Dock One, Bai Fan is not a road idiot, but the ability to read the way is not so good, think about when he was in the forest before, he was not very knowledgeable, so Bai Fan took a long time to come to Dock 1, and after arriving at Dock 1, Bai Fan easily found the auction.

There are several guards waiting there at the entrance of the auction, under normal circumstances, except for some regular customers who often come to the auction, the rest of the guests must show a certain amount of purchasing wealth, otherwise anyone can enter, then it is not chaotic.

As for Bai Fan, when he was on the Rear Admiral Yukimula warship, he got two bags of gold coins, and naturally entered the auction smoothly, after entering, Bai Fan randomly found a seat and sat down, waiting for the auction to start.

“You know what? It seems that there will be any special auction items today? ”

“Yes, yes, I also heard about it, so I rushed over today, if it is really something special, then the money I have saved for a long time can be used.”

“I heard.”

“Well, you don’t know, this is the most common method used by auctions, and once they find something good, they will publicize it for days in advance, so that the price they auction will be much higher.”

“What the hell is that, such a big battle.”

“I don’t know, but I can let the auction specifically promote good things, just take a look.”

The auction was a stepped hall, so Bai Fan could easily hear some of the guests discussing, and also heard that there seemed to be something special good that happened to be auctioned on this day.

“It seems to have come to the right place.” Bai Fan muttered, his eyes flashing with a bright light.

“Charmarco Saint, I woke up today and felt the birds singing, I knew that something good would happen, I didn’t expect you to come, this is the honor of our auction.”

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the door of the auction ~ Bai Fan turned his head to see that a man with a bubble hood on his head and a bloated figure slowly walked in, without looking at the guard who directly pounced at his feet and knelt and licked.

“Sir, it seems that there is a special auction item today.” The guards in black suits beside Draco faithfully explained to Draco.

“Hmph, I hope there are mermaids today, what do this group of people eat, there has been no mermaid auction for so many days, and if it continues like this, I will dismantle it and let everyone in the auction become slaves.” Charmarco snorted impatiently, swaggering to the first seat in the front row, he had wanted mermaid slaves for a long time, since the last mermaid slave was accidentally killed by him, he had never had the opportunity to see mermaids again, and his friends had been showing off his mermaid slaves in front of him, making him very angry, so when he heard that there was something special to auction today, he came to the auction.

“Distinguished guests, I believe you have been waiting impatiently, so cumbersome nonsense I will not say more, the auction starts now, I believe that today’s goods will definitely surprise you, I hope every guest can buy the goods they want!”

After the arrival of Draco Char Marco Saint, the auction officially began, and the host who was dressed very exaggerated and well-behaved shouted in an exaggerated tone, which suddenly mobilized the atmosphere of the audience, and everyone was looking forward to the auctioned items.

“First of all, the first commodity, the pirate captain from the South China Sea, fisherman Grant, the bounty of 35 million Bailey, it is said that he is particularly good at catching all kinds of rare fish, it is very difficult for our people to catch ~ catch, the low price is 40 million Bailey, if any guest who likes fish buys him, maybe there is no need to worry about what fish to eat in the future, and he is tall and also the best bodyguard, what a good commodity, guests who like it don’t hesitate, hurry up and take pictures.”

On the high platform, the guards pushed out a tall man, his hands were cuffed with stony handcuffs, his face was pale, and he trembled with fear ~ ~ shaking, as if he knew his next fate, and the host was trying his best to promote his benefits, hoping that someone would buy him.

“Hmph, who likes this kind of thing, and it’s not a good thing.” Charmarco snorted, in his opinion, these goods had no effect at all, it was better to buy an interesting slave.

“Oh, such a strong pirate captain, I like it, I’m going to buy it.” A woman dressed in aristocratic clothing, with a few wrinkles on her brows, looked like a woman in her fifties looked at the pirate captain with glowing eyes, seemingly satisfied.

“Forty million Bailey.” The woman couldn’t wait to raise the card, and after several competitions, Grant the fisherman was auctioned by the woman for fifty million Bailey, and during this period there were also one or two young women who were competing, but more than forty-five million gave up, and finally reached fifty million Bailey, it was the auction nursery that was raising the price.

“Next is the second commodity, a treasure knife from Prite Island, sharpened like mud, definitely the treasure that Jianhao wants the most, starting at 10 million Bailey…”

The auction is vigorously underway, the host on the stage dragon flying phoenix dance display of various treasures, although here is a population-based auction, but if it is just a blind auction of slaves, it is inevitably a little boring, so in the auction of slaves, the host will auction some other things from time to time, and everyone’s emotions are also rising in this auction, see people’s adrenaline secretion, emotional swelling ~ swelling, this is the catharsis of money and desire ~ hope.

The auction was going on lively, but Bai Fan, who was sitting in the seat, did not speak from beginning to end, but while watching the performance of the people below, he focused his attention on Charmarco Sheng, who was sitting in the first place, and he did not forget that he came for Draco this time.

“A descendant of the Creator? If the kings who created the world government knew that their descendants would be like this, they would regret it? ”

Bai Fan scanned Char Marco Sheng, looked at the host who was performing the stage, well, wait first, see what the so-called good thing is, and it’s not too late to start after reading it.

Collect it! Collect it! Collect it!

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