The pain caused by the cursed attack was beyond reason.

Kurosawa's cursed attack was now under the blessing of the Curse King. Even though Marco's blue immortal flame regenerated very quickly, it could not withstand the powerful attack of the Hollow Shiki.

Marco's body was devoured by the purple of the Hollow Shiki. The pain caused by the cursed attack was beyond common sense. Even Marco, who had such endurance, could not manage his facial expressions.

Oh, of course, Marco's face was no longer in shape.

If it could be a human face, Marco would definitely be twisted into a

In the past, the pain of wounds regenerated with the Immortal Flame was almost non-existent, but facing this purple light, he actually felt that the pain was a little unbearable,

Under such heavy pressure, his regeneration ability collapsed even faster, and then he could no longer maintain it,

"Dad, be careful!"

Almost at the moment of shouting this sentence,

The purple light was less than 5 meters away from Whitebeard. Within this distance, Whitebeard's skin could directly feel the stinging pain brought by the Hollow Style.

The violent purple will that was about to crush everything!

At this distance, the other captains of the Whitebeard Pirates had no time to react at all,

Then, under the shocking attention of the world, Whitebeard was forced to take action!


Whitebeard punched out with his left fist. Under the pressure of time, he only had time to mobilize part of the fruit ability and a few domineering powers, but despite this, such a punch was enough to make a vice admiral lose his combat effectiveness!

The giant fist with the power of shock slammed into the Void-style·茈,

"Crack, crack!"

Large cracks spread rapidly, and the violent purple began to tremble violently!

Ignoring the people's breath, he stared at this confrontation without daring to breathe, until the shock force created by Whitebeard was like an invisible storm and competed with the purple light of the Void-style·茈,

On the screen, one purple and one white formed two areas,

"Whitebeard blocked it! ...?"

On the bow of the Moby Dick, this huge ship that had been safe and sound for who knows how many times it had experienced the baptism of war, now appeared in a large area of ​​​​fragmentation in the confrontation between the two,

Then, under the wide-eyed gaze of Whitebeard, the terrifying Void-style·茈 suddenly exploded, like a deep space tunnel that completely swallowed it!

"Buzz, boom, boom!——"

On this ice-blue battlefield, under the witness of the world, a deep purple tunnel that almost crossed Marinford was shocking and eye-catching.

After running over Whitebeard, the Void Style·茈 did not slow down, and it blasted him to the other side of the second giant ship before it barely stopped.

If Whitebeard had not resisted with all his strength, this blow might have pushed him directly into the inner bay of Marinford.

However, in this way, Whitebeard almost endured a complete blow of the Void Style·茈 with the maximum output.

But he had no choice. After all, if he did not dissipate the power of this move, he would become a drowned chicken in front of the whole world.

It's okay to lose face, but it will greatly affect morale!

For such a war, it is absolutely unacceptable to Whitebeard.


On the battlefield of Marinford at this time, except for the roar caused by the explosion of the virtual type, all other sounds almost disappeared.

Countless people stared at the end of the purple tunnel. They were eager to know what the condition of Whitebeard was after resisting this attack!

People from all over the world were talking about it.

"Will Whitebeard die just like that?!"

"Is it possible? After all, the power of that move is simply terrifying! Even Marco can't stop it!"

"By the way, how is Marco?"

On the ice, a ball of blue flame was slowly condensing into a human shape, but the condensation speed was abnormally slow.

Marco, who finally condensed into a mouth, looked up with concern. He didn't care about the severe pain coming from all over his body, and was about to fly into the sky to find Whitebeard's figure.


At this time, the Moby Dick was already in tatters. The entire head was crushed and collapsed. From the middle of the hull, a very deep crack was chiseled out, like a plowed land.

After such a blow, even if the Whitebeard Pirates could win this battle, the Moby Dick could no longer return.

The pirates climbed up from all over the ship. If Whitebeard hadn't blocked most of the power of the Hollow-style·茈, those who stayed on the ship would have been wiped out!


Dad! Are you okay? "

"Asshole! How dare you attack Dad!"

At this time, the director pointed the Den Den Mushi camera at the end of the purple tunnel. As the deep purple collapse slowly dissipated, Whitebeard's face was revealed.

Whitebeard's battle robe was a little tattered, and there was still purple on many parts of his body, especially on his left hand, which was covered with a rich purple-black color.

That was the residual curse power that could corrode the human body.

But the most eye-catching thing was the bright red that kept flowing out from the corner of Whitebeard's mouth!

" injured!"

"The man who claims to be the strongest in the world is actually injured!"

"Wow! ——”

The whole world was in uproar,

The navy soldiers raised their arms and shouted, while the pirates showed fear in their eyes!

Just at the beginning, their backbone, the strongest man, the emperor of the sea, the old man Whitebeard, was injured!

And even with Marco's interception, he looked a little embarrassed!

The atmosphere began to change quietly, and the balance of victory in this war began to tilt towards the navy!

"Fffffffff! Who is it? That's Whitebeard! "

Doflamingo laughed with his head tilted back, and Boa Hancock was also shocked. If she were to attack like that, the result would be unpredictable...

Whitebeard frowned and looked up at a certain place, his tiger eyes full of cruelty. At this moment, he was being devoured by the remaining cursed power of Hollow-style·茈, and at the same time, he also felt an extraordinary pain!

Following Whitebeard's gaze, the director also turned the camera to the sky at the right time.

At the opening of the purple tunnel, a black-haired figure stood proudly!

Rayleigh of the Sabaody Archipelago's eyes flickered and met the eyes of the protagonist in the picture. Then Rayleigh opened his mouth slightly and looked at the initiator of all this in a daze.

The black-haired figure...

"It turned out to be that kid!"

On the big screens around the world, Kurosawa tilted his head slightly, and his blue eyes were reflected in the eyes of the world!

"That guy is! Kurosawa! It was he who severely injured Whitebeard!"

"Who is Kurosawa?!"

"It's the rising star of the navy! Didn't you read the newspaper that day? It's who the challenger is!"

Marinford, on the execution platform,

At this time, Sengoku also realized that the situation on the battlefield had begun to tilt towards the navy because of one person!

Sengoku couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. He couldn't miss such an opportunity.

Picked up the Den Den Mushi, Sengoku shouted with all his strength,

"Attention all personnel, the enemy's commander Whitebeard has been successfully injured by us!"

"Such a powerful blow came from our navy's super star-Kurosawa! He is the future star of our navy!"

"Even Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world, can't resist the future of our navy!"

"In this battle, the navy will win! All troops... attack! ”



It will be my first show soon, please support the author by giving me some good reviews! Thank you so much!

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