Two days later, the Philadelphia 76ers and the Boston Celtics fought again in the Eastern Conference semifinals at TD Garden!

This time, Iverson changed and no longer considered passing the ball to others. What teammates or not, I gave you a chance in the last game, but you were useless!

But unfortunately, when Iverson was thinking about attacking, his touch today was also very cold!

Allen Iverson made 34 crazy shots in the whole game and only scored 30 points!

With such a performance, it would be strange for the Philadelphia 76ers to win!

However, although they lost this game, compared with the last game where they shot less than 20 balls and lost more than 30 points, this game was more iron, but the Philadelphia 76ers only lost 15 points!

Losing half the points less than the last game, this cannot be said to be an improvement.

Although the Philadelphia 76ers are now 0:2 behind the Boston Celtics, they only lost two away games!

There is a saying that only when you lose away games, the NBA playoffs can be considered to have truly begun!

Allen Iverson said to the camera with confidence:

"They just defended their two home courts, now it's our turn to defend our home court!"

But what's the reason?

Don't ask, the answer is strong self-confidence!

Lost 32 points in the first game, 15 points in the second game, and the third game? Isn't it our turn to win in Philadelphia?

And after the first quarter of the third game, don't say it, don't say it:

After the first quarter, the Philadelphia 76ers led the Boston Celtics 29:25!

After the second quarter, the Philadelphia 76ers expanded their lead to 10 points at 55:45!

Are the Celtics really going to lose at the 76ers' home court today?

Everyone predicted that the final outcome of this series would most likely be a 4:0 Celtics sweep of the Philadelphia 76ers, because from the first two games, the Celtics had easily taken a 2:0 lead without much effort.

But now the lagging team is the Boston Celtics, who were unmatched in the first two games. The reason is very simple: Han Yi received 2 fouls after playing for 5 minutes in the first quarter, and after playing for another three minutes in the second quarter, Han Yi's third foul was triggered!

Then Rick Pidino got anxious, and the result of his anxiety was that he also received a technical foul on the bench!

The Celtics did make a lot of predictions in this game, thinking that the Philadelphia 76ers would fight to the death when the door of life was about to close, thinking that the intensity of this game would be very high and the consumption would be very high. In order to provide more support to Han Yi, Rick Pidino even studied several sets of pick-and-roll offensive plans for McGrady and the fourth and fifth positions.

But it was still negligent. The negligence of the Celtics was that when they discovered that today's referee was Dick Bavita, they did not make related predictions. The referee, Dick Bavita, is not the kind of black whistle referee without a lower limit, but he has the favorite characteristics of David Stan, that is, he likes to arrange a ups and downs of the Boston Calter 76ers in the Boston Calter in the Boston Calter! It ’s a pity if it’ s really dead? According to the current progress of the current playoffs, earlier, the Indiana Pacers had just 3: 0 Atlanta Eagles. Speaking of intense and fierce, the match between the Portland Trail Blazers and the Utah Jazz was indeed intense and fierce, but no fans really liked to watch it.

In this year's Eastern and Western Conference semifinals, the highest ratings were the Lakers vs. Spurs, followed by the Celtics vs. 76ers!

When the Lakers were about to be shaved, the only suspense that everyone loved to watch was the Celtics vs. 76ers!

Compared with the match between the Lakers and the Spurs, the Celtics vs. 76ers did not have as many stars as the former, but the core players of both teams were the top new generation in the NBA!

In particular, Han Yi and Iverson were teammates fighting side by side in the NCAA, and on the night of the draft, they were just a little bit away from becoming the future dual core of the 76ers!

Regret + popularity + if, not only fans hope that this matchThe game can be played longer and more intense. From the business considerations of the NBA, it would be great if this series could be played longer!

Dick Bavetta's operation plan is also very simple. He called Han Yi for three fouls in the first half, and then started to make up for it with the 76ers' role players.

The final result is that although Han Yi was called for three fouls in the first half, the total number of fouls is that the 76ers had three more fouls than the Celtics in the first half, and the Celtics still led the 76ers in free throws by 8:4!

Without watching the game, just looking at the data, it seems that Dick Bavetta is not only not blacking the Celtics, but also seems to be biased towards the Celtics, but such a trick can't fool people who watch the game.

Whether Han Yi is there or not, the Boston Celtics are completely a team that is more than one level behind!

The Celtics have indeed become stronger overall this season, but the premise of this strengthening is that they have become stronger overall with Han Yi.

Because there is a full-coverage and fully mobile inside player like Han Yi to sweep outside the restricted area, the Celtics dare to put out Joe Dumars and Dell Curry, a pair of the league's oldest backcourt players who have no athletic ability and only have experience to support them.

Because of Han Yi, the Celtics can enjoy the valuable experience and magical ability to activate the entire team brought by this aging combination.

But if Han Yi is not on the court, although this pair can still activate the entire team, on the defensive end, especially under dynamic switching, facing a sonic blaster like Iverson, it is completely a loss.

Without Han Yi, no one could completely stop Iverson's breakthrough. Without Han Yi, the 76ers' role players suddenly came alive, everyone was fighting bravely, and everyone was in the lead. If it weren't for the series of tactics arranged by Rick Pidino for McGrady in the first half, it would have been more than 10 points! "In fact, I didn't have the idea of ​​winning at the beginning of this game," shaved head doesn't look good. As a fan of Iverson in the previous life, and the big brother who takes such good care of me in this life, it's not impossible to consider letting him go. "But, when I didn't give it," Han Yi looked at Iverson who was happily talking to Larry Brown in the distance: "You can't have it!"

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