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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” No way … Could it be that our Vinsmoke family … is over here? ” Facing the BIGMOM cadres who surrounded him, Gage’s face was full of loneliness.
Yuji and Niji have been defeated and captured, Reiju and Iji are also seriously injured, and Gaji himself is completely surrounded.
” Submit or die! ” BIGMOM stood outside the battle circle not far away, looked at Gage, and said softly: ” Gage , you should know that you have no chance to escape! ”
“BIGMOM… If you want me to surrender, just show your strength and stand there, but it won’t kill me! ” Jiazhi slowly raised his head and said in a deep voice.
” It’s just you? I don’t need my mother to take action! ” Katakuri appeared in front of Gage in a flash, and punched him in the face.
Gaji’s attention was all on BIGMOM , and he couldn’t dodge for a while, so he had to take Katakuri’s attack and was directly punched away.
” Just like this, you want to fight against our BIGMOM Pirates? Are you thinking too much? ” On the side, Charlotte Owen ‘s whole body began to turn red, and he rushed towards Iji.
Even though he was seriously injured, Iji was still expressionless. Facing Charlotte Owen ‘s attack, Iji kicked the opponent’s fist and then slapped his chest.
” Humph! Garbage! ” Iji said softly after knocking Owen into the air.
However, his words didn’t come to an end, and a demon with a big sword slashed behind him and shot him directly from the air.
The devil is the third son of the Charlotte family, and also the brother of the dead Charlotte Owen , the transpiration fruit ability, which was summoned by Charlotte Great Welfare with his ability .
” Iji ! ” Seeing this, Reiju, who was under siege, was just about to come to the rescue, but was blocked by Smoothie.
” Surrender! It’s up to you, you can’t escape! ” Smoothie said softly, facing Leiju.
” Surrender? ” Leiju chuckled and said, ” Don’t you know that we are emotionless machines? Since we have no emotions, we naturally have no fear! ”
” It’s really good! ” Smoothie smiled and said, ” If that’s the case, it will only make you incapacitated! ”
” Really ? If you can do it, you can try! ” Reiju said, attacking Smoothie directly.
” Boom! ”
But his attack was easily blocked by Smoothie.
” Your power seems to be nothing more than that! ” said Smoothie with a chuckle.
” Really? ” Leiju smiled and said, ” I hope you can keep doing this! ”
When Leiju’s words fell, Smoggy’s expression changed, because she had already discovered that her arm was no longer conscious, and there was a purple-black spot where she had just been in contact with Leiju, which was obviously poisoned.
” Poison? ” Smoothie stepped back a little, pulling away from Reiju.
” That’s right! Don’t you read the script? The more beautiful the creature, the more dangerous it is! ” Reiju tapped her lips with a finger and said with a light smile.
” It’s really interesting! ” Smoothie smiled, grabbed his poisoned arm with the other hand, and twisted it into a twist shape. The poison gas turned into a liquid and was twisted out.
” What kind of ability is this? ” Seeing this, Leiju’s expression changed.
Poison is her greatest means, and if her poison has no effect on Smoothie, then she can’t fight Smoothie at all.
Smoothie, who had recovered to his original state, smiled and said, ” If you have no other means, then this is the end! ”
After speaking, Smoothie disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Reiju.
” So fast! ” Although Leijiu caught the opponent’s movements, her body couldn’t react at all, so she couldn’t dodge, so she could only cross her arms in front of her chest.
” Bang! ”
Smoothie kicked Leiju away with one kick, then clapped his hands and said, ” It’s amazing, it can actually block my blow! ”
” Humph! ” In the distance, taking advantage of the power of being kicked away by Smoothie, Reiju flew directly in the direction of Jage. Their purpose was to escape from here, and it was completely pointless to continue fighting with Smoothie. .
” Then … it’s over! ” Katakuri said softly, looking at Gage who was struggling to support him.
On Jiaji’s side, he wanted to fight BIGMOM head-on, but he was directly suppressed by Katakuri. Even after a few tricks, the injury on his body was even more serious. Facing Katakuri’s awakening ability, he simply Unable to resist the next move of Katakuri.
” Is this really the end? ” Looking at the getting closer and closer to the fist, Gage has no idea of escaping.
But at this moment, a figure stood in front of him, it was Reiju who had just arrived.
” Pfft! ”
Hit by Katakuri’s fist, Reiju spewed out a mouthful of blood, and then the whole person was directly knocked out and fell to the ground.
” Brother Katakuri really doesn’t have any pity on Xiangxiyu! ” Seeing this, Smoothie, who was chasing after Leiju, said with a chuckle.
” We are pirates! Only enemies and our own people, no men and women! ” Katakuri shook his head and said.
The entire battle did not last very long. So far, in the Vinsmoke family, with the exception of Gage, as long as Ichi is still struggling, the rest have all been defeated.
But just when Gage was about to give up, he suddenly thought of something and took it into his arms.
” Hurry up and stop him! ” Katakuri’s eyes flashed red, then his face changed greatly, and he shouted.
Everyone didn’t understand what happened. Although they were in trust, they followed Katakuri’s words and attacked Jiazhi directly, but the reaction was still a beat.
” Whether it works this time … it’s up to you! Spiritism! ”
Gage took out the psychic scroll that Reina gave him from his arms, and then smashed it with a loud shout.
” Boom! ”
A burst of white smoke rose, and the huge tortoise appeared in front of everyone, separating Gage and BIGMOM ‘s people.
” This is …”
Everyone was stunned when they looked at the huge turtle that suddenly appeared.
” Huh? ” On the main seat , BIGMOM looked at the huge turtle that suddenly appeared, and a bad premonition emerged.
Although she had never seen this tortoise, the unique little house on the tortoise shell made her very familiar, not to mention the pirate flag of the Whitebeard Pirates flying at the top of the small house, which made her immediately confirm this. The identity of a turtle.
” Mom … it’s Reina’s mount, the sea beast! ” Katakuri said with an ugly face.
The appearance of the hard shell means that this matter has become complicated. It was originally only a matter between the BIGMOM Pirates and the Germa Group, but now, the Whitebeard Pirates are involved.

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