Headquarters of the Navy, Marshal’s Office.

“Newspaper, Marshal, there is urgent news about the Great Voyage.” Major General Sicily gave a copy of the intelligence to the Marshal of the Warring States.

“Bring it.” Sengoku took the information and immediately opened it, and every time the crowd walked up, he would not do anything good, so he was very concerned about the affairs of the crowd.

“Everyone?” Karp, who was eating senbei on the side, jumped when he heard the news of everyone’s walking, walked to the side of the Warring States, and also read the content of the intelligence.

The zero man of the multitude, the leader of the multitude, the emperor of the multitude!

Damn everyone, suddenly there is such a thing, as soon as they saw this news, the Warring States suddenly became angry, I didn’t expect that there were such a figure in the crowd, if it wasn’t for the angel Fan Ye himself to say it, it is estimated that they didn’t even have the possibility of knowing, and they have been kept in the dark.

As soon as he thought of this, Sengoku felt irritated and wanted to vent, clenched his hands into fists, and hammered hard towards the desk.

With a loud bang, the wide desk collapsed, only it was not the Marshal of the Warring States who hammered it, but Lieutenant General Karp on the side.

“Karp, what do you do?” Sengoku was stunned and felt inexplicable, he hadn’t hammered down yet, and Karp hammered the desk first.

“Itchy hands for a while, itchy hands for a while, this crowd is too terrifying, there is actually a leader.” Karp said with a smile, leading the topic to everyone, just now he was very angry when he saw this news, and as a result, he couldn’t control it, and broke the desk of the Sengoku.

“Indeed, this point was really unexpected to me, I didn’t expect that there was another person above the crowd, and I felt more and more that this crowd was not simple, the water was too deep.”

As soon as it came to business, the war horse was solemn, and immediately forgot about Karp breaking the table, this news was really beyond his previous imagination, originally thought it was just a loose organization, but now there is a mysterious leader, then this matter has become different.

Thinking about it this way, the establishment of the People’s Bank is definitely not simple, and there must be some big conspiracy in it.

Sengoku was worried, he hadn’t had a good night’s sleep after the crowd walked out, and every time there was news from the crowd, he had to stabilize his mood so as not to be too angry.

“Indeed, crowding is definitely a hidden danger, so, Warring States, I’ll go and see if I can catch the mortal boy first.” Karp said indignantly, and then left the marshal’s office directly.

“Please, Karp.” Looking at Karp’s distant figure, Sengoku muttered.

“No, you haven’t paid for my desk yet.” Only then did Sengoku remember that his desk was broken by Karp.

“Forget it, let Sicily clean up.” Sengoku said helplessly, but did not pursue, in the past, when he was angry, he would not mind breaking the desk, the people below had already experience, and prepared spare for him, so there was no big deal, just cheap Karp this guy.


“Dad, there is new news for the people you want us to follow.”

On the whale-like white pirate ship Moby Dick, Marko held a piece of intelligence and said to Whitebeard with a solemn expression.

“Everyone? Let me see. Whitebeard took the intelligence and looked at it.

“The Zero Man is a terrible organization.” Whitebeard sighed.

“Marko, let the people below remember my previous words, don’t take the initiative to provoke the people of the crowd, I have a hunch, the power that the people are showing now is definitely only the tip of the iceberg, they are not simple.”

“So powerful? I see, Daddy. Marco nodded cautiously, it was definitely not easy to make their dad value it so much.

“Well, go down.” Whitebeard said that this is like an island, if the people of this island are very strong, but there is no leader, this island is not afraid, because the power is scattered, and when a leader appears, these scattered forces will be concentrated, then the nature changes, this can become a force, a powerful force.

Whitebeard got the news, and the other big forces also got the news one after another, and this time, each of them had a solemn face when they knew it, and after thinking about it, everyone made the same decision as Whitebeard.

“Ben Beckman, let the people below not take the initiative to provoke the people who are crowded.” A red-haired man said to a mature and steady man beside him.


“Katakuri, let the people below pay attention, don’t provoke the crowd, they are tricky.” A woman who was several times larger than an ordinary person, with bloodshot eyes and a large mouth dripping from time to time said to a man.

“Yes, Mom.” The man said solemnly.


“Everyone, the organization where that bastard ghost is?” On a pirate ship pulled by sea serpents, a gorgeous woman with beautiful eyebrows wrinkled and said, this is Hancock, after returning to the Amazon lily, Hancock has learned the identity of the ghost from her mother-in-law, so she now remembers the ghost.


“Father, is this the organization of that liar? And what is the zero man? A little girl with long beautiful blue hair asked a steady man.

“Wei Wei remembered, if you meet the people of this organization in the future, you must not go to trouble them, and forget about the ghost who deceived the Devil Fruit before.” Kobra stared at the newspaper and said, his expression solemn.

They can’t afford to provoke such an enemy, so they must not be an enemy.


The impact of this incident was greater than anything that had happened before, and because the Guardian Angel was present at the place where he said these words, some newspapers began to report on it.

In an instant, the news that should have circulated only between the small island and the various major forces spread throughout the sea, and almost in the past few days, everyone who read the newspaper knew that everyone knew the existence of the so-called Zero Man, and everyone was shocked.

It seems that the water of the sea has become darker!

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