After a while, the two of them finally got together.


Is this a mission? Finally, it won't be so boring!

Kurosawa drank the juice in one gulp and instantly joined the front of the team.

"There has been a pirate riot in the Sabaody Archipelago recently. I will select people to form a team..."


Sabaody Archipelago,

Two figures in navy uniforms walked towards a beef noodle restaurant,

"Boss, don't you feel itchy?"

Miguel said excitedly. This time, Miguel was very happy and showed the results of the training in these days.

But Kurosawa felt quite bored. Apart from killing a pirate with a bounty of 9 million Bailey,

This operation really made Kurosawa lose interest.

Garp even called him to let him do it. He would take the responsibility for any trouble he caused, but unfortunately...

I thought I could harvest a wave of bounties... but I didn't expect that they were all small fish, not even small fish, they were all shrimps!

Ignoring the sign at the door, Kurosawa was the first to step in.

The beef noodle shop was plainly decorated and quite noisy, but it had everything it should have, except that the customers in the shop were all exuding a sense of banditry in their every move.

As soon as the two entered, the shop gradually became quiet.

After seeing the clothes worn by Kurosawa and the others, everyone looked at them unkindly.

Miguel didn't care about that and said,

"Boss, how do you like it? I'll treat you!"

"Three taels of beef noodles with egg, no chopped green onions."

"Boss, two big bowls of beef noodles, both with egg! No chopped green onions!"

Miguel shouted and was about to find a stool to sit down,

but he never thought that the stool was kicked away.

The atmosphere gradually solidified, Miguel narrowed his eyes slightly, if it wasn't for the image of the navy, he would have slapped him at that time,

Repressing the anger in his heart, Miguel looked at the man, "What do you mean?"

"Hahaha! Brother Kun! He asked you what you mean! Hahaha! So funny!"

Everyone laughed and smashed the things in their hands, "Bang bang bang!" The guns and swords hit the table and the floor,

Faced with the laughter of the crowd, Miguel and Kurosawa did not change their expressions,

Seeing this, the man called Brother Kun became interested,

"What do you mean? When did dogs also get on the table!"


Miguel slowly clenched his fists when he heard the words, and looked at the man with a unique hairstyle in front of him and felt a little familiar,

This guy is... the pirate with a bounty of 22 million Baileys, Ibuprofen Duan Kun!

Looking at Miguel, whose expression changed slightly, Duan Kun smiled slightly,

"Did you see the sign at the door? Marines and dogs are not allowed to enter!"

Miguel was stunned when he heard this, because he really didn't see it.

Kurosawa looked calm, otherwise why would he come to such an ordinary noodle shop?

"Boy, are you afraid now? It's too late!"

While speaking, Duan Kun touched the scimitar at his waist, then pulled out a knife and slashed at Miguel,

But Miguel, as one of the best in the training camp, was not a person who just wanted to eat for nothing. He turned his palm and drew his knife at a very fast speed to block the attack,


A sharp metal cutting sound rang out,

"Come on, boss! Whoosh whoosh!"

"Kill these two stupid marines!"

Amid the crowd's cheering, Miguel and Duan Kun slashed a few more times, and then each retreated to the side.

"Damn it!"

Duan Kun spat, squeezed his shaking arms, and thought to himself how could this guy be so strong!

Miguel's eyes gradually became hot,

Is this the pirate with a bounty of 22 million Baileys! He really has some strength!


Miguel's figure flashed quickly to Duan Kun's side, and then chopped down fiercely,

Duan Kun's reaction was not slow, holding the scimitar tightly to block the attack, but this time, Miguel obviously had the upper hand.

After more than a dozen rounds of fighting, Miguel finally chopped Duan Kun's arm with a knife. If the situation continues to develop like this, I believe that it won't be long before Duan Kun will be killed on the spot!

Kurosawa drank a sip of water silently on the side, and he probably had an assessment of this man's strength in his heart.

The bounty of 22 million Baileys is actually not low, but it's a pity to meet an excellent student in the school officer training camp like Miguel.

Duan Kun knew that if he continued like this, his life would be in danger. He made a gesture secretly, and all the pirates in the store stood up instantly, pointing their weapons at Miguel.

"Boy, you dare to fight with our brother Kun?

Hand! Our guns are full of bullets!"

Duan Kun saw that the situation was settled, and his tone became hard: "I advise you to be smart and stand still. My knife is faster than bullets!"

Miguel swept the muzzle of the gun pointed at him, but his eyes were not afraid, "A bunch of good-for-nothings are worthy!"

"Damn it! Shoot this bastard into a hornet's nest for me!"

Duan Kun was furious, but he didn't hear the gunshot for a long time...

"Kun...Brother Kun, behind you!"

Hearing the trembling voice of a younger brother, Duan Kun turned his head and saw an extremely handsome face.

When did this kid do that!

Duan Kun was shocked, and then he felt his vision spinning, and then he lost consciousness.

"Brother Kun! "

Amid the pirates' terrified shouts, Duan Kun's head flew high and then fell to the ground and rolled twice.

Listening to the sound of the bounty value being credited in his mind, Kurosawa felt a sense of relief.

Miguel's eyes also flashed with shock. It was the first time he saw Kurosawa's rumored swordless style. He didn't expect it to be so fast! So strong!

The opponent he had fought hard against was killed in an instant!

He is worthy of being the boss!

"He killed Brother Kun with just one blow!"

I don't know who started it. A pirate ran out of the door in fear.

"Don't move! "

As the pirate's head flew high, Kurosawa's voice swept the whole place with endless majesty, and no one dared to move.

The noodle shop owner who had been smiling just now finally changed his face, and drops of cold sweat oozed wildly on his forehead.

The momentum exuded by the marine just now... Could it be the legendary domineering aura!

Miguel didn't feel anything about it, but just felt that Kurosawa's actions were very imposing, and he was worthy of being the man that Miguel had chosen!

"Boss, are the noodles ready!"

Meeting Kurosawa's gaze, the noodle shop owner Ji Wang hurriedly said: "It will be ready soon!"

Until Kurosawa sat down, the pirates knelt down and begged for mercy.

Miguel: "Boss, do you want to handcuff them first?"

Kurosawa rolled his eyes at him, "Do you have so many handcuffs? Anyway, I don't have any. "

What a joke, handcuffing a corpse?

Miguel was speechless, after all, he only brought one.

Soon, King Ji came with two large bowls of beef noodles,

"You two, a large bowl of beef noodles with eggs... no chopped green onions! Add beef!"

King Ji said carefully, and even added beef on purpose.

Kuroze took a look, "There is indeed no chopped green onions, and the amount of beef is also sufficient."

Seeing this, King Ji breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile on his face: "Then you two gentlemen, enjoy!"

But the next second,

"But... I don't eat beef!"

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