Vivi was very determined, there was even a hint of death on her face, she had brought all the best things she could find, if the ghost was still not satisfied, then she couldn’t help, she was ready to have a ghost around her in the future, at most she could ignore him.

The ghost looked at the box that Wei Wei took out, the corners of his mouth smiled silently, devil fruit, this actually has a devil fruit, this time can be said to be a real unexpected joy, although I don’t know why Brilliant didn’t remind me just now, but since you can get the devil fruit, it’s the best thing.

“Although this is not a valuable thing, but for the sake of such a sincere person as you, I have decided, accept this fruit, and then leave.” The ghost said slowly, looking at Wei Wei’s hard work and reluctantly accepting this fruit.

“Well, thank you.” Vivi nodded excitedly, she could finally send away this ghost, she could finally sleep peacefully.

“I’ll go.” The ghost rolled up the devil fruit, slowly dissipated, and left the royal palace of Alabastan.

“It’s great to finally be gone.” It wasn’t until the ghost disappeared that Vivi let go of her heart and muttered to herself.

Two days later, the royal palace of Alabastan

“Your Royal Highness, Alabal has finished his inspection, and nothing has happened.” A man who looked mature and steady, said to Kobra on the throne.

“Hard work for you, Gaka, some time ago the angel Fanye descended on the rain, so I have to guard against it.” Kobra said slowly, the angel Fan Ye, who had not appeared for a long time ago, appeared in the rainy land, and also cut off one of Krockdal’s hands, Kobra was very worried, worried that he would appear in the capital Alabal, so he ordered his guard adjutant Jaka to inspect all the areas of the capital.

“It’s not hard, it’s all for Alabastan.” Gaka nodded, without the slightest complaint in his eyes.

“By the way, Gaka, I got a devil fruit a few days ago, just to eat it for you, as a reward for this time.” Kobra said that he had obtained a devil fruit the other day, a dog fruit of the animal line, the jackal form, which happened to be eaten by Gaka.

“Devil Fruit? His Royal Highness King Xie. A flash of excitement flashed in Gaka’s eyes, he could get more powerful power, which no one could refuse, and his partner, Bell, who was also the adjutant of the Arabastan’s escort, had been given the Animal Bird Fruit Falcon Type Devil Fruit by His Royal Highness, so he did not refuse.

“Go and get the chest in the treasury.” Kobra said to the maid, but after a while, the maid came in a panic.

“Your Royal Highness, the box is gone.”

“What, who dares to be so bold, check it for me.” Kobra was angry, a word of order was sent, and the palace began to investigate thoroughly, and after a while, the result came out, it was Princess Vivi who took it.

“Bring the princess here, and the rest go down.” Kobra was a little depressed at this moment, but he still asked Vivi to find him, and in order not to make Gaka feel a gap, he asked Gaka to stay and figure out what was going on together.

“Father, did you come to me for something?” Vivi came to Kobra for some reason.

“Vivi, did you take that box in the treasure house?” Kobra asked with a gloomy face.

“This… I took it. “Vivi has a tendency to develop towards anger, and immediately obediently admits her mistake.

“What’s going on? Have you eaten? Vivi. Kobra asked Vivi a little anxiously, he had wanted to find a fruit for Vivi, but it was not an animal type.

“I didn’t eat, it was two days ago, when we went to the funeral hall, that day, a ghost in the funeral hall woke up, and then he followed me out…”

Vivi red eyes, aggrieved to say this matter, without the slightest omission, including the ghost said to follow her, and what treasures behind, Vivi said it one by one, Kobra and Gaka were very speechless when they heard it, although Vivi didn’t know, but they knew that it was a lie, and only a little girl like Vivi would be fooled.

“Wait, Vivi, you just said he called himself a ghost?” Kobra suddenly remembered a sentence from Vivi’s words just now.

“Hmm.” Vivi nodded.

“Gaka, did you say it would be the third person in the crowd, Ghost!” Kobra’s face suddenly became serious, during this time, the second person of everyone’s walk, Fan Ye, appeared in Alabastan, then the third person ghost is also very likely, although the ghost has always been haunted, he only knows the name, but he can easily think of this.

“Most likely, His Royal Highness.” Gaka is also full of seriousness, once he has a relationship with everyone, it is not a trivial matter.

“Such a character actually came to deceive a little girl.” Kobra was speechless for a while, he shouldn’t say anything, if you come directly to the door to ask for it, it is estimated that he will give it to him, and it is good to be a favor, but what is it to deceive a little girl like this.

“Eh, Gaka, I’m sorry, I will definitely give it to you when I get the Devil Fruit in the future.” Kobra said to Gaka that although Vivi did not understand this matter, he was reluctant to blame Vivi for this.

“Please don’t do this, Your Royal Highness, the safety of the princess is more important and the other party is the legendary organization of the people, this is also a matter of no way.” Jaka said helplessly, although there are some regrets, but this is also something that cannot be expected, what does he have to complain about?

“Sorry, Uncle Gacca.” Vivi also said sorry to Gaka sensibly, after all, she was also wrong.

“No need to do this, Your Royal Highness.” Jaka hurriedly saluted.

“Okay, so be it.” Kobra revealed the incident, but Vivi remembered the ghost in her heart.

“It’s all that villain, actually deceived people like this, hmph, I remember this villain.”

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