Mihawk was bored, so he wanted to find something to have fun, and he saw a pirate ship that had just entered the Great Voyage, so he decided that he wanted to have fun with them, so he cut it out, the pirate ship was divided into two halves, and the pirates fled in a hurry, and the direction of escape was not to retreat to the four seas, but to the depths of the Great Voyage.

This is interesting, Mihawk suddenly had some interest, he decided, he will slowly chase down to see where the little mice will escape, this is just enough to relieve the boredom, so he leisurely followed.

Until today, his patience was finally worn out, so he decided to end the game, and at this time, Mihawk suddenly felt a breath in front of him, an inexplicable breath, at first like a stunning sword, dazzling, but the next moment like a noble prince standing tall, gentle and elegant.

These are two completely different breaths, the domineering and fierce breath, like a swordsman with different talents, strong strength, and similar to him, and the noble breath is like those who have not fought, full of poetry, talented scholars, but at this time they are mixed together.

The two breaths are constantly mixed, very contradictory and with a hint of course.

Mihawk is a swordsman, born with a strong sense of battle, and he is even more talented when he sees and hears domineering, so he is sure that he does not feel wrong, but the more so, the more strange he feels, which makes his bored mood suddenly more interested, so he decided to go and see.

Suddenly, Mihawk stood up, looked in that direction with a sense of feeling, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eagle-like eyes burst out with a terrifying light, because he felt a sword intent, a sword intent eager to fight.

If just now it was a sword sealed in a scabbard, now it is a divine weapon unsheathed, a divine weapon, with a dazzling light, shining in this sea.

A slight chime sounded behind Mihawk, who didn’t look back, still staring in the direction of the distance, muttering to himself.

“Do you feel that sword intent too? Well, I’m also very excited, it’s rare to meet such a swordsman, I never knew that there is such a swordsman in this world, no, it should be a big swordsman, there are actually people in this world who have such kendo attainments, it seems that we can have a hearty battle. ”

His sword, one of the supreme fast swords, Night, trembled slightly, chirping, because it knew that there was a kendo master who was about to come, and the battle was about to break out.

At this moment, a white light came to Mihawk, and the light turned into a white translucent divine bird, resembling a white phoenix, and a graceful, silver-haired man stood on top of the white phoenix, which was exactly Li Bai transformed by Bai Fan.

“Fight or not?” Li Bai spoke lightly, and his scattered eyes looked at Hawkeye Mihawk slightly.

“Fight!” Mihawk stared at Li Bai without saying much, and his fighting intent was skyrocketing.

Booming, in an instant, two powerful and equally powerful sword intentions burst out on the two of them, and the qi rushed into the sky, and the white clouds in the sky were twisted into pieces by these two sword qi at this moment, and the sea water below them also vibrated at this moment.

Some people in the pirate world know that Mihawk does not have a shocking overlord-colored domineering, but he has an imposing momentum that is not inferior to the overlord-colored domineering, that is, his sword intent, the sword intent is released, extremely powerful, even more domineering than the overlord-colored domineering.

The sword intent was realized by Mihawk in countless battles, and it was also the reason why Mihawk became the first person to see, because only he comprehended it, but now there is another person who knows sword intent, that is, Li Bai.

The name of the Sword Immortal is not false!

“I only have two swords.” Li Bai opened his mouth indifferently, he used two moves, but these two moves were not what ordinary people could follow.

“Yes, I agree.” Mihawk nodded, his eyes fixed on Li Bai.

A master’s move, two moves, is enough to determine the winner or loser.

“Then let’s start, the first move, the sword of the great river… Heaven comes up. “The sword in his hand is clenched, Li Bai dances, the semi-circular sword flower, the tip of the sword skims over the sea, swinging towards Mihawk!

Booming, the calm sea rioted at the moment Li Bai’s sword crossed, and the sea water seemed to converge into a current in an instant, like a water dragon, vigorously rushing towards Mihawk, and the water dragon was violent, like a sharp sword made of water, with an indomitable sword intent, slashing towards Mihawk.

“How is it possible to draw water with a sword?” Mihawk’s calm expression changed slightly at this time, using sword intent to pull other objects, and then causing attacks, this is a kind of kendo he expected, but it is only a conjecture, he did not expect that someone could use it, it was terrifying.

“One word battle, one word chop!”

The sword intent carried by the water dragon rushed towards him, and Mihawk instantly returned to his senses, did not dare to be careless, and swung an extremely powerful slash.

Boom, Mihawk’s powerful slash and the water dragon cracked together, bursting out violent air currents, fleeing in all directions, and also, the air flow on the sea surface escaped, and the sea was separated into four petals, which was forced by the sea water to separate under these two powerful sword intent.

“What happened? Sea quakes? People passing by in the distance shouted as they looked at the turbulent sea, but no one would return to them.

“Terrifying kendo attainment.” Mihawk murmured in his heart, this is probably the most terrifying person he has ever seen in kendo, using a sword to protect water, this is something that has never been done before, but the power does not seem to be fully displayed.

“Next comes the second move.” Li Bai didn’t give Mihawk too much time to think, and spoke.

“Hmm.” Mihawk nodded, holding the black knife night in both hands, fully guarded.

“Will be in the wine… The cup does not stop. Li Bai took a step with his left foot, making a knife shape, and the shape was like a juhe.

Booming, Li Bai’s figure rushed towards Mihawk at this moment, the speed was so fast that it seemed to cross the space, making people unable to react, the sword intent wrapped around the sword body, slashing towards Mihawk.

“Two words chop, cut nothingness.” Mihawk swung a slash, this time, Li Bai’s speed was too fast, so fast that he could only see a phantom, but Mihawk’s intuition was sharp, and he swung the slash the moment Li Bai left.

With a boom, the slash slashed together with Li Bai’s sword, and then made a pop and quickly separated, but after Li Bai cut off the first slash, not only did not retreat, but rushed towards Mihawk at a faster speed.

Will enter the wine, the glass does not stop, since the wine is in, do not stop, go forward, unstoppable!

PS: The image of the fourth color sword fairy Li Bai is to use Li Baifeng in the king pesticide to seek the phoenix, but the move and some other settings are just references, not all, so if there is anything that feels wrong, please include more.

Another thing, someone has been brushing two evaluation votes recently, which is really unpleasant, so if you still have evaluation votes in your hands, please vote for me ten, thank you very much!!!

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