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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After the banquet was over, in Gage’s room, several of his children came here in unison.
” Father, do we really want to join the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Iji, the eldest son, was the first to ask.
You must know their father, but he has never forgotten his dream of becoming the king of the North Sea and restoring the glory of the family.
If he joins the Whitebeard Pirates like this now, his dream will be gone.
Hearing Iji’s question, Gage sighed and said, “The times have changed! ”
” But father, will the Whitebeard Pirates truly accept us? ” Leiju asked worriedly.
” If it’s someone else, including Reina, they just want to use us, but Whitebeard won’t! ” Gage shook his head and replied.
” Why? ” Leiju was even more surprised. You must know that the Straw Hats have an unusual relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates, and her younger brother Sanji is a member of the Straw Hats. With this relationship, even Reina can only know Use them?
And since Gage doesn’t even trust Rayner, why does he trust Whitebeard so much?
” Because he’s Whitebeard … the strongest man in the world! We don’t have anything to use him at all! As a human being, we won’t use anything. If we don’t like it, we’ll just destroy it! ” Gage said softly.
” This …” His words made few children understand, what kind of person is Whitebeard?
” Then father, why did they let you go to Xuanyue Island? Isn’t it to make you a hostage and then use us? ” Yuji asked questioningly.
Gage shook his head and said, ” It’s not like that, but because the Whitebeard Pirates have a research that requires our android technology, and that’s why the BIGMOM Pirates started to work on us. ”
” What kind of research is it? It’s actually related to our technological power? Could it be just a pretense? ” Iji asked with a frown.
” Definitely not! ” Gage shook his head and said, ” First of all , Rayner looked for us before BIGMOM attacked us! So obviously, they really have something in their hands, and BIGMOM also knows about it. That’s why Rayner looked for us, and when we refused, he stopped immediately and stopped soliciting! He was waiting for BIGMOM to shoot us! ”
” And he also calculated that BIGMOM would definitely make a move, so he gave me the psychic scroll for life-saving, just waiting for us to ask him for help! It’s just that Father Whitebeard’s order later broke his plan. ! ”
” Whitebeard’s order? ” Leiju looked at Jiazhi in surprise, not understanding what this had to do with Whitebeard!
” Yes, Reina originally wanted to use this to achieve the purpose of annexing our Germa, but Father Whitebeard rejected Reina’s proposal, but was still willing to accept us, just to become a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. Instead of making us surrender! ” Jiazhi nodded and said excitedly: ” We didn’t even turn over to the android technology! ”
” This …” Yizhi and the others did not understand, this matter was clearly done according to Reina’s plan, why did Whitebeard jump out to intervene? This is obviously more detrimental to their Whitebeard Pirates, right? You don’t even want the benefits you’ve already got? Is there still such a pirate in the world?
” Doesn’t it feel incredible! ” Gage asked with a chuckle.
” This is not in the interests of the Whitebeard Bandit! ” Iji didn’t call it incredible, but just stated his own conclusion.
And Jiazhi nodded and said: ” So you don’t need to worry about these, we will be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates in the future! ”
” Yes! ” Several people replied at the same time.
When she returned to her room, Leiju fell into deep thought, and she felt that her father seemed to have changed a bit.
Early the next morning, a whale ship set sail from the station of the Whitebeard Pirates and headed towards the new world. In addition to Gaji, there was Jin Gudo, the captain of the 11th Division. Jiazhi was safely sent back to Xuanyue Island, and then came back by himself.
By the way, he can also bring back some news from Xuanyue Island.
After Jingudo and Gage set sail and left, Reina called the captains and captains together.
” In the future, the Vinsmoke family will be just like you and a member of our Whitebeards. I hope everyone can get along in harmony! ” Reina, who was sitting in the first place, pointed out the theme of today.
The captains naturally have no objection. They all know that this is the decision made by the white-bearded father.
But the captains didn’t know.
Although the former Germa Group joined them, it was indeed a pleasure. At the banquet yesterday, everyone already knew each other.
But since Vice-Captain Reina held a meeting today to explain this matter, it would be a formal notification, and he would be a companion in the future.
” Reina! With Germa’s strength, it’s natural for them to join us! But … what is the purpose of their joining? Can we trust them? ” The Witch Pirate Captain, Wydibe the Ice Witch, first proposed question.
” No matter how much you say, it’s better to do better! So I won’t tell you this now! In addition, the Germa group is a thing of the past, and now there is only the Vinsmoke family under the Whitebeard Pirates. This is done by the big brother. Decision! ” Reina replied flatly.
Sure enough, after Whitebeard was moved out, no one objected anymore, but from Rayner’s words, they already knew how to treat the people of the Vinsmoke family.
Treat them as companions, but you need to be careful. When the captains recognize them, they truly integrate into the Whitebeard Pirates.
Iji and the others did not speak the whole time. It seemed that the people Reina and others were discussing were not like them.
After the negotiation was over, Iji stood up and asked, ” Deputy captain, what is our next task? ”
” It’s very simple! Our biggest task at the moment is to arrive at the attack of the aliens. Fifteen captains will take turns to lead the team to the small island on the front line. You should have played against the aliens before, right? ” Reina asked with a smile road.
Iji nodded and said, ” Yes, but we don’t have a fixed territory. Basically, we are wandering around in chaos in the North Sea. When encountering visitors from outside the sky, we will launch an attack, and there will be very few defenses! ”
” So this is the biggest difference between us and you. In addition to offense and defense, you have more important tasks, that is, learn to guard, protect your companions, and help your companions! Likewise, your companions will also guard and assist you on the battlefield! You The first task now is to get the approval of the captains first! This is the easiest to obtain in battle! So I will not assign you combat tasks, you can participate when you want, it is up to you! ” Reina said with a smile.

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