"Ah? Does this count? System?"

[Ding! The system's calculations are never wrong! ]

Kurosawa was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, it seemed to make sense. Life choice one was to intercept and then humiliate Teach with justice, and choice three was to suppress the entire group, and he did all of these!

Very good, he has understood everything!

It takes 150,000 billion-level bounty points to upgrade the Curse King from Lv1 to Lv2, while Dark God Avoidance requires 300,000 points, which directly saves 450,000 billion-level bounty points! What a huge profit!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

On the battlefield, as the encirclement wall rose,

In addition to Kuzan and Borsalino, there was a vacant position for a general, and the battlefield seemed unstoppable.

"Gurgle, gurgle~!" The extremely hot magma continued to flow out of Sakaski's body. Every large piece of magma that overflowed fell to the ground. The terrifying temperature could instantly melt the extremely hard floor.

"Monkey D. Luffy, the son of the world's most vicious criminal Dragon, with such bloodline and still a pirate, I will never let you live!"

Sakaski's eyes were fierce, and his amazing murderous intent locked onto Luffy who was running through the crowd.

" Let's destroy your foothold first!"

Sakaski raised his hands high, and then turned into rolling lava, with red light emitting extremely high temperature. After his arms suddenly expanded, they continuously ejected lava fists into the sky.

"Meteor Volcano!"

After the lava fireball shot into the sky, it fell rapidly under the action of gravity, carrying more terrifying lethality, just like a meteor shower, but the meteor shower created by Sakaski did not bring good luck, but destruction.

The terrifying lava fireball fell, and the sky became dim because of the fire. On the ice surface of the Marinfando Bay, as the lava fireball fell, it instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire!

Countless pirates were either torn to pieces by the bombardment, or melted into residue by the molten fireballs, or sank to the bottom of the sea by the heat wave. Their deaths were extremely miserable.

"Ace! Damn it, if this goes on, how can I save you!"

Straw Hat Luffy watched the encirclement wall rise up to block Ace's vision, and beat the ground unwillingly.

Unlike the original plot, the encirclement wall was not powerful enough to rise because the ice of Kuzan was too hard, and the body of the demon Oz happened to be stuck in the gap of the encirclement wall, which led to a gap in the encirclement wall plan of Sengoku.

Now, the demon Oz has not taken two steps, and he has been killed by Kurosawa in advance, so naturally he did not fall in the gap of the encirclement wall.

Sengoku's plan was perfectly executed. The pirates lost their foothold after the ice was melted by Sakaski's magma, and their situation was already precarious!

Not long after, Straw Hat Luffy's eyes became firm again. He didn't even have time to mourn for Boa Hancock's death. He wanted to save his brother's friendship and it overcame everything!

"Jinbei! Help me, I want to save Ace!"

On the other side, due to the rise of the encirclement wall, the real-time projection of the Navy's Den Den Mushi had been completely cut off. However, what Sengoku didn't expect was that

In the super show, Buggy the Clown, the first live broadcaster in the history of pirates, his Den Den Mushi live broadcast was still strong.

The ultra-clear 1080P picture quality can even clearly see every pore of the character!

After the Navy's live broadcast line was no longer competing for resources, Buggy the Clown's live broadcast has become a unique existence!

Under the urgent request of people all over the world, Buggy the Clown instantly dominated the live show all over the world!

"Hahaha! Brothers! When the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates are both defeated in the fight, all the treasures will be ours!"

The clown Buggy laughed wantonly. His goal from the beginning to the end was to make a fortune, but his words seemed to have made his brothers misunderstand something.

His men looked at Buggy's figure. Against the backdrop of the fire that was about to fall in the sky, the figure looked so majestic. They were moved and raised their arms and shouted,

"Whitebeard is dead, the new Four Emperors should be established!"

"The clown's smile can also subvert the world!"

"Oh oh oh oh~!——"

"What are you yelling about!" Buggy said with a drastic change of expression, and looked around in a panic, fearing that Whitebeard's sons would hear him. However, when Buggy's actions fell into the eyes of his younger brothers,

"You are worthy of being Captain Buggy! You are ready for battle so quickly! Even if you are in a safe place, you should always be alert to the enemy. Is this the basic combat quality of the Four Emperors!"

"Hey, what is that!"

With a cry of surprise, a huge molten fireball hit Buggy, and the latter's face suddenly became horrified., and then moved his body to protect everyone in front of him,

"I am so touched! Captain Buggy!" "In this situation, you can still think of training our reaction and combat power!"

Bucky's face twitched: Are you idiots...


The fire engulfed everything. At the same time, on a wall in front of the execution platform, layers of dark purple vortices spread out like quicksand, swallowing all the objects in it. Even the main wall of the wall was sucked into the dark purple vortex.

Not long after, the dark purple vortex condensed into a robot that was constantly expanding.

Inside the robot, Barrett's face was ferocious, and the fusion fruit was fully activated!

Feeling the power of control surging as countless materials and robots merged, Barrett's mentality gradually returned to boundless arrogance.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that the Navy Headquarters actually had such good materials for me to merge with! It seems that Blackbeard didn't lie to me!"

On the execution platform, Sengoku was shocked and lost his voice as he looked at the encirclement wall that was getting shorter and shorter.

"How is it possible!? This guy's fruit ability... can even absorb the encirclement wall made by Vegapunk's latest technology!"

At the same time, the struggling pirates also discovered the miraculously opened gap and began to rush towards the encirclement wall.

"Go! Go through there!"

However, at the gap, a red figure appeared, "Gurgle Gurgle~!" The magma boiled and the deadly high temperature burst out!

"Dog bites red lotus!"

Everything was crushed by the fangs made of lava. No one could stop this high-temperature red flame that burned everything!

"You defeated soldiers, don't even think about getting past me!"

Sakaski's face was cold. Standing alone in front of the encirclement wall that was getting shorter and shorter, it was like a natural moat that no one could cross!

"General Sakaski!"

"Damn Akainu!"

"Swish!" The terrifying wind pressure came from above. Sakaski looked up in horror. A huge shadow had completely enveloped him!

"Super Heavy Artillery!"

With a roar from Barrett, a black heavy fist that was even bigger than the giants, wrapped in a strong domineering aura, slammed heavily at Sakaski!


Sakaski's body glowed red, and the hot molten magma rose up and hit the black heavy fist. A huge explosion suddenly occurred, and layers of air waves mixed with the splashing magma and swept away.

"Admiral Sakaski!?"

Under the gaze of the navy, Sakaski was hit by a punch and only molten magma was left on the ground. Of course, the fate of the black heavy fist was not much better.

Half of the fist was melted in the collision, "Patta, Patta~! Chila!" The molten The slurry kept dripping, melting through the ground. Barrett controlled the molten part of his fist to fall off because he couldn't continue to merge with the molten slurry.

Feeling the pain in his hand, Barrett laughed wantonly.

"Hahahaha General!? The generals of this era are too weak!"

"Dragon scales, counterattack, twin meteors!"

The dark red blood blade cut through the sky, and the clanging of the blade made Barrett in the robot feel like a thorn in his back. It was a sharp edge that he couldn't defend against!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host.......】

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