Boom, the powerful shock wave and the oncoming cross slash collided fiercely, the air continued to make a popping sound under this strong to the extreme collision, the air seemed to be shattered, several microscopic cracks appeared on the contact point of the shock wave and the cross slash, the air is an invisible and bodyless substance, not ordinary collisions can be broken, and at this time there are several cracks in the air, although this crack is slightly undetectable, but the appearance of cracks represents the strength of this attack.

And at this time, the Warring States were also shocked in their hearts, the Warring States were known as wise generals, and he was known for his rational behavior, and he was very clear about his own strength, which is why he was so shocked. He is a marshal of the navy, his strength is absolutely strong, even in the face of a fourth emperor, he is not afraid, but at this time, he is entangled with this mysterious person who appears in front of him.

At the beginning, Sengoku heard his subordinates report that Karp was fighting with people on the street, out of familiarity with his old friend, he knew that Karp would not give much power, at most a quarter, maybe far less, so his estimation of Bai Fan’s strength stayed at this level, and after really making a move with the guardian angel, this discovery was wrong, he actually stalemated with the guardian angel, although he was a little tied up because he was worried about the destruction of Marin Fando, But in this case, the person who can stalemate with him is definitely not a weak person, at least there are some people in the Qiwu Sea who are not as skilled as the guardian angel in front of them, which is already a top powerhouse on the sea, and now it is in Marin Fando.

“What’s the matter Sengoku, aren’t you trying to catch me? Come, I’m waiting for you here. “The guardian angel taunted the Sengoku while constantly swinging his slashes, with a contemptuous look, which was deliberately stimulating the Sengoku.

“Hmph, you will be caught, the Imper prison is waiting for you.” Although he didn’t like these words, Sengoku knew in his heart that these were words that stimulated him, so he was unmoved, his eyes did not blink, and he stared at the guardian angel with full attention.

“Hahaha, ridiculous, you think you can catch me?” The guardian angel laughed loudly, he is not afraid of the sea so he has a degree of advance and retreat, and he is not afraid of the Warring States blocking at all, and coupled with the current guardian angel has the form of wings, the guardian angel has tried to incite the wings, and found that every time the wings tremble, there will be a force under the wings to lift upward, that is, he can now not only go into the water, but even fly into the sky, with these two abilities of going up and down the water, will he still be afraid of being caught by the Warring States? As soon as the situation was wrong, he immediately retreated.

“Whether you can catch it or not is not up to you, you will understand when you are arrested.” Sengoku is also unknowingly stimulating the guardian angel with words, which is his specialty, and it is wasted without using it.

“Is it? Well, I’ll give you a chance to try? After hearing this, the guardian angel understood that Sengoku wanted to stimulate him, so he planned and laughed loudly, and the red cross sword in his hand was slowly lowered.

“Sengoku, try one of my strongest attacks, Guardian Sword Feather.”

The guardian angel laughed arrogantly, his hands merged, and he turned into a flower-like shape, and in an instant, the wings behind the guardian angel moved without wind and began to emit a dazzling white light.

“What is it?” Sengoku’s face was solemn, and he felt a threat the first time the wings behind the guardian angel emitted.

“Sengoku, my guardian sword feather is not good, are you ready?” The guardian angel spoke, and at this moment, the guardian angel’s body was held up by an invisible force, floating in mid-air, looking at the Warring States condescendingly.

The power of the guardian angel is one attack and one defense, at the beginning, his power is to guard the cross chop, the guardian jade, attack to guard the cross chop, and guard to guard the jade. And when he successfully reached the highest diamond star, the guardian angel got another ability, in fact, it was one, but it was still an attack and a defense, the defense was the eternal guard, and the attack was the current guardian sword feather.

Sword feathers and sword rain, guardian sword feathers are sword feathers that turn into the sky, scattered like heavy rain, piercing the earth and piercing the earth!

The most important attribute of the guardian angel is to guard, guard everything, it can be said that the guardian angel’s guardian power is the strongest, and the attack is the best defense, so the guardian angel’s attack is not weak, and the previous guardian cross can be glimpsed from it.

“Damn, it won’t be a large-scale attack.” Sengoku stared at the guardian angel’s wings that constantly emitted bursts of light, and suddenly his heart was startled, and a sense of foreboding arose, and his face changed greatly.

“Damn it, Shockwave of Destruction, break it for me!” Sengoku felt bad in his heart and instantly counterattacked, he couldn’t let a wide range of attacks fall, so he brazenly shot out, wanting to interrupt the guardian angel’s attack.

“It’s late, Sengoku, let you see my guardian sword feathers, scatter for me!” Heavenly sword feathers! The guardian angel’s hands waved away at this moment, and at this moment, the wings behind him that emitted light burst out countless points of light, scattered in all directions, each point of light slowly deformed after leaving the wings, turning into the shape of a sword feather, and countless points of light turned into countless sword feathers, and blasted out with a sharp piercing force, this is the heavenly sword feather, the guardian sword feather!

Boom, at this moment, the attack of the Warring States also came to the guardian angel in an instant, and blatantly hit the guardian angel’s body.

“Guardian Jade.” The guardian angel instantly condensed the guardian jade, facing the powerful attack of the Warring States, clicking, the guardian jade shattered the moment it touched the shockwave of destruction of the Warring States, and the guardian angel quickly fell to the ground with this huge thrust.

“Go, Choba.” The guardian angel flew in the direction of Qioba, Qioba is very thief, in the moment when the battle just started, Qioba spread his feet and ran, hiding in a place in the distance that would not be affected by the battle, so the guardian angel came to Qioba at the moment of descent, casually held up the fat body that Qioba ate, and rushed overseas with the strength that had not completely disappeared.

“Where to escape?” Sengoku was angry and his feet were strong, trying to catch up with the guardian angel.

“Hahaha, my guardian sword feather is not that simple, Warring States, you now have two choices, one, rush over to chase me, two, go back to rescue those subordinates of you, maybe there is still a trace of rescue possibilities, Warring States, how do you choose?”

The guardian angel flew quickly in the direction of the sea, laughing loudly, he wanted to see how the Warlord would choose.

“Abominable, damn it.” The Warring States face was gloomy, and finally helpless, punched the air fiercely, this is the headquarters of the Navy, there are too many families of the Navy, if the families of the Navy are in an accident, then the consequences are really serious, so the Warring States have no choice, so they have to watch the guardian angel go away.

Collect it! Collect it! Collect it!

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