over there! ” Lu Niu waved his hand and said with a smile.
” We’ve already contacted, but we haven’t been in touch. It is estimated that the other party blocked our signal! ” The non-commissioned officer replied solemnly.
” It’s still blocking the signal? It’s such an obvious thing, I guess Senior Huang Yuan has already seen it? Forget it, let’s solve them first! ” Lu Niu said, walking directly towards the deck, but he thought Look how powerful the Whitebeard Pirates are.
” Reina, the first round of offense has worked, what should we do next? A full-scale attack? ” On the other side, Lakyo, who was standing on the small whale boat, asked Reina next to him.
” Next? It’s up to you to command! I’ll go over there to play! ” Reina said with a smile, pointing to the green cow who had just arrived on the deck.
” That’s … Admiral? ” Lakyo asked in surprise for a moment.
Before, they watched Kizaru leave, but they didn’t expect that there was still a navy admiral here.
Although he didn’t know the other person’s appearance, he still knew the general’s unique clothing.
” It should be one of the two generals recruited by the Naval World Recruitment. Fujitora is blind, and this should be the Green Bull! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
“I really didn’t expect that the navy actually sent two generals! ” Lakyo said solemnly.
” Isn’t this a normal thing? To fight with our Whitebeard Pirates, they dare to send only one general? Isn’t that a death sentence! ” Reina replied with a smile.
Although the navy took the initiative to initiate the battle and calculated them, no matter what, the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates was there, and a general would definitely not work.
If they hadn’t calculated Saatchi, it is estimated that the situation of dispatching three generals may happen.
” Then be careful yourself! ” Lakyo also knew that if the Admiral was allowed to play, it would inevitably cause them great losses, so it was the best choice to let Reina contain the opponent in the past.
Reina didn’t talk nonsense, jumped directly from the boat, waiting for his yo, and floated his head out of the sea, letting Reina stand on his huge crocodile head.
” Tsk tsk tsk … This is directly staring at me! It seems that I can have a good time today! ” Seeing Reina coming directly towards him, the green cow immediately grinned and said with a smile.

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