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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Just when Reina used the time to stand still, he planned to punch the gatekeeper’s head with one punch, but the other party came to his senses at a critical moment and avoided Reina’s fist dangerously.
Fortunately, Reina thought of this possibility in advance. When the opponent avoided the fist, the other hand grabbed the opponent’s Hing Lun Wan.
However, because he was a blade that grabbed the opponent, his palm was inevitably cut.
But the ice wheel pill was obtained by him as he wished.
The gatekeeper who regained his distance from Reina lost his body, so the swastika state was automatically released.
Reina, on the other hand, looked at each other with a smile on her face. Without Hirinmaru, the next battle would be much easier.
But obviously the gatekeeper would not give up, so after dodging Rayner’s attack, he immediately launched a counterattack.
” It’s useless, we all have kaleidoscopes, so yours is useless to me! ” Feeling a tingling in his brain, Reina knew that the other party had used it again, but pay attention Reina, who is highly concentrated, will not be hit by the opponent’s illusion at all.
” Not good! ” But at this moment, Reina suddenly felt a very strange feeling, as if his whole body froze, and even his thinking began to slow down, while the other party was rushing towards him quickly. Come.
” Time stands still? ” Reina knew in his heart that what the other party was using was definitely the same ability as himself.
But maybe Reina is not as good as the other party in terms of pupil strength, but in terms of the level of Sharinyan, he has a slight upper hand, so when the other party approaches him, he finally breaks free from the stillness of time.
But just as he broke free from time to stand still, he felt a pain in his chest, and the opponent’s foot had already kicked in his chest.
” Boom! ”
” Boom ~”
” Cough cough …”
Reina wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, got up from the ground, and looked at the gatekeeper who had attacked him again. Before he could adjust, Reina directly chanted the spell of Hingrenwan.
” Bing Lun Wan … Swallow solution! ”
The powerful ice energy erupted from Reina’s body, directly blowing the gatekeeper away, which can be regarded as resolving the opponent’s attack.
” I don’t have time to waste here, freeze everything for me! Freeze the four worlds! ” With a wave of the ice wheel pill in his hand, the ice appeared from all directions, freezing the entire trial layer of the 50th floor.
” Whoo ~”
He let out a breath of cold air and looked at the gatekeeper who had been frozen, Reina was not careless, because he could still feel the vitality of the other party, indicating that although the ice had frozen the other party, it had not been able to solve the enemy.
” Yaoguang · Cross Slash! ” Without getting close, Reina directly chose to slash and cut off the frozen gatekeeper.
Feeling the opponent’s energy slowly disappearing, Reina knew that it was her who won.
Although the battle was not very long, Reina basically gave her all.
” Congratulations to the host, you have successfully challenged the 50th floor of the Tower of Trials! ”
” Congratulations on getting: 700,000 skill experience ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: Random Psychic Beast Fragment *2 ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: Random Mount Fragment *3 ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: Designated Skill Book! ( A -level Ninjutsu or A -level life skills) ”
” Congratulations on getting: 400,000 points ! ”
” Whether to open the reward storage box …”
Soon, after defeating the gatekeeper, the system gave a reward of the 50th floor, a huge reward of 400,000, which made Reina feel that it was all worthwhile.
” Withdraw the reward, then quit the trial! ” Reina let out a long sigh of relief and said softly.
” Rewards are being withdrawn, please wait …”
“The reward extraction was successful, and we are exiting the Tower of Trials …”
It was dark in front of him, and when Reina opened his eyes again, he had already come to his room.
Don’t look at him, it seems that it is much easier to challenge the Tower of Trials now than before, but this is all at the cost of the country.
In the Tower of Trials, he cannot use the abilities rewarded by the system directly. He needs to understand those abilities in the Tower of Trials and completely turn them into his own abilities before they can be used.
Now that he is in the Tower of Trials, he has been able to use his abilities perfectly, and these are all honed through constant challenges.
After a short rest, Reina did not check the reward immediately, but gave priority to recovering his injuries.
Although the battle with the gatekeeper was not long, Reina’s injuries were not light.
By the time he fully recovered, the time had come to night.
” Hey ~ Open the mall! ” After the recovery, Reina opened the mall interface immediately, and just received a huge sum of 400,000 yuan. Wouldn’t it be too sorry for him not to buy, buy, buy?
But when he looked at all the items in the entire mall, he finally chose only two items that were more affordable now.
The first is to spend 400,000 to upgrade his Black Emperor’s ability to one level, so that the upper limit of his own damage absorption will also increase a lot.
It turned out that he didn’t know how powerful his Black Emperor’s ability was, but after fighting the gatekeeper on the fiftieth floor, he understood that no matter how you attacked, the other party was powerless without being hurt.
In addition to the improvement of the Black Emperor’s ability, it is to anthropomorphize Qianben Ying, but this requires 500,000 points. Judging from his current point situation, he still needs to wait.
After the personification of Qianben Sakura, it can bring him too many benefits, whether it is normal or in battle, it can provide him a lot of help.
Especially after the personification, the fusion ability he possesses can instantly increase Reina’s strength a lot.
It’s just that Binglunwan has been personified now, and if it is fused, it will definitely not be able to achieve the integration of the three, and Reina can’t guarantee whether it can be done in the future.
So in the long run, it seems that the ability to exchange the black emperor is more cost-effective.
You know, the top black emperor can absorb even the damage caused by the nuclear bomb, and now he estimates that he does not even have one percent of the real black emperor.
So he also wanted to try to see if he could really be like the Black Emperor. As long as he didn’t faint or be controlled, then no one would be able to hurt him.
In the end, after careful consideration, Reina still chose to spend 400,000 yuan now, and upgrade his ability of the black emperor to one level.
Mainly, the situation in Beihai is getting worse and worse. He needs to improve his combat power to ensure that the Whitebeard Pirates will not change much in the next time.
” Advanced bloodline ability evolution volume exchange successfully! ”
” Advanced bloodline ability evolution volume exchange successfully! ”
That’s right, Reina directly exchanged two 200,000 advanced bloodline ability evolution volumes, because now his Black Emperor ability is promoted, he needs two.
As for Sharinyan wanting to continue to evolve into Samsara Eye, the system also gave a price. One 200,000 piece of advanced bloodline ability evolution scroll requires five pieces, which is a sky-high price of one million.
Maybe you would say that after clearing the 50th floor once, you will be given 400,000 soon? If you clear the customs three times, don’t you have 120,000? Where is the difficulty?
First of all, let’s not talk about the trial roll, which requires 10,000 points to enter once, the ten floors from the 40th floor to the 50th floor, Reina needs 100,000 tickets to pass.
Moreover, after each challenge, his body will basically be exhausted. If he does not rest well, there is no possibility of continuing the challenge.

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