Karp had just returned from a mission this time, so his warship was not very far from Bai Fan and Karp’s position, and less than two hundred meters inside, Karp took Bai Fan into a special dock, walked into the gate, and the sight in his eyes suddenly lit up.

“This is your warship, it’s really good.” Bai Fan looked at the scene in front of him, here is a specially punched underground docking area, located below the naval headquarters, just bordering the sea, and at this time moored at the water’s edge this mighty warship, unlike the warships outside, most of the hull of this warship is made of steel inlay, and some wooden coatings, hideous artillery battles and a variety of weapons, it can be said that this is a warship specially built for war.

In fact, think about it, think that the strong people of Karp’s level will not care too much about what level their battleship is, how much power there is, for them, their most strength is their ability, and the ship is just a means of transportation for them to let them come and go on the sea at will.

“Yes, this is a warship specially built by the scientific troops, and this is the most similar warship to the warship I was riding on at the beginning.” Karp said proudly, when he was a long time ago, he had gone out with the previous Air Marshal, at that time, the Air Marshal’s warship was the current appearance of Karp’s current warship, but to their point, it was common for each battle to damage a warship, especially when fighting with Roger, the frequency of warship destruction was more frequent, so later, in order to damage the warship less easily, Karp specially asked the scientific forces to make this customized warship for him.

“Not bad, let me feel its heart.” Bai Fan was amazed, but it was not that he admired this warship, but it was constantly beating in his heart just now, and there was only one sentence in Bai Fan’s mind.

“Didi, find a large number of sources, please the host to recycle, please the host to recycle.”

Bai Fan gently placed his palm on the warship, and Brilliant suddenly unfolded the extraction, quickly collecting the source contained in Karp’s warship.

Just when Bai Fan began to collect the source of the Karp warship, Rear Admiral Sicily came to the Marshal’s office again, and unlike before, this time Rear Admiral Sicily stepped up significantly when he went to the Marshal’s office, and even his face was a little sweaty.

“Report Marshal, the results have already been obtained.” Major General Sicily quickly said to the Marshal of the Warring States, his face was a little pale at this time, and he seemed to have discovered something that shocked him.

“Say it quickly.” Sengoku said without hesitation, in the past, he had a strange premonition, this matter is too strange, if it is on other islands, it may be terrifying to meet some powerful hermits, but this is Marin Fandor, one of the safest places in the world, there are records for all kinds of characters, and at this time, there is a master who can play tricks with Karp, so it is difficult to think about this without doubt.

“After inquiries into the list of contacts and descriptions of witnesses, this person capable of fighting Lieutenant General Karp is not Marin Fandor’s person.” Major General Sicily said with some trembling, what does this mean? This means that the naval headquarters, which is sitting in the navy’s highest combat power, is easily infiltrated and brazenly fights Vice Admiral Karp, which is like completely ignoring the existence of the naval headquarters and treating this place as a place where he can come and go whenever he wants, which is complete contempt.

“Sure enough, damn it, it just so happens that at this time the three major generals are not at the naval headquarters, Sicily, sound the first-level wartime alert alarm, let the residents of Marin Fandor go to the shelter to take refuge, and, immediately contact Karp and let him keep that person, I will rush over immediately.” Warring States looked gloomy, said slowly, directly took off the coat that represented justice on his body, loosened his tie, and the whole person disappeared into the office.

“Woohoo!” The whining siren immediately sounded throughout Marin Fandor, all the people stopped their work, looked in the direction of the naval headquarters building, their expressions were grim, the next second, all the residents began to methodically begin to move towards the direction of the shelter, as for the naval soldiers, they picked up their weapons one by one, and began to assemble and line up, everything was so fast, as if they had been rehearsed many times, everyone’s face was serious and solemn, it seemed that something important had happened, because the last time this happened was more than ten years ago , that time, the sea thief Golden Lion invaded the naval headquarters and fought with Karp and Sengoku, destroying half of the Marin Fandor.

“Damn, what happened again, actually launched a first-level wartime alert! Could it be that Whitebeard or Kaido, the madman, invaded? Damn, it’s actually at this time, all boys, don’t run around here, I’ll take a look. After Karp finished speaking to Bai Fan, he ignored Bai Fan’s reaction and rushed straight away.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if Karp doesn’t talk to Bai Fan now, because Bai Fan can’t hear what Karp is saying now, because his whole mind is immersed in his mind.

“Didi, all the source items have been collected, and the second color guardian angel form is fully opened, this is a permanent form.”

“Didi, the source is sufficient, may I ask if the host has increased the level of the guardian angel?”

The actions of the Warring States Bai Fan did not know, but now a brilliant voice appeared in his heart again.

“Can I fully raise the Guardian Angel to the highest level?” Bai Fan asked in his heart, the form of the Great Buddha is only three stars of gold, and the guardian angel is only one star of gold, and there is no form above the level of diamond, so Bai Fan is very looking forward to the appearance of the form above diamond.

“The source is sufficient.” A brilliant voice came out, and this sentence made Bai Fan’s heart relax.

“Then let’s get started.” With a faint word, Brilliant began to act, and then in an instant, a faint white light appeared on Bai Fan’s body, and the white light flashed away, and at this moment Bai Fan felt that the whole person was like a kind of washing, and a force emerged on his body repeatedly, like a trickling spring, stretching endlessly.

“Didi, the guardian angel level increase is over.

New ability: Guardian Sword Feather, Eternal Guardian! ”

“Is this the end of the ascension, it seems to have a strange feeling.” Bai Fan muttered, and at this time his mind was also awakened by a reprimand from outside.

“Is that you? The man who broke into Marin Fandor. The Warring States scolded Bai Fan, and at this moment, the Warring States came to Bai Fan’s side.

Collect it! Collect it! Collect it!

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