"Fffffffff! Fight, fight! That's it!" Doflamingo looked at the scene with great excitement.

"Is this the domineering power of Red-haired Shanks!"

"He actually beat Admiral Sakaski and Admiral Borsalino back to their original forms by himself!"

"The robot that the two admirals couldn't break together, this red-haired man made Barrett show his original form in an instant!"

"Is Red-haired Shanks the nemesis of Devil Fruit users!? Doesn't that mean that Colonel Kurosawa is not his opponent!"

Countless navy soldiers looked at Shanks in shock. Just by drawing his saber, he beat three extremely powerful fruit users back to their original forms with his domineering power.

Such amazing power is even more terrifying than Whitebeard just now!

"Please give me some face, let's end the war!"

As Shanks spoke, everyone in the Marinford Square was stunned, except for Kurosawa, whose blue eyes touched everything.

Feeling the anger in Shanks' eyes, Kurosawa couldn't help but smile in his heart.

Hey, what does this look mean?

"End the war? What a joke! Red-haired kid!"

Barrett smiled grimly, and the dormant domineering in his body slowly returned in the constant high-intensity battle. The domineering domineering he can exert now is much stronger than when he was just released from prison. How could he be willing to stop here!

"Huh? Red-haired, what did you say? Aren't you here to fight me? End this war!?" Kaido shouted in surprise. Such a result, he, a warmongering maniac, would not allow it!

Garp looked at Shanks, his face became even gloomier, "Red-haired Shanks, the man who led Luffy to the pirate road!"

Doflamingo's smile stopped abruptly, huh? Did he hear it right? End the war? He hasn't had enough melons!

"End the war? Didn't he come to start a war?"

"Would a pirate say he was coming to end the war?"

The navy soldiers were in doubt, and the vice admirals of the headquarters were also puzzled.

Facing the oppression of the two Four Emperors, the current situation seems to show that although the Whitebeard Pirates were defeated, the navy also suffered a lot of casualties.

If the war ends here, the navy will win a great victory, which seems to be the best outcome.

In this situation, the navy soldiers listened to Shanks' words and fell into doubt. The vice admirals did not move. Kuzan watched coldly. Borsalino secretly thought to get off work quickly. Even Sengoku was hesitant.

Only one person stood up. Lava gushed out of his body and his whole body was burning. What he represented was his ultimate justice!

"You are just a pirate, and you still talk about avoiding casualties? Don't be so hypocritical and embarrass yourself here!"

Sakaski's face of angular justice broke the situation on the field!

"Sakaski!" Hearing this, Sengoku's eyes lit up slightly.

Red-haired Shanks saw Sakaski standing out, his eyes flashed gloomy, "If you don't want to, we will be your opponents!"

After the voice fell, the neatly arranged members of the Red Hair Pirates appeared behind Shanks,

"All members are here! Although there are few people, they are all top elite pirates!"

"Don't move! Kizaru!" A figure appeared beside Borsalino, with bullets loaded under the blessing of domineering, and the muzzle of the gun pointed at his head.

"Yo~ So scary! But I don't seem to have moved at all?" Borsalino glanced at Ben Beckman and raised his hands in a teasing tone.

"Threat? What if you are opponents? The justice of the navy does not allow any pirates to provoke!" Sakaski did not stop, but the molten lava gushing out of his body became hotter and hotter, showing his determination!

"Does the self-proclaimed righteous navy have to watch countless navy soldiers bleed and sacrifice to be justified? Aren't pirates a living life? Do they deserve to die!"

Shanks said with a sullen face, "They also have families and children. If they die, what will happen to those people?"

People couldn't help but shudder when they heard this. These words actually made the navy soldiers who originally represented justice and pursued and killed the pirates tainted with evil.

Many navy soldiers were also shaken and began to doubt their pursuit.

"Haha, aren't the navy soldiers' sacrifices because of you bunch of pest pirates? Navy soldiers have no family and no children?"

"Swish!" Kurosawa's figure appeared in the air, looking down at Shanks and said,

"And are pirates who burn, kill and loot civilians worthy of being considered human beings? If the pirates don't die, then I will die!"

These words fell into the ears of the world, and they were deafening.

After hearing Kurosawa's words, countless navy soldiers finally stood firm in their hearts, and looked at Kurosawa with great yearning in their eyes!

Yes, our navy is to kill the evil pirates.The righteous army of pirates, if the pirates don't die, should the navy die? Ridiculous!

Sengoku's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that Kurosawa's words made sense!

Even Sakaski looked at Kurosawa with admiration. Kurosawa's words really touched his heart. He had never been understood, and he didn't expect that there were people in the navy who shared the same ideals as him!

If the occasion was not wrong, Sakaski would have wanted to become sworn brothers with Kurosawa. Kurosawa must have forgiven him for not saving him before.

Shanks was speechless for a moment when he heard this. Kaido chuckled at this. Barrett was also excited. Doflamingo's mouth corners also raised again, ready to continue watching the show. At this moment,

A disheveled pink-haired figure stood up,

"Stop fighting! The war should end here! There are too many casualties!"

Coby somehow "broke free" from Buggy's restraints, and appeared in front of the world with a strong willpower,

"Who is this guy? Is he a navy soldier? He has no arms and legs! So miserable!"

"This is all thanks to the pirates! These bastards actually hurt the navy soldiers who fought bloody enemies like this, it's simply unforgivable!"

Just when the world was indignant about Coby's situation, the latter said something shocking,

"You guys hurry up Look! Like me, the navy soldiers who killed pirates for justice regardless of their own safety are now covered with scars! "

"Even if they lose an arm or a leg, they are still fighting!"

Coby said with tears in his eyes, and continued with a sympathetic face: "But what about the other comrades who fell to the ground? Hunting pirates for justice, ignoring the cries of companions, and abandoning comrades who live and die together, is this really justice!"

"I want to speak for them! And the war has been won, right!"

"So stop it!"

Coby shouted with all his strength, which was broadcast live to all parts of the world through Buggy's Den Den Mushi. It must be said that Coby's scars and this navy uniform, combined with these tears, made the world begin to waver.

Zhan Guo couldn't help but frown, and Sakaski's face also sank.

Seeing this, Shanks, who was originally feeling a headache, raised his lips and took the opportunity to praise Coby to emphasize the weight of his words.

"Young Marine, the few seconds you muster up your courage are enough to change the world..."

The affirmation of a Four Emperor is of great value. Compared to ending it like this... Unexpectedly, he was interrupted by Kurosawa's snap of his fingers while he was speaking.


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