But as soon as the game started, Han Yi felt extremely disappointed. The reason for his disappointment was very simple. He thought that the Knicks' iron-blooded defense would be so amazing, but in fact, it was just so-so when the game started!

In the first round, Dell Curry's three-pointer was pushed down by the madman Sprewell when there was no point in defending. As a result, Old Curry not only scored a three-pointer, but also got a free throw. However, he failed to score four points because he was fouled too hard.

When it was the Knicks' turn to attack, Alan Houston was defended by McGrady and had no chance to attack, so he gave the ball to Sprewell!

Although Sprewell looks fierce and defends fiercely, if he is asked to choose his favorite way to score, it is three-pointers. Although his three-point shooting rate this season is only 27%, this does not hinder his determination to shoot decisively when he sees that no one is defending him outside the three-point line!

Then he shot and it was gone!

Ben Wallace was standing alone under the basket, occupying the best rebounding position, so it was natural for him to take the rebound.

But the moment Ben Wallace's big hands just touched the basketball, a strong arm attacked from behind his neck and tripped Wallace directly!

In response, the referee did not blow the whistle. When Ben was about to get up, Ewing grabbed the rebound and put the ball softly into the basket!

The main defense of the Knicks is to fight fiercely!

Yes, everything is just fierce!

The madman Trill Sprewell on the outside directly greeted you with a foul-level move, and the aunt Larry Johnson on the inside just held your arm and was about to tear it down.

If you want to talk about how exquisite the defense is, it is completely different from the Chicago Bulls that Han Yi played against last season.

Last season, when facing the Bulls, the Bulls' defenders Pippen and Rodman made many foul-level moves in the process of defending Han Yi, but these fouls were quietly carried out under the correct defensive method.

Even without those defensive foul-level moves, the Bulls' defense is of high quality and quantity, never out of position, and is using technology to put the attackers in a difficult situation!

But the Knicks are not pure defensive technology?

There is really no defensive technology that can be used!

It is purely based on the scale to fight with the opponent. As long as the opponent can't keep up with your large-scale melee, you will lose.

And this is the biggest reason for the defeat of the Miami Heat, who are strong on the outside and soft on the inside in the last life!

The second-in-command of the team, Tim Hardaway, the outside core who averaged 17 points per game in the regular season, averaged only 9 points per game in the playoffs, and his shooting percentage was only 26.8%! The three-point shooting percentage was only 20%!

How can this win?

If you want to break the Knicks, you must first survive the Knicks' foul-level inside and outside moves.

But when it comes to large-scale physical combat, Han Yi couldn't help laughing:

We have Joe Dumars, Dennis Rodman, Ben Wallace, Stephen Jackson...

"If it's a physical fight, are you Knicks really better than our Celtics?"

The answer is: No.

The big moves in two rounds directly dug out the little devil in the hearts of the Celtics!

In the interior, Auntie Larry Johnson was taught a lesson by Ben Wallace and Dennis Rodman.

On the outside, although the madman Sprewell rubbed Little Maddie hard, the Knicks' last life The powerful mid-range shooting king Alan Houston was clearly arranged.

As for Patrick Ewing, the King of New York, who was already in a bad state this year, met Han Yi, who he discovered himself, in this series. How much of his strength can he play?

So, are you Knicks sure you want to fight with us?

Of course, if you insist on fighting, you will lose to the Celtics. Except for the first game where the Celtics and the Knicks fought hard, they played freely in the last two games!

What does it mean to play freely?

That is, you Knicks should play slowly according to your Knicks style, and we will just output normally!

When the Celtics defeated the Knicks 91:71 in the first game, they found a problem. In fact, they can still control the Knicks without defending so hard!

Because the Knicks' output firepower is really very limited. If you let the Knicks score desperately, they will score desperately. They can only score about 90 points in a game. If you give them a little more strength, their score will drop to just over 80 points.

What if the strength is increased again? That's not necessary, because this is just the first round!

The Celtics don't need to do anything to play against the Knicks, justJust do your best!

Because as long as the Knicks can deliver an average of 105 points per game, they will collapse. Even if the Celtics only use the regular season defense standards in the next two games, the Knicks can't respond!



The Boston Celtics easily swept the New York Knicks and advanced to the second round.

The Celtics' second-round opponent is:


"Hey!" Iverson said in a daze: "If you have something to say, just say it. I'm having a good time!"

Han Yi asked: "Is it my sister-in-law?"

Iverson said impatiently: "Don't mention her when I'm having a good time, okay? We're not married yet!"

"If you talk like that, I really should tell my sister-in-law, you're such an irresponsible scumbag! You're not married, but you have children, but you're messing around outside!"

Iverson: "You're done, right? Who can mess around more than you? I'm worried that you'll die on a woman's belly in the name of training one day."

"...Okay, okay, let's get down to business," Han Yi said: "Tomorrow Do I need to let you win in the playoffs? Wouldn't it be too embarrassing to sweep you 4:0?"

"Bullshit!" Iverson sat up suddenly:

"You can't tell the difference between the big and small kings, right? I need you to let me win? Are you kidding? You stole my scoring title, I will definitely take revenge tomorrow!"

"Don't think we can be arrogant just because we won the regular season. That's because I didn't play in that game. If I were there, I would beat you Boston bastards."

"Oh! Look, you're anxious again, you're anxious again, since I'm kind enough to ask you to let me win, you won't do it,"

Han Yi said without any hurry:

"Okay, then you Philadelphia 76ers can just wait to be swept!"

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