The ice was broken, and the ice was broken.

On the ice, Kurosawa slashed a few times and killed a few blind pirates. He had locked on the next target to kill.

The captain of the 14th Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Speedo Kill, has a bounty of 456 million Baileys!

Just as Kurosawa was about to take action, he suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

This is...

Kurosawa suddenly looked up at the sky, and saw that in the distant sky, large patches of cracks were spreading rapidly. Behind them was a burly man.


"Attention, all soldiers, Whitebeard is about to attack!"

On the execution platform, Sengoku shouted while holding Den Den Mushi, and countless marines were shocked, with uncontrollable fear in their eyes!

The legendary strongest man is about to attack!

Who is his target?

When many marines were panicking, a golden light shone on the battlefield, and then turned into a beam of light and shot straight at Whitebeard!

Almost at the same time, a blue flame figure intercepted the beam of light at the same speed.


Borsalino kicked Marco on the wing, and the latter sneered: "It hurts~!"

Borsalino opened his mouth slightly, "Stop~ lying."

I thought Borsalino would help to put out the fire, but unfortunately, Marco helped defend it.

Kurosawa's eyes flashed, and the next moment, the sky where Whitebeard punched hard, the sky curtain was like a layer of tape wrapped around the water flow, suddenly dented inward to form an elliptical protrusion, and then the cracks on it spread out. Under the expansion of this shock force, the space suddenly rebounded with a terrifying wave that was enough to destroy the world!

"Boom boom boom!——"

The manic vibration force and the air wave mixed together to form a huge shock wave visible to the naked eye, roaring towards Kurosawa like a huge wave!


Huoshaoshan shouted in panic. In a hurry, even if he rushed there at full speed, it was too late.

Of course, even if Huoshaoshan came, he would face such an angry attack from Whitebeard, and the ending would be extremely miserable.

"Boss!" Miguel also looked ugly. That was Whitebeard's attack!

Sengoku and Garp both clenched their teeth, and the latter clenched his fists.

Is the future of the navy going to fall here?

Under the execution platform, Sakaski watched Whitebeard attack, but he did not choose to intercept.

As a navy admiral, he naturally had his considerations. Facing the enemy's furious attack, he should avoid his edge and wait for him to relax before giving him a fatal blow!

Instead of blindly attacking.

Only in this way can the chances of winning the war be greatly increased!

For this reason, Sakaski would rather abandon a rising star of the navy that has not yet risen, and maximize the benefits at all costs!

Kurosawa...your sacrifice is worth it!


The violent wave of power seemed to be pressing down from the top of the sky. The sense of oppression even slowed down the brain's thinking reaction.

Kurosawa stood still. Now he could understand why many powerful pirates did not dodge when facing the enemy's big move, but went for it head-on.

It was because they could not dodge!

Perhaps there is the blessing of the world rules... But unfortunately, this does not include Kurosawa.

Such a long distance is not enough to make Kurosawa unable to move now. There is a glimmer in his blue eyes. Just when Kurosawa is about to teleport away,

An ice-blue figure blocked in front of him, and the extreme bone-chilling coldness emanated from Kuzan's body. Even if he did not deliberately target Kurosawa, the coldness was enough to slow down the energy in the latter's body.

"Ice Age!"

Kuzan's expression was solemn, his hands turned into ice, and the coldness that gushed out was even worse than the Ice Age at the beginning!

"Crack, crack, crack!"

The extremely cold ice collided with the mighty wave of fluctuations, and the extreme coldness actually froze the domineering aura of the vibration!

But as soon as it was frozen, it was shattered by the vibration that followed. The two energies clashed in mid-air, but obviously, Kuzan's ice seemed to be suppressed!

"Ah la la! Kurosawa, you better get out of the way! I'm going to get out of the way too!"

As he spoke, half of Kuzan's face had already begun to transform into an element, and the energy that was pressing down on him was about to break through his ice.

Kurosawa no longer hesitated after hearing this, and his figure flashed away in an instant. When he appeared again, he had already left the range of that move...


"Ah, you're so fast!"

Seeing Kurosawa had left, Kuzan's body immediately turned into ice. The next moment, the ice age without Kuzan's support instantly collapsed, and Whitebeard's angry attack, which had been consumed a lot, hit the battlefield.


The amazing energy wave fell straight down, like a huge wave of the Water Cube hitting the earth, shaking out square energy ripples,


In an instant, the ice surface exploded, and a large number of marines were involved. The violent energy almost shattered their internal organs and bones in an instant.

No one below the rank of vice admiral survived!

In the sky, Borsalino glanced down, his expression unpredictable, "Ah~ This is not good!"

Marco, who was confronting him, showed a confident smile on his face, "Who dared to anger my father! That's our king!"

Sakaski looked at Whitebeard, who was smiling in the sky, and his eyes gradually sank.

Sengoku was relieved when he saw Kuzan rescue Kurosawa, but he couldn't help but sigh after seeing the widespread attack,

"Whitebeard, even after so long, is your ability still so domineering!"

Garp also sighed, "Kurosawa... It's too early for you to face Whitebeard!"

"It's good that you're okay." Huoshaoshan gritted his teeth and raised his hand to block the sweeping wind, with deep fear in his eyes.

On the ice, a guy holding a shield in his left hand and a spear in his right hand held the shield in front of him, and then a gust of wind swept by,

Speedo Kill felt the power, "Such a long distance can bring a strong wind, it's hard to imagine what it would be like if it was hit head-on, it really deserves to be called Daddy!"

Speedo Kill smiled, not noticing the black-haired figure behind him.

A dark red bloody light flashed, and "Darkness" directly pierced through Speedo Kill's body. In his horrified eyes, the curse power on the "Darkness" blade surged wildly, as if the pain from hell instantly spread throughout his body.

Before Speedo Kill could scream, his eyes changed from horror to despair.

The blood-red curse power turned into a spiral airflow and condensed on the blade. Kurosawa's voice sounded behind him, like a devil whispering in his ear,

"Spell Reversal·H!"


Speedo Kill's body trembled violently, and a stream of red light burst out from the "Darkness" blade and swept straight towards Whitebeard.

Whitebeard, who was falling from the sky, turned his head and saw a red light shooting out from the thick smoke at an extremely fast speed.

The red light quickly enlarged in Whitebeard's pupils. In a hurry, he caught a glimpse of a pair of blue eyes staring at him from behind the thick smoke.

The next moment, the red light pierced Whitebeard's chest.

Marco's angry roar rang out on the battlefield,


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