Kobe's talent can be seen in the training game, and his hard work is the best in the team. More importantly, Kobe's popularity among fans is also very high, even higher than the current absolute boss O'Neal.

It seems that there is no reason to put such a guy on the bench. Even if Harris is unwilling, the management told him that Kobe must start in the third season!

The biggest incentive for Kobe to start is that Fox, the starting No. 2 last season, was injured. Kobe is the only No. 2 who can attack and defend, so his starting is a matter of course.

Kobe is indeed striving for success. After entering the starting lineup, his state is quite good, so even if Rick Fox returns from injury later, Kobe's starting lineup is still not shaken.

But Harris's worries still broke out. If the opponent is not strong, the team's hidden dangers are not obvious, but as long as the opponent is strong, it will be obvious that O'Neal and Kobe are really a mismatch!

Both of them are finishers, and they are the kind of finishers who don't observe the positions of other teammates and know how to switch between attacking and passing.

Whether they attack or pass will not change depending on the situation on the court, but I will attack or pass in this round.

However, the only difference between these two guys is that O'Neal can score the ball steadily against 90% of the opponents, while Kobe depends on luck. If he feels good today, he can score continuously. If he feels bad, no matter who defends him, he will be very bad!

At the beginning of today's game, Kobe had a good touch. The opponent was a pair of old and slow combinations. It was indeed the day for Kobe to explode, but why did he become bad again?

"Coach, did you fall asleep off the court?" During the timeout, O'Neal was almost mad: "Kobe is hurting the team, you replace him!"

"Coach, it's okay," Kobe said calmly: "I just didn't feel good just now."

Faced with the chattering of these two guys, Harris chose to vote with action, replaced Kobe in advance, and continued to play around O'Neal!

So, Kobe was EMO again. A few years later, when Kobe really became a superstar, he had sprayed the silver fox Harris on various occasions, saying that he discriminated against young people and was an old stubborn who didn't know how to explore the potential of young people. If he knew that he had to sit on the bench in the Lakers, he would have gone to college long ago.

He didn't mention that he was really a rookie in his early years. If he was just a rookie, it would be fine. Once he got on the court, he felt that he was good again. He didn't follow the coach's arrangement after playing two rounds. Who would like such a player?

At this time, Han Yi was about to speak again: "I like this kind of guy. As long as he is not on the same team with me, I am a real Kobe fan!"

Really, Han Yi really likes Kobe. When Kobe left the court, the game suddenly became difficult. All the ball rights were given to O'Neal, and then O'Neal began to make a big move in the interior.

Harris's strategy is very simple. He moved Han Yi out of the interior and let O'Neal eat Ben alone. Ben can really hold up in terms of strength, but holding up is useless. Ben Wallace, who lacks absolute height, can't stop O'Neal, who has an absolute height advantage, from dominating over his head!

O'Neal in his prime has the absolute ability to eat the ball. Facing opponents weaker than himself, he really eats them alive without showing any mercy!

Therefore, Han Yi can only defend in the interior, and O'Neal is also very smart. As soon as Han Yi comes back, I will pass the ball to you, brother!

Even if Kobe was out of the game, Rick Fox, who was replaced by a qualified role player, could still make the shots that Kobe couldn't make!

Rick Fox's 34% three-point shooting is already very average, but compared with Kobe's 26% three-point shooting rate this season, it is still much more accurate!

When Kobe was on the court, the Celtics were shrinking, and when Kobe was replaced by an average space point like Rick Fox, the space on the court was suddenly opened up, and the Lakers' offense suddenly became more difficult to defend!

With O'Neal's inside support, plus enough shooting points on the outside, and these shooting points are willing to play around O'Neal no matter how capable they are, this makes the Lakers a team again.

After Kobe went down, in the second half of the first quarter without Kobe, the Lakers not only evened the score, but even got a 3-point lead when Han Yi went off the court to rest in the first quarter!

In the second quarter, O'Neal was off the court, Kobe led the substitutes to play, and the Lakers launched a set of outside attack mode with Kobe as the main attack point, but in this wave, the Lakers should have taken the lead.In the advantageous lineup, the seemingly weak Celtics substitutes exploded!

Stephen Jackson, as the main attacking point among the substitutes, played a 50-50 match with Kobe, and in the competition with other role players, the Celtics won!

Even though the Lakers still have Rick Fox and Derek Fisher, who have the strength to start, the Celtics substitutes still won points!

Unlike last season's rigidity and stubbornness, Rick Pidino this season can be said to be open to all kinds of lineup experiments.

Even in the duel with such a strong enemy as the Lakers, Pidino dared to come up with a five-up-five-down, extending the rotation list directly to Manu Ginobili, the 11th man!

And Ginobili is really trying hard. Although Ginobili's shooting is terrible now, his ability to find a gap in the corner where no one pays attention is probably the strongest in this Celtics team!

After several dodging moves, he always managed to appear in the basket where the Lakers' defense was not timely. If Stephen Jackson had not only the basket in his eyes, Ginobili's speculative attack on the basket would have beaten the Lakers coach to a pulp.

Despite this, Ginobili, who scored 6 points in the second quarter, became the winner, helping the Celtics regain a 2-point lead when the main lineup returned.

It's time for the main players to face off again!

PS: Some people say that I am a Kobe hater. Here are the statistics. In Kobe's third season (the season I am writing about now), he averaged 15.6 shots, 19.9 points, 46% shooting, 26% three-point shooting, 5.3 rebounds, 3.8 assists, and 3.1 turnovers per game. Russell Westbrook's year as a starter for the Lakers: 15.8 shots per game, 44.4% shooting, 29.8% 3-point shooting, 18.5 points, 7.4 rebounds, 7.1 assists, 3.8 turnovers. Telling the truth really can't be considered a black!

Well, let me add that this season, there are seven people in the Lakers who are more accurate than Kobe in 3-point shooting, and there are 6 people with higher production than Kobe. This version of Kobe is not Kobe in his prime, but a young Kobe who is just 20 years old.

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