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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
The banquet on Xuanyue Island lasted for three days and three nights. After consuming a lot of food and drinks, on the fourth day, the banquet finally ended.
At the end of the banquet, Reina directly instructed Frank to arrange accommodation for the members of the Nine Snake Pirates.
Because the members of the Nine Snake Pirates were all women, Frank had some trouble making arrangements for a while, but he finally found Hancock and asked her for her opinion.
It depends on whether they want to live with everyone, or if they want to live in a separate place.
Hancock didn’t expect the other party to think so carefully. After thanking the head of Xuanyue Island, he chose to live with everyone.
After all, they are all pirates, and there are not too many gender scruples.
Unlike the excitement of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Navy’s morale dropped a lot because of the failure of this incident.
And because this matter was advocated by Marshal Sakaski alone, and even many of the participating generals did not know the plan, Sakaski was pushed to the forefront.
If things were successful, it would be nothing, but it failed, which made many generals very dissatisfied, thinking that Sakaski didn’t trust them, and looked down on them.
In the office of Vice Admiral He of the Navy, Garp was eating senbei and asked He with some boredom: ” Xiao He , why did you ask me to come here? I am very busy! ”
” Busy? What are you busy with? Right now you are just holding an idle job in the navy! ” Lieutenant General He glanced at the old man and replied softly.
” Eh? Is there something like you? I’m busy traveling every day now! ” Karp replied immediately dissatisfied.
” Now that the navy is like this, do you still have time to travel? ” Lieutenant General He said with a frown.
” Hahaha …” Garp heard the words, laughed and said: ” I’ve blocked the sea soldiers all my life, now as you said, I’m just an old man with an idle job in the Navy, do you want me to continue to worry about it? ? ”
Lieutenant General Crane’s expression froze, then he waved his hand helplessly and said, ” This is the place where we have fought all our lives after all! You don’t want the Navy to end like this, do you? ”
” It’s over? You underestimate the navy too, right? The navy can’t be saved by just one person. If the navy needs someone to save it one day, that’s when he’s really finished! ” Garp didn’t care . said.
Lieutenant General Crane was speechless, looked at Karp and said, ” I didn’t expect that I would hear such words from your mouth! ”
” Hahaha … the old man is not a rude man! ” Garp laughed proudly.
Lieutenant General He heard the words, nodded with a smile, and continued to process the documents on the table.
And in Marijoya, Sakaski is facing a reprimand from the Five Old Stars.
” I said … everyone! It seems that I am the marshal of the navy, right? What else needs to be done, I have the final say! ” Akainu with a cigar, after listening to the reprimand of the five old stars for a while, got up and said. .
After speaking, he left without looking back.
” Damn it! What is his attitude? ”
” It seems that he has forgotten why he can become a marshal! ”
The five old stars were naturally stimulated by Akainu’s attitude, and they were all angry.
As one of the four emperors, the red-haired Shanks met someone who was somewhat unexpected to him.
” Luffy! You’re here, kid? ” Shanks said happily, looking at Luffy who had grown up.
” Shanks! I said … I’ll be the Pirate King! ” Luffy said with a hand on the straw hat on his head as he got off the Sonny with his friends.
” Hahaha … Yes! You are already a successful pirate! But how did you come here? ” Obviously, Luffy’s appearance made Shanks quite happy.
” I originally wanted to go to Xuanyue Island of the Whitebeard Pirates, but … I didn’t know how to get there. I just found out that you were here, so I came here! ” Luffy said with a smile.
” Let’s go, let’s have a banquet today! I’ll tell you about Xuanyue Island at that time! ” Shanks was quite happy and said directly to Luffy.
The encounter between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates made both parties very happy, and Usopp finally met his father.
” Not bad! You’ve finally become an excellent pirate! ” Jesus Bu looked at his child and said moved.
” Dad …” Usopp shouted, holding back tears.
” Hahaha … Today is a really happy day, child, come and tell me about your adventure, it must be very exciting! ” Jesus cloth patted Usopp on the shoulder and said with a big laugh.
” Of course! ” Usopp nodded firmly and replied.
And Sauron also accidentally saw Hawkeye Mihawk here.
” Why are you here? ” The green-headed swordsman had some problems with his expression. Facing Enshi, he didn’t know what to say.
” You can be here, why can’t I? ” Mihawk, who was holding red wine, asked with a slight twist at the corners of his mouth.
Zoro twitched the corners of his mouth and said, ” Then the rumor that you joined the Red Hair Pirates is true? ”
” No! I was just tricked by that guy! ” Mihawk glanced at the redhead who was having fun with Luffy and the others, and said helplessly.
” Although it is still a little early to say this! But … I will surpass you to become the strongest swordsman in the world! ” Zoro looked at Mihawk and said seriously.
” Yes, it’s interesting! Waiting for you to formally challenge me! ” Mihawk said with a chuckle.
Zoro nodded, then turned to leave.
” By the way, Luffy, is Beneri D. Robin on your ship soon? Why can’t you find Xuanyue Island? ” Shanks asked Luffy in surprise during the banquet.
” According to Robin’s statement, Xuanyue Island must be found only by finding his father! But we moved according to Uncle Reina’s life card, but the other party was also constantly moving! ” Luffy said a little depressedly.
” Hahaha … That’s for sure, don’t you know that there was a war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy recently? I heard that even the Empress’ Nine Snake Pirates have joined the Whitebeard Pirates. ! ” Shanks said with a smile.
” I know about this too! But we can’t find them now! ” Luffy was even more depressed.
” But … are you going to challenge the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Shanks asked, looking at Luffy.
” Yeah! ” Luffy nodded solemnly and replied, ” I want to become the Pirate King! ”
Immediately, the members of the Red Hair Pirates, including Shanks, Mihawk, and Beckman, looked at Luffy in surprise.

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