The vast sea, the archipelago is dotted like a jewel, and a lone boat is drifting on the sea.

The sea is calm, there is no trace of wind blowing, and the boat has no other power, but can only rely on the people on board to row with arm strength.

Booming, a huge sound sounded below the surface of the water, and a huge black shadow burst out under the water, opening its blood basin and mouth, about to bite the people on the boat.

Boom, the light flickered, a domineering and very sharp cross slash flew out above the boat, directly slashed towards the black shadow, the booming explosion roared, some blood appeared on the sea, a huge seahorse floated on the sea, cut off the breath.

“What place is this?” Why hasn’t even the windless belt come out yet. ”

Bai Fan looked up to the sky and sighed, not looking at the seahorse that attacked them, in the past few days, they had walked out of the island and wanted to leave here, but there was one thing they forgot, that is, the island that Renly brought them to was called Ruskayana, and Ruskayana Island was located in the windless zone.

What is a windless zone? The nest of the sea king, so Bai Fan and Qioba met the sea king class as soon as they walked out of the island, to be honest, Bai Fan was not afraid of the sea king class, so he changed into a guardian angel, and the cross slash blasted out, directly smashing the sea king class, but it was not so simple, and then there were sea king attacks one after another, but it was just cut off, so now, Bai Fan saw the sea king class has no reaction, directly blasted out the slash.

“Why hasn’t even the windless belt come out yet.”

Bai Fan was helpless, he had been walking for two or three days after leaving Ruskayana Island, but there was still no trace of sea breeze, so Bai Fan knew that they were not even going out in the windless belt now, and they were still staying in the windless belt.

“Didi, find the source Devil Fruit, please get it from the host.” Just as Bai Fan sighed, a brilliant voice appeared in his mind~

“Devil Fruit?” Bai Fan was stunned when he heard this, and then he was overjoyed, he didn’t expect that there was actually a devil fruit here, he had just walked out of Ruskayana Island when he met the devil fruit, this luck made Bai Fan’s heart happy, and his irritability also eased a lot.

“Go, set off towards the Devil Fruit.” Bai Fan was excited, and drove the boat quickly in the direction pointed by Brilliant.

“This is the Nine Snakes Pirates.” Before he got closer, Bai Fan had already seen the very recognizable pirate ship, and he was strange in his heart, but he didn’t expect to meet the Nine Snake Pirate Group, that is, the female emperor Han Cook was on it?

Ruskayana is a small island near the Amazon lily, so Bai Fan can easily walk around here after coming out of Ruskayana, so it is not strange to meet Hancock.

“Let’s keep a low profile.” Bai Fan muttered, to be honest, Han Cook was born beautiful, a generation of female emperors, overlord color domineering, coupled with the ability of sweet fruit, it can be said that it is peerless, but Bai Fan is not very willing to face Han Cook head-on.

Bai Fan is not a guardian, seeing such a beauty say that there is no reaction is false, my fair lady, a gentleman is good, but Bai Fan knows that with Hancock’s charm and the assistance of sweet fruits, when the time comes, a sweet and sweet wind, he will definitely be petrified, and his life and death will be under Hancock’s control at that time.

Life and death are not in his control, which is the last thing Bai Fan wants to see, so he feels that he will not easily confront Hancock, because this woman is too dangerous, but the devil fruit cannot be given up.

“Third Color: Ghost Form.”

A shout, the light flashed, a ghost appeared on the boat, since he could not give up the devil fruit, and not far away to face Han Cook, thinking repeatedly, Bai Fan decided, turned into a ghost and quietly sneaked onto the ship of the Nine Snakes Pirates, the ghost’s ability is not afraid to be captured by the domineering sight, this has been practiced on the pheasant, so Bai Fan is very confident, and when he finds the devil fruit, he will leave directly, so that there is no trouble.

“Are you going to pit someone? I go too. As soon as Qiao Ba saw Bai Fan turn into a ghost, he immediately said excitedly, his eyes were shining, and he liked this kind of thing that made others deflated.

“Who said that I would pit others, I just went to see the situation to see if there were enemies, so you gave me to stay on this obediently, and don’t cause me any trouble.” Bai Fan’s face darkened after hearing Qioba’s words, and he realized more and more how undesirable it was to develop this ability that could make Qioba open his mouth before, and this product had developed the habit of scaring him as soon as he opened his mouth.

“Then you have to bring me some food, delicious.” Choiba said with a grin.

“Silly deer eater.” Bai Fan scolded, and the ghost’s figure disappeared directly on the ship.

“This is the pirate ship of the Nine Snake Pirates, it is really good.” Bai Fan boarded the Nine Snakes Pirate Group and was directly attached to a mast, looking at the female warriors of the Amazon lilies, well, sure enough, the women of the Nine Snakes are very extravagant, only a small amount of cloth on their bodies, and some are directly wrapped in animal skins, so that Bai Fan feasts his eyes.

In the captain’s room, Hancock was originally lying on the mattress, and a snake with horned skulls tied to her and red markings on her side was resting, which was her pet Salume, and suddenly, Salumei bounced up sharply, looking around uneasily, and the snake’s mouth kept hissing.

“What’s wrong? Salume. As soon as Hancock heard Salume’s voice, he sat up inside and looked at Salume.

“This is…” Hancock immediately understood what Salome meant, as if something had brought his unease closer.

“Sanda Sonya, inside to gather the people on the ship, there are enemies near here.” Hancock shouted outside the house, directly and decisively, without the slightest hesitation.

“Yes, my lord sister.”

In an instant, the Nine Snakes Pirate Group began to act, and every female warrior looked grimly vigilant, scanning every place on the ship without the slightest omission.

“So vigilant?” The ghost hid in the mast, looking at the female warriors who were hurried~hurried, muttering in his heart, it seems that this female emperor Han Cook is really not simple.

The female warriors stood in every corner, vigilant and silent, and suddenly there was a very rhythmic sound of footsteps in the cabin, from near to far, towards the deck, and the ghost knew that Hancock had come out. –

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