Dull footsteps came out of the cabin, and four big men struggled to carry a heavy box, as if it contained something extremely heavy.


When the box was carried to the deck, Bai Fan ordered to Captain Holt, he was a little curious about what would be inside, such a heavy thing is rare.

“This… Yes. Captain Holt struggled a little, this was a secret thing, none of them had the right to see it, so he didn’t know what it was, but weighing this thing against his own life, Captain Holt decided to open it.

Touch, the captain pried the lock of the box, directly lifted the lid, and the lid fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

“This is…” Everyone’s eyes were focused on the items in the box, and some of those who stood far away couldn’t help but move closer, but one thing was the same, they didn’t dare to block Bai Fan’s line of sight.

Fences, stone fences!

This is everyone’s first reaction after seeing it, the things inside are fences, boxy, each piece is about a square meter, a thick stack, estimated to be about a dozen, if you really want to describe it, this is like a prison outside a layer of railings.

“Where are you going?” Bai Fan thought thoughtfully, and then asked Captain Holt.

“Sir, our destination is the rape flower port in Alabastan, as for who to hand over later? We don’t know. The captain answered truthfully, not daring to hide anything, the task assigned to them by the superior was to transport them to the rape flower port in Alabastan, and naturally someone would pick them up and extract this batch of materials in the future.


A smile flashed in Bai Fan’s eyes, he already understood that this was part of the prison made of sea lou stone, Bai Fan remembered that the sand crocodile set up a casino in the rainy land of Alabastan, called the rain banquet, which was the base camp of the sand crocodile, and when Luffy and the others broke in, they were trapped by the sand crocodile in a prison made of sea lou stone.

And this fence is a part of that Hailou stone prison, but it is still not completed, and after they transport this batch of Hailou stones there, they will assemble it, this is a complete Hailou stone prison, and now this part of the unfinished product has fallen into Bai Fan’s hands.

But isn’t this part enough to make a prison?

“Is this the only thing you transport?” Bai Fan asked Captain Holt.

“Sir, there are two other captains who are also transporting some of them.” Captain Holt answered honestly that those were two other competitors, and whoever finished well would be likely to be promoted.

“Good.” Bai Fan nodded in satisfaction, and a light flashed in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

Bai Fan stood up, came to the deck of the pirate ship, ignored everyone, and directly collected the stone fence of the sea tower.

“Didi, return to the host, has collected the sea lou stone, can open the fourth color temporary form, is it open?” The brilliant voice sounded in Bai Fan’s mind as scheduled.

“Not on yet.” Bai Fan said in his heart, temporarily turn on? This is not what Bai Fan wants, in fact, Bai Fan also expected, this is the Sea Lou Stone, the source contained in the Sea Lou Stone is originally not comparable to the Devil Fruit, plus this is only a small part, so the source contained in it is only enough to temporarily open the fourth form is also a normal thing.

“Since you are going to Alabastan, you should have a permanent pointer to Alabastan, right?” Bai Fan suddenly said, looking at Captain Holt.

“This… Yes… Yes. The captain hesitated a little, but after seeing Bai Fan’s ancient waterless gaze, he was afraid for a while, quickly nodded and said, quickly took out the permanent pointer in his pocket, and respectfully took it to Bai Fan.

“Very good, a smart person, I am in a good mood today…” Bai Fan smiled at the corner of his mouth, did not continue, turned around and walked back to the sea king class.

“Let’s go.” Bai Fan said to the sea kings.

With a snort, the sea king flicked its giant tail, and the waves were immediately pushed away, and the figure quickly advanced, heading in the direction pointed by the permanent pointer.

“Captain, things have been robbed, what should I do?” After the sea king class left, the deputy captain came to the captain Holt and asked worriedly.

Holt didn’t have the slightest word, he was recalling Bai Fan’s last sentence, “I’m in a good mood today…” Holt knew that this sentence should be:

Today I am in a good mood and do not want to kill!

Holt realized that they were just ants in each other’s eyes from beginning to end.

But Holt still has a lot of things he doesn’t understand, ask him for permanent pointers, is this going to Alabastan? He didn’t understand, since he had already obtained something, why did he go to that place, it was His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, the territory of Crokdar, wasn’t this sending sheep into the mouth of the tiger?

In fact, they didn’t know, since they already knew that there were two more ships that also had fences made of sea lou stones, Bai Fan couldn’t let it go, he was going crazy now thinking about the source, and he would not let it go.

In fact, Bai Fan also had a choice, he could also follow behind this ship to Alabastan, and then directly detain the two ships after the other two ships arrived and collect the fence made of sea floor stone, but Bai Fan did not want to do this.

Because, it’s too much trouble.

Since he already knows that this is a sand crocodile, then he will eventually go to the sand crocodile, so he goes directly to the door and directly grabs it in the hands of the sand crocodile, so why bother to follow the trouble?

“Captain?” The co-captain saw that Holt was lost and couldn’t help shouting again.

“Okay.” Holt said headlessly, and the deputy captain looked at Holt speechlessly, what does this mean.

“Vice Captain, you arrange for the people below to go and see Big Di’s injuries.” After the explanation, Holt walked back to the captain’s room, and took out a phone bug in the cabinet.

“Moses Moses, I am Captain Holt of Million Ships, and there is a very horrible man who snatched this batch of things.” Holt truthfully reported the situation to his superiors.

“Bastard, damn it, Holt, just wait for punishment.” An angry voice came from the phone worm, knocked off the phone worm, and Holt smiled bitterly, this is not what he wants.

“Moses Moses, here is…, something happened to that shipment…” After deducting Holt’s phone worm, the person on the other side dialed a phone again and said to the phone worm, and in this way, this matter progressed layer by layer until it reached the ears of the sand crocodile.

Finally, the sand crocodile is furious!

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