Headquarters of the Navy, Marshal’s Office

Sengoku sat in front of the desk, his fingers paused one by one, tapping the desktop rhythmically, his brows furrowed, and he pondered carefully.

“Pheasant, you said that these were all said by a person named Ghost? Tell me about that ghost. Suddenly, the Warring States raised their heads and asked Xiang Qingji, the source of these are all ghosts, so the Warring States want to see if there is any valuable information on the ghosts.

“Yes, he is like a ghost, and when he is in front of me, he is like a cloud of gas, he does not see the real face, only a vague human form, and he has no entity, and the physical attack has no effect, if you really want to say.” The green pheasant pondered for a while before sighing and saying.

“He, like his name, is a ghost.”

“Ghosts? It’s impossible, there are no ghosts in this world, at most it’s just eating the devil fruit that has not yet been discovered. “Sengoku denies, as a big Buddha form of everyone’s fruit, he affirms that there are no demons and monsters in this world at all, if there is a real drop, then isn’t he a real Buddha?”

“But Marshal, when my armed color domineering attack him, it directly passes through his body, and it has no effect.” The green pheasant said with a grim face, this is the reason why he wavered, otherwise, he would not be so anxious to return to the naval headquarters.

“There should be some reason for this, but what you say shows that the power of this ghost is not weak, and it is also a very threatening enemy.” Warring States sighed, why the navy has not had many qualified heirs over the years, but the strong people on the pirate side are emerging one after another.

“Sengoku, is there anything important about you coming to me?” Just when the Warring States and the green pheasant were silent, Lieutenant General Tsuru stepped into the marshal’s office, and when the green pheasant talked about everyone just now, the Warring States had already asked his subordinates to ask Lieutenant General Tsuru to come and discuss things.

“Pheasant, you know this matter best, so it’s up to you to say it.” Warring States looked at the pheasant, this matter the pheasant has the most right to speak, after all, this matter is the personal experience of the pheasant, and only the pheasant knows best.

Lieutenant General Crane saw that the expressions of the Warring States and the green pheasant were so solemn, and he couldn’t help but become serious.

“This matter is like this…” The green pheasant once again said this matter completely, without the slightest addition, nor the slightest reduction, and with the description of the green pheasant, Lieutenant General He’s expression became more and more solemn, and his eyes flashed a bright light from time to time, not knowing what he was thinking.

“Let me summarize first, the green pheasant thinks that the ghost is very mysterious, even beyond the norms of human existence, let’s ignore this point first, if we abandon this, we can find something in it, that ghost is an ability person who eats the devil fruit, and what devil fruit did he eat?” Lieutenant General Tsuru thought for a moment before slowly speaking.

“Does this matter?” The green pheasant was a little puzzled, how did he talk about ability again.

“Calm down, listen to me.” Tsurunaka will continue the analysis.

“You say that he is a ghost, then there are two possibilities, the first is to eat the ghost fruit of the superhuman line, but this possibility is unlikely, I remember that under Moonlight Moria, there was a cadre who ate the ghost fruit of the superhuman line, and her ability has no attack power, and you also said that the ghost hurt you, then this one can be ruled out.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru analyzed with her superhuman memory in her mind, when she collected pirates suitable for becoming a candidate for the Nanabu Sea a few years ago, she had collected information on Moonlight Moria, and even collected information on his subordinates, so she remembered that Moonlight Moria’s subordinates had a ghost fruit ability, and they were also women, so this possibility could be ruled out.

“And beyond this one possibility, there is only one possibility left.” Lieutenant General Tsuru raised his head and glanced at the Sengoku.

“That is the same phantom beast species as the Warring States, everyone fruit ghost form, body ghost, haunted.”

“Everyone’s fruit ghost form, this…” Warring States and the green pheasant were shocked, and some were speechless.

“As for why I say that? There is a very important reason for this, do you remember the ability of the angel Fan Ye? Lieutenant General Tsuru ignored the surprise of the Warring States and the green pheasant and continued.

“Everyone’s fruit, angel form, oh no, guardian angel form!” The Warring States suddenly realized and couldn’t help but say it.

“This is impossible, could it be that this organization of theirs is determined to become an organization composed entirely of phantom beast species composed of everyone’s fruit?” The green pheasant blurted out, the shock on his face could not be hidden in any way, if this is really the case, it is a big deal, throughout the ages, who has the courage to collect a branch of a fruit into one force.

“Ah He, do you have any evidence?” Sengoku looked at Lieutenant General Tsuru, this guess was really strange.

“Think about the name of their organization.” Lieutenant General Tsuru’s eyes flashed and said to the two.

“Many people walk, many people walk, what is a person? Fruit of all, the ability of multiple branches of fruit of everyone, this… That’s crazy. Sengoku muttered, after Lieutenant General Tsuru’s analysis, they saw a lot of things hidden here at once.

Vice Admiral Tsuru is the big staff officer of the Navy, so her analysis is generally very convincing, but it is because of this that the Warring States and the green pheasants will be so shocked, because the results are too amazing, and the shock makes them a little unbelievable.

“But, Lieutenant General Tsuru, if this is the case, the marshal is also a big Buddha form that is one of the branches of everyone’s fruit, then they will not set their sights on the Marshal of the Warring States?” The green pheasant still didn’t quite believe it, and couldn’t help but retort, if this is really the case, then what about the Great Buddha Form of the Warring States?

“No, the Great Buddha form is there, do you say it is the Warring States?” Lieutenant General Tsuru turned his head to look at the Warring States, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

“Ah He, you mean the Golden Buddha who impersonated me before?” Sengoku immediately understood what Lieutenant General Tsuru meant.

“Well, isn’t there a first person? Perhaps, the Golden Buddha is the first person to walk in everyone! Lieutenant General Tsuru solemnly said her guess, a guess that she herself did not want to believe.

PS: There are many friends before who say that the update is not fast, in fact, it is not very few, the general writer is on the shelf the previous chapter of 1500 words, but I am basically about 2000 words, that is, I three chapters 6000 words, their four chapters are also 6000 words, there is no difference, so that my update looks less, but in fact, the amount is still the same, just don’t want to take it apart.

This book has been written for sixteen days now, and it is also time to be on the shelf, I don’t quite say anything so-called heartfelt words, I can only say, it is on the shelves in the early morning, please order the first order, if you think it’s okay, then please support it!

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