The golden light sprinkled the earth, and the icy world appeared slightly soft under the golden light.

Bai Fan heard a brilliant voice ringing in his head, but at this time, Bai Fan had no time to pay attention to it, because his attention was completely attracted by another thing, a huge and golden Buddha with a solemn aura descended on the warehouse.

“What is it? Buddha? Buddha? Big man in the Navy? It’s the wise general Sengoku! ”

Bai Fan’s pupils contracted slightly, and his heart was shocked, he understood who the character who suddenly appeared in the first moment he saw the big Buddha, and then thought of the navy big man he heard in the restaurant before about to come, he immediately understood what was going on, the Warring States is the naval big man mentioned before, but Bai Fan didn’t understand something.

“How could it be Sengoku? Isn’t he a marshal? It’s not good to stay at the headquarters of the Navy, what are you doing here? Bai Fan muttered unwillingly, he also came to the sea lou stone this time, when the tyrant bear appeared before, he also reported a trace of hope, after all, it is not completely impossible to get the sea lou stone from the tyrant bear, but after the Warring States appeared, Bai Fan was a little dead!

This is the same as Whitebeard and Roger, standing at the top of this world, and now there are almost less than ten fingers who can compare with him in this world, Bai Fan is sure that the tyrant bear will not be able to take the sea tower stone from the hands of the Warring States, let alone him who is still without the power of chickens now.

“Didi, the appearance of an extendable form has been detected, the conditions for initiation are met, and there are five minutes left in the brilliance, please ask the host to determine whether to start temporarily?” The brilliant voice sounded in Bai Fan’s mind again, and suddenly pulled Bai Fan’s thoughts back from the Warring States.

“Extensible form? Temporarily launched? What do you mean, brilliant? Bai Fan directly asked his puzzlement in his heart.

“Didi, the appearance of an extendable form has been detected, the conditions for initiation are met, and there are five minutes left in the brilliance, please ask the host to determine whether to start temporarily?” Brilliant did not reply to Bai Fan’s question at all, and this sentence sounded again.

“Fight! Brilliant, give me a start! Bai Fan bit his lower lip, his eyes were resolute, with a trace of madness, and answered without hesitation.

Dragons in the front, adults in the back!

The good boy is determined to be everywhere, and since he is fortunate enough to come to this world, then he wants the world to tremble for his existence, and let the people of this world go crazy for his arrival! In this way, he will not come into this world in vain, he will drink the best wine, ride the strongest horse, and sleep the most beautiful woman! So he’s going to take that step forward!

“Click, brilliant start, detection can be extended form as a big Buddha, bloom the first color: big Buddha form!” It takes a minute to prepare, so please wait quietly! ”

A shattered sound came, like an object that had been sealed for a long time broke the seal, this was a brilliant sound, which made Bai Fan’s heart beat violently, surprised, he seemed to understand a little what is the brilliant ability, but can be extended to form a big Buddha? Could it be that he could become a Great Buddha? And also say bloom the first color? Is this what the first pattern means? Could it be that he could get the rest of his form in the future?

“I’ll go, this is going against the rhythm of the sky!” Bai Fan’s heart beat violently, his eyes were shining, and the excitement in his eyes was about to jump out of his sockets, this kind of good thing from heaven made him almost shocked with joy!

“Calm, calm, and one minute, calm, calm, this is just a small thing, be calm, you are destined to stand at the highest place in the future, you must learn to be calm.” Bai Fan muttered, soothing his excited heart, but after a few seconds, he abandoned this comfort!

“I’ll go, calm a fart ah, Laozi is about to die of joy, still calm!” One more minute, what to do? It’s so tormenting. ”

Bai Fan’s side was very excited, but the tyrant bear’s side was really uncomfortable, because there was a sanctimonious Buddha in the sky directly in front of him, looking at him indifferently with a majestic look.

“Which side are you?” What other companions? The big Buddha spoke, Miao Miao said, his tone calm and calm, as if he was sure of some unknown identity under the black coat of the tyrant bear.

“Marshal Sengoku? It’s not slow! Tyrant Bear lowered his tone, changed his voice slightly, and looked at the Warring States solemnly, waiting for the battle.

Damn, if only there was a little more time, it was still too slow, there was no time to transport this batch of sea lou stones, it was just that little bit of time! Tyrant Bear sighed in his heart, if you want to blame, blame that kid for wasting too much time in the middle, damn it, he was so kind before, he wanted to bring him back to the revolutionary army, but now it seems that his heart is too soft! The tyrant bear complained about Bai Fan at once, but this does have some reasons for Bai Fan, but this is not all, after all, the revolutionary army got the intelligence too late!

“Who are you? People on which side? Revolutionary? Four Emperors? Still is… Nanabukai? Sengoku paused slightly and said the name of Qiwu Hai, after all, Qiwu Hai is not the same heart as the navy, so it is also possible.

“The scenery here is good, but I appreciate enough, Marshal Navy, goodbye, I hope to meet again!” The tyrant bear said, as if he was really touring the scenery, and his hands moved.

“Want to go? Where to escape, shockwave! The golden Buddha raised his eyebrows, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and his golden fist clenched violently, bombarding down in the direction of the tyrant bear!

“Goodbye!” The body of the tyrant bear moved away in an instant, the ability of the meat 1 ball fruit was blessed, and the figure quickly rushed towards the coast, less than a last resort, he did not want to expose his ability to the Sengoku, so he had to escape like this, otherwise with the teleportation ability of the meat 1 ball fruit, he was already on another island.

“Hmph, how is it possible for you to escape in my hands.” Sengoku snorted coldly, his golden body disappeared in an instant, chasing in the direction of the tyrant bear, if anyone can escape in his hands, then he is not a wise general Sengoku!

The figures of the two tyrant bears and the warring states disappeared in place, and at this moment, a voice once again popped up in Bai Fan’s mind!

“Ready to end, the brilliance is officially launched, and the first color blooms: the form of the big Buddha! Start now! ”

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