If a man falls from a cliff and he is unlucky, but he finds a sea below the cliff, he is lucky, but he falls on the reef above the sea, then he is extremely unlucky.

Bai Fan’s current psychology is the same as this person who fell off the cliff, originally thought that it was a very unfortunate thing for him to come to this troubled world, but he found the devil fruit on the first day he came to this world, and he was proud in his heart, because he felt that he had the key to success, but at this time, he found that the devil fruit he ate was actually the fruit of everyone owned by Qioba.

“Is this playing with me? I’m alone! Bai Fan couldn’t help but roar, his heart was like a thunderbolt descending on a sunny day! Burnt by Rederi, speechless and choked.

Renren fruit, this is a special devil fruit, because it allows animals to open their spiritual intelligence, get the same high intelligence, learning ability, walking on both feet and other unique human abilities as humans, when animals eat it, they can understand the language of both humans and animals. For animals, this is the most suitable devil fruit, but this has no effect on Bai Fan.

What abilities can the fruit of man bring him? Does he live more like a man than a person?

Bai Fan wanted to cry without tears, sighing helplessly, originally thought that he could get a good ability, but the result was nothing, if he really had to calculate it, Bai Fan also had one more defect that he couldn’t go into the sea, and he also had to endure the foul smell when he ate it just now. This is simply worse, losing the lady and breaking the army!

Click! Just as Bai Fan was immersed in bitterness, there was a sound of chewing in his ears.

“What are you doing, this trunk should not be bitten off by you, right?” Bai Fan looked at it and said in surprise, a large gap appeared in the trunk of the big tree next to him, and a row of tooth marks were clearly printed on the big tree, and the reindeer beside him were constantly chewing at this time, as if they were eating something.

The reindeer is actually gnawing at the big tree, and strangely, it is the cold winter season, the outside of the tree is covered with a layer of ice and snow, cold, hard, reindeer are difficult to bite, but now the teeth of the reindeer are like gold and copper axes, directly biting the tree out of a big hole, and looking at the reindeer’s relaxed expression, it seems to be as easy as biting a piece of cake.

“No, is the ability you got the ability to devour fruits from Valpo?” Bai Fan reacted, the human fruit he got was Qioba’s, Qioba is a resident of Dongdao Magnetic Drum Island, and Magnetic Drum Island also has an ability, that is, Valpo, the king of Magnetic Drum Island, whose ability happens to be to swallow fruit.

“If the fruit I get is swallowed, it will be better than the fruit of everyone.” Bai Fan’s heart was stuffed, if he got the swallowing fruit is better than the fruit of everyone, he can already be sure that this reindeer in front of him is the future Qioba, the eye-catching blue nose, this is the characteristic of Qioba, if he noticed it at the beginning, it is estimated that he will not directly swallow the fruit of everyone.

But at that time, how could he have thought that this was the One Piece world? Is the reindeer next to him the future Joba?

“Let’s go, let’s go together!” Bai Fan was very depressed and wanted to curse, but none of this could change the fact that he had eaten the fruit of everyone who should not eat the most, so he could only find a way to get out of the forest first.

“Phew.” The reindeer whispered a few times to Bai Fan, a trace of warmth appeared in the smart eyes, lightly jawed the deer’s head, it understood what Bai Fan meant, in its life, it was disliked by the deer herd because of its blue nose, even its own parents hated it, that is, it would be forced to stay away from the deer herd and forage alone, so Bai Fan just saw a reindeer want to climb a tree and eat fruit, and now Bai Fan stretched out his hands to it, which made its heart warm, and couldn’t help nodding and agreeing.

After the reindeer agreed, one person and one deer slowly moved forward, heading in a certain direction.

“Do you know how to go in the direction of town?” On the way, Bai Fan asked the reindeer.

“Woo hoo.” The reindeer nodded slightly, bit Bai Fan’s trouser leg and walked in the opposite direction.

“Is that the direction? Doesn’t that mean I’ve gone wrong before? Bai Fan was surprised, and touched his nose embarrassedly, daring to feel that he was walking the wrong way for so long, and this damn reindeer would not remind him.

“Woo hoo.” The reindeer nodded slightly, with a trace of contempt in his eyes, as if he was despising Bai Fan for not even recognizing the way.

“Ahem, you don’t have a name yet, so I gave you a name, Tony Tony Chopba, not bad, right?” Bai Fan changed the topic and said to himself, he was sure that this in front of him was Qioba, so he pushed the boat along the water to give Qioba’s name.

“Woohoo!” The reindeer whistled softly, and then directly bit the big tree next to it, it was a little confused by the name, but when I saw someone name it, I was excited and couldn’t help whistling, wanting to bite some trees as a celebration.

“Don’t keep biting trees, although I know you are happy and honored to be my pet, it is not right to destroy flowers and plants.” Bai Fan muttered to Qioba, as soon as he saw Qioba biting the tree, Bai Fan remembered that Qioba ate the swallowing fruit, and he ate the Renren fruit of Qioba, and he didn’t know how greasy it was in his heart.

“Duh!” When Qiao Ba heard Bai Fan’s sour words, his agile deer pupils glared slightly, and he was about to bite Bai Fan with his mouth open.

“Help, pet murder owner!” Bai Fan shouted, quickly ran away, one person and one deer joked like this, walking towards the direction of the town, and the two footprints extended in the direction of the town until they slowly disappeared.

New book starts, please collect!

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