Above the endless desert, one person and one deer sit on a huge crab and slowly advance.

“Brilliant, isn’t the current source enough to raise the Fourth Color Sword Immortal Li Bai to the highest level?” Bai Fan asked Brilliant in his heart.

“Back to the host, you can upgrade to the king level!” A brilliant voice sounded in Bai Fan’s mind, the king level was a completely different grade from the previous gold and diamond, a body to the diamond level may be enough for a devil fruit, but the king level has undergone earth-shaking changes, so the source matter required is also suddenly superimposed.

“Do you mean you can be promoted to the king level, but you can’t reach the highest level? So now you can tell me the rank above the king, right? ”

Bai Fan said that Sword Immortal Li Bai is a very special form, and when it was turned on at the beginning, Bai Fan noticed that Brilliant did not introduce the level of Sword Immortal Li Bai, so after fighting with Hawkeye Mihawk, he had asked Brilliant about this.

The highest level of Sword Immortal Li Bai has not yet been unlocked, so it is impossible to tell.

This is the original words of Brilliant at that time, not yet unlocked? Now the highest level of Brilliant is the king, but Brilliant said that it has not been unlocked, that is to say, the highest level of the sword immortal Li Bai surpassed the king, which shocked Bai Fan, but he did not expect that he did not even have the form of the king level now, but as a result, there was a form with potential to surpass the king.

“After the level is unsealed, the host will naturally know the rank above the king.” After waiting for a while, the brilliant voice finally appeared in Bai Fan’s mind, but it still did not tell Bai Fan the rank above the king.

“May I ask if the host has upgraded the Fourth Colored Sword Immortal Li Bai Form to the king level!” A brilliant voice sounded in Bai Fan’s mind.

“Sure, raise Sword Immortal Li Bai to the king level.” Bai Fan nodded, a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes, he had not seen the form of the king level, think about the diamond grade golden Buddha, smash the large sea king class without wind belt with one palm, how powerful would the king level be?

“Start upgrading Sword Immortal Li Bai, please wait.” With Bai Fan’s approval, Brilliant began to upgrade.

After a while, a ray of light flashed on Bai Fan’s body, Bai Fan got up, raised his head to the sky and whistled, the light on his body flashed, and the form of Sword Immortal Li Bai appeared in place.

“Didi, the fourth color Sword Immortal Li Bai has been promoted.”

“Fourth Color Sword Immortal Li Bai, current level: King One Star!

New abilities: Illusory Sword Song, Qinglian Sword Formation, and Phoenix Laiyi! ”

“Where the sword goes, where the heart goes!” Li Bai muttered, thoughtfully.

Boom, at this time, a large area of scorpions, lizards and other animals all burst out of the yellow sand, dense, like a circle, surrounding Li Bai and Qioba, lizards and scorpions looked at Li Bai with blood-red eyes, these are desert creatures unique to Alabastan, and now, they are all attracted by the sound of Li Bai’s promotion just now, it seems that the fluctuation just now makes them have a natural impulse.

“Let you try the power I just got.” Li Bai’s expression remained unchanged, and the Qinglian Immortal Sword in his hand slowly pulled out, and then danced slightly, like an elegant phoenix dancing, a round sword radiance was drawn, slowly spreading around.

“Roar!” All the desert creatures couldn’t stand it and rushed directly in Li Bai’s direction.

“Where the sword goes, where the heart goes, Qinglian Sword Formation!” With a low murmur, a huge invisible aperture appeared beside Li Bai, with Li Bai as the center, enveloping all desert creatures in the aperture.

In an instant, the Qinglian sword intent flashed, and all the desert creatures stood still at this moment, as if they were sluggish.

“Not bad, really tough.” Li Bai’s eyes were shining, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and he seemed to be very satisfied with this move.

“Let’s go, Choba.”

Li Bai said to Qiao Ba and the crab at his feet, and the Qinglian Immortal Sword slowly returned to its sheath, no longer paying attention to this group of desert creatures that suddenly did not move.

“Okay.” Qiao Ba nodded, some did not react, it seems that Li Bai did not do anything? Why do some creatures such as lizards and scorpions suddenly not move?

It’s just that no one will return to this problem, and after Li Bai and Qiao Ba left this area, a slightly hot wind slowly blew, and at the moment when the wind blew these desert creatures, these desert creatures were like smoke and dust, slowly blown off and disappeared.

If anyone sees it, they will definitely be shocked by this scene, because it is too terrifying, at the moment just now, all the desert creatures turned into ashes in an instant, but Li Bai’s sword was too fast, so fast that their bodies still retained the prototype until they were blown down by the wind.

This is the power of the Qinglian Sword Array, conjuring up the Qinglian Sword Array, within the sword formation is Li Bai’s world, and all those who step into the Qinglian Sword Formation have only one result, that is, death!

PS: I have a cold, I feel so uncomfortable, my head is so dizzy, so the update is a little slow, sorry!

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