McGrady went to the free throw line, took a deep breath, raised his wrist slightly, shot the free throw, and scored!

Four points successfully!!

"Good job!" Han Yi patted McGrady's head, but his eyes were looking at the furious Sean Elliot:

"If someone dares to provoke you, you must torture him until he collapses."


McGrady opened his eyes, full of confidence. Can't I control little Sean Elliot at will?

So, as it should be, McGrady became the main attacker of the Celtics.

Before McGrady scored the four-pointer, head coach Rick Pidino was cursing, but when he saw the goal, and it was a four-pointer, he sat firmly on the chair and shouted:

"No problem, keep playing like this, and go for it when you get a chance. If you miss, it's my fault, it's my fault!"

With the support of the coach and the team leader, McGrady unlocked the demon in his heart. When the fourth quarter came to the last 3 minutes and 13 seconds, McGrady scored the 30th point, becoming the second player in the Celtics playoffs this year after Han Yi to score more than 30 points, and also refreshed McGrady's own playoff scoring record!

But the Celtics are not happy yet.


In the first game of the finals, the Celtics only led by 3 points!

And this 3-point lead is just duckweed in the water, which will disappear in a flash!

Tim Duncan got the ball in the paint again, and he forced himself to bite Ben Wallace under the basket. When Ben had tried his best to push Duncan away, Duncan twisted his body and made a backhand hook in the air!

Score! Two points are valid, and there is still a penalty! !

Tim Duncan went to the free throw line and made the free throw!

40 points!


The score between the two sides was tied again!

With this 2+1, Tim Duncan scored 40 points in the first game of his career finals!

So scary! It was really scary!

With the whistle, Ben Wallace, who scored 3 points and 14 rebounds in this game, received his sixth foul!

Ben's angry pounding on the ground was useless, and he could only leave the court with regret accompanied by the assistant coach!

Tim Duncan watched Ben Wallace leave the court expressionlessly, then turned his gaze to Han Yi and raised a finger, with a clear meaning:

"It's your turn!"

Rick Pidino couldn't help but feel a headache. His idea for this game was to let Ben Wallace and other teammates cooperate to jointly strangle Duncan, but with three minutes left in the game, Ben Wallace, who had worked hard for a game, was finally hammered to death by Duncan.

The most important line of defense to stop Duncan has fallen, and now we can only -

"Stop sighing!" Han Yi stretched his muscles:

"Big Ben is out, and I will take over Duncan in the last three minutes!"

"Alas!" Rick Pidino sighed again: "It seems that my idea is still not working. I can neither limit Duncan nor protect you. In the end, you have to play!"

Han Yi, who had scored 25 points, 6 rebounds, 8 assists and 8 blocks in this game by patching together scattered attacks, stretched his neck:

"Coach, you underestimated Duncan, Ben Wallace's inside line The defense is very strong, but it is obvious that he can't be a match for Duncan. "

"Similarly, you underestimated me. I don't need protection." Han Yi looked at Duncan who was staring at him at the other end of the court and smiled:

"I can't wait to fight this expressionless guy!"

"First set a small goal, to make Duncan's dead face expressive!"

McGrady asked: "Boss, I will pass the ball to you next round, you have to beat that bastard hard on both offense and defense."

Although McGrady scored 30 points in this game, he attacked the basket 5 times and missed 3 times. The culprit of the three missed shots was Duncan's overwhelming slaps!

"Offense still depends on you!" Han Yi grinned: "Duncan scored 40 points in his first finals. Are you satisfied with 30 points?"

"Although 30 points is also impressive, it is only the All-Star level. If you can score 40 points in your first finals, you will be a real superstar!"

This made McGrady's blood boil: "Can I still be a real superstar? Can I still score 40 points?"

Then under Han Yi's trusting gaze, McGrady confidently shot again from mid-range, and the shot was beautiful, but unfortunately, with a "duang" sound, he hit the iron again!

The Spurs' twin towers in the interior sandwiched Han Yi alive, and the forwards took the rebound.Take it off and launch a counterattack!

Duncan ran as fast as he could. It was as if the game had just begun. Sparks flashed in front of Duncan's eyes. The opportunity to help the Spurs overtake the score was right in front of him!

When Duncan was near the free throw line, the young general Avery Johnson had already cleverly passed the ball to Duncan's chest. No adjustment was needed. He just flew up and dunked it!

Such a simple dunk could be easily completed by a blue-collar jumper with straight eyebrows and eyes, let alone Duncan!

But when Duncan was already gliding in the air with the ball in his hand, a huge hand that covered the sky and the sun appeared on Duncan's basketball!

Duncan had already jumped quite high, but the owner of this hand obviously jumped higher!


Facing such a big hand in the air, Duncan had no way to dodge any more. He could only watch helplessly as this big hand blocked him!


Facing Duncan who looked indifferent, Han Yi smiled: "Hey, Tim, warm-up is over, let's have some fun!"

Duncan remained silent, not panicking at all because of the block, and once again held the ball with his back to Han Yi, but when Han Yi thought Duncan was about to hit, Duncan actually passed the ball!

The ball was passed to David Robinson in the high position. David Robinson, the second-in-command of the team, was defended miserably by Han Yi in this game. The game was already coming to an end, and David Robinson got a Ben Wallace-style score: 5 points!

Now the Spurs need the redemption of David Robinson, the "big brother"!

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