The sea was all rumored because of the battle between Li Bai and Hawkeye, but Bai Fan didn’t know anything and leisurely advanced in the direction of Alabastan.

If he arrived in Alabastan faster than the two ships carrying the stone fence of the sea tower, wouldn’t he have been empty?

With such a mentality, Bai Fan did not let the sea king move forward quickly, but slowly moved forward with a tourist mentality, and finally, a week later, Bai Fan came to the external port of Alabastan, the rape flower port.

“For the sake of a sincere person like you, give you a way to live.” After stepping on the land, Bai Fan waved his hand and directly drove away the sea kings, originally it was going to hunt Bai Fan, but it was directly tamed by Bai Fan, so it was a very merciful thing not to kill it.

With a snort, the sea king directly plunged into the deep sea, as for whether it returned to the windless zone or survived in this sea, this is not something that Bai Fan can manage.

“Boss, bring all the delicious food.” According to the custom, Bai Fan directly looked for a hotel with a good reputation, and after eating and drinking, Bai Fan threw down a few gold coins and left directly.

“Uncle, how to go in the rain?” Bai Fan asked the locals that the sand crocodile’s nest was in the rain, so he had to know how to walk.

The rain land is a new city in Alabastan, and there is one of the seven martial seas of the king Krokdar sits, there are many people who want to settle there, so there are not many people who ask where to go to the rain place, the uncle does not have any doubts, directly told Bai Fan, after a while, Bai Fan has already got the answer he wants.

“Yes, I already know the way to the rain, but there is one more thing I can do next.” Bai Fan muttered, his eyes casually looking, he remembered that this city seemed to have a naval branch, and the naval branch of the Great Voyage had a characteristic, that is, there were more or less Hai Lou stone handcuffs that were specially designed to deal with those who were capable.

Half a day later, the naval branch of the rape flower port sounded the alarm, because their storage room was broken, if it was not for the logistics personnel responsible for cleaning up, they did not know, but they were a little strange, why the storage room was broken, but not much was lost, well, only a few handcuffs and the sea floor stone net against the ability were missing, and the rest were intact, which made the navy of the naval branch scratch their heads, and then they could only be regarded as a cold case, and it could not be solved.


Krockdahl sat worriedly at a round table, shaking a glass of red wine in his hand, his eyes scattered, and he lost his thoughts, and what he was thinking about was something he had already thought about some time ago, and his batch of sea lou stones were robbed.

In the previous time, Crokdal already felt that no matter who dared to come, he would kill them all.

However, in the past two days, Krockdahl was a little hesitant, because he also knew the news above the sea, a man known as the Sword Immortal directly defeated Hawkeye Mihawk, he didn’t understand the matter of kendo, and he didn’t care very much, but there was another news that had to be paid attention to.

Qinglian Sword Immortal Li Bai, the fourth person in the crowd.

“Everybody walks, everybody goes, damn it, it’s actually related to everybody’s walking.”

Krokdal cursed, if Crokdal was just a little cautious before, then now he should be jealous, the guardian angel who robbed his things, but what really made him afraid was the power behind the angel Fanye, everyone!

What kind of organization is this? Everyone who walks with a name on his back is an absolute strongman, and almost every one of them will directly do a big thing.

For the first time, the angel Fan Ye directly broke into the naval headquarters, unscrupulously, and then retreated with ease, followed by the Golden Buddha and the ghost, these two did not report anything special, but Crockdar knew that some people were unknown because they did some inconvenient news, just like the evil king he knew, the most vicious female prisoner in history, Ka1 Trina, look at the bounty that directly broke 100 million.

As for now, a new character comes out, which is good, directly challenging the first swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk, and also letting Hawkeye Mihawk willingly give up the first title.

This force is too terrifying! Don’t mess with it!

This was the conclusion that Crokdahl had drawn, but now it seemed that everyone had found him first, and from the previous intelligence, it seemed that the angel Fanye was coming towards Alabastan.

“What should I do? Give it up? Crokdahl’s face was gloomy, so it was really a little unwilling to give up this batch of sea tower stone fences, Crokdal glanced at the two boxes inside, and yesterday, these two sea tower stones had been delivered.

“Damn, it’s at this time.” Crockdahl secretly scolded, he carefully designed the ideal township plan for a long time is just in its infancy, many have not yet been completed, and even some time ago, he spent a great price to get those five things for this plan, and his hard work was put here, so he can’t be exposed, can’t be stirred up like this.

“For my big plan!” Krockdahl said helplessly, he felt that if there was really no way, he could only try to be weak a little.

The eldest husband can flex and stretch, and everything is for his ideals.

And while Crocdahl was thinking about it, a man walked into this desert city called Rain Land with a reindeer.

“How is the rain banquet going?” Bai Fan asked passers-by very politely.

“Yuyan, young man, gambling money is not a very good habit, it is better to follow me to work, maybe you will soon have your own career.” The rain banquet is the base of the sand crocodile, and it is also a famous casino, and this phrase is said by a well-intentioned passerby.

“This is not necessary, can you tell me how to go to the rain banquet?” Bai Fan smiled and shook his head.

“Okay, that direction.” The passerby sighed helplessly, another lost lamb.

“Thank you, by the way, I’m not going to gamble money, I’m going to withdraw money.” Bai Fan thanked politely, said casually, and then walked directly towards the direction of the rain banquet, leaving only passers-by who generally did not know why.

In front of the rain banquet, Bai Fan glanced at the signboard and walked directly in.

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