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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After getting Reina’s promise, Gage still made a decision to surrender, and he has no capital to negotiate at all now.
The children were arrested, the Germa Group has also been in the hands of BIGMOM , and now he has nothing but a lonely family!
” Very good, congratulations to Patriarch Jiazhi for making the right choice, then I will take you back first, and I will immediately convene people to find the dignitaries in BIGMOM ! ” Reina nodded, and took Jiazhi to the board. on the back of the shell, and then let the hard shell dive to the bottom of the sea to leave.
Because this is the back of the island where the BIGMOM Pirates are stationed, Gage doesn’t know where this place is. If he leaves directly, there will be an accident, so Reina let the hard shell leave from the bottom of the sea.
Soon, the two came to the station of the Whitebeard Pirates, and Reina immediately called the captains to discuss.
” Oh? Has the Vinsmoke family bowed their heads? ” Lakyo asked with a twinkle in his eyes.
” Yes, BIGMOM took action . Except for Patriarch Jiazhi, all the others were taken away. The condition for Jiazhi’s submission is to save his family and forces! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” Then how do you plan to place the Vinsmoke family? ” Whitebeard, who was sitting in the first place, asked in a deep voice.
” Originally, I planned to let them become a fleet by themselves, just like the pirates under our command, to become our affiliated forces, but the autonomy is still given to them! But they refused, and now they come to us, of course not There will be such favorable conditions! The entire Germa group is fully integrated into our Whitebeard Pirates and handed over the technological power of androids! ” Reina smiled and said.
The rest of the captains all laughed, and they were allowed to join earlier, but they still refused, but now they are not forced to do so?
However, Whitebeard did not smile, but looked at Reina and said, ” Rescue their people, and then according to the previous plan, they will join us in the form of a pirate group! ”
” Big brother? ” Reina was stunned for a moment, looked at the other party in confusion, and asked, ” Just give up the power you got? ”
” This kind of power is only unstable power, Reina, if you hold grudges, you can’t become a partner, let alone a family! ” Whitebeard said meaningfully.
Reina was speechless. Of course he knew the importance of partners and family. As long as he recognized the existence, after becoming a partner, he could work hard for each other, but Germa was obviously not within the scope of Reina’s approval.
Therefore, what he wants is only subordinates, not partners.
Of course, now that Whitebeard has spoken, Reina will not question and refute.
Like Reina, although he gave up the benefits he had obtained, as long as Whitebeard spoke up, no one would refute him.
” Brother, then I’ll take someone to find BIGMOM this time ! ” Now that the treatment of Jiaji has been decided, the next step is to find a dignitary in BIGMOM .
” No, I’ll go in person this time! ” Whitebeard said with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
” Ah? ” Reina and the captains looked at Whitebeard in surprise. There’s no need for him to come forward in person for this kind of thing, right?
However, after thinking that Whitebeard came, although it was a little more interesting than Xuanyue Island, everyone did not let him go to the front line. In fact, he was rather boring.
And it’s just to ask for someone, so there shouldn’t be a fight, so after thinking about the meeting, the male grandpa has no objection.
However, before Whitebeard set off, Reina still told Ace that if something unexpected happened, then immediately use spiritism to channel the hard shell, and then use reverse channeling to channel yourself.
As for the other side, after learning that Whitebeard was dispatched in person, Gage was extremely motivated, especially after getting Whitebeard’s Chengruo. After joining the Whitebeard Pirates, he still followed the conditions proposed by Reina before. He became the captain of a large fleet, but only nominally managed by the Whitebeard Pirates.
However, Jiazhi himself needs to go to Xuanyue Island to assist the doctor with new research.
This news made Jiazhi extremely surprised, and he repeatedly expressed his loyalty to Whitebeard, and said very sensible that he would hand over the artificial human technology in his hands.
But Whitebeard didn’t care, just let him teach the doctor, there is no need to form something in writing, while being taken advantage of by the enemy, Jiazhi was moved to tears.
Not long after the preparations were completed, Whitebeard took more than half of the captain to the site of the BIGMOM Pirates. On the front line, Reina personally sat in charge, lest the aliens take the opportunity to attack.
” Mom … The Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates is approaching us! ” The resident of the BIGMOM Pirates, Secretary Mondor reported to BIGMOM .
” Moby Dick ? You read that right? ” BIGMOM asked in surprise.
You must know that the Moby Dick is Whitebeard’s ship, and even Reina has no right to use it. Once the Moby Dick is dispatched, it represents the Whitebeard deity.
In recent years, as Whitebeard rarely travels at sea, the Moby Dick appears less and less. Only occasionally does Whitebeard let Rayner use the Moby Dick for something important .
” It can’t be wrong, I won’t admit it to the Moby Dick ! ” Mondor shook his head and replied.
” Call all the cadres together, and notify them separately, so that everyone is ready! ” BIGMOM said in a deep voice.
It’s not that she didn’t know why the Whitebeard Pirates came here. When Gage channeled the hard shell of Reina’s mount, BIGMOM knew that things were going to be difficult.
But she really didn’t expect that the Whitebeard Pirates would dispatch the Moby Dick !
” Mom … I heard that the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates is here? ” BIGMOM ‘s order was given, and Katakuri and Smoothie came to BIGMOM together .
” Well … Yes, it seems that the Whitebeard Pirates really value the technology in Germa’s hands, otherwise it would be impossible to dispatch the Moby Dick ! I will see Reina later, but don’t leak it. Confidence … It’s not impossible for them to return to the people of the Vinsmoke family, they must exchange things for it! ” BIGMOM said with a strange smile.
Katakuri frowned and said: ” Mom, since the other party dispatched the Moby Dick , it proves that they are bound to win the people of Germa. Do we need to prepare for war? ”
” Don’t worry, with Reina’s character, he won’t start a war easily! But in order to avoid jumping over the wall, we should not ask too much. ” BIGMOM shook his head and said with a chuckle.

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