“In the town of Rogue, who doesn’t know that all pirates are the prey of my Smogg.”

Smog said expressionlessly.

“Then I don’t know where your navy was when Capone Becky destroyed this street and killed the people here?”

Why didn’t I see you running out to hunt him?

Is it busy squatting in the naval base smoking cigars and not having time? ”

Qin Yu’s words made Smogg’s face change slightly.

“Good! Just for your sake of protecting this street in Rogue Town, I will give you a chance to hunt pirates in Rogue Town today.

Capone Becky you can take away.

However, this street was devastated by war because of your arrival.

His bounty you must keep half for repairing the street. ”

Smogg’s face was a little ugly at first, but he didn’t know what he thought, and instantly changed back to his original unruliness.

“You’re really funny.

This sea has suffered from the navy, and there are many places to go.

If nothing else, the country destroyed by the demon slaughter order alone kills countless people.

Why didn’t you see Smog go to help them ask the Navy for compensation? ”

Qin Yu listened, and immediately laughed at Smogg.

“I don’t care about things outside of Roguetown.

But in this Rogue town, everything is up to me Smogg.

Today you either leave Capone Becky and get out of here; Either take him and leave half of the bounty. ”

Smog said coldly.

“Why are you so arrogant and unreasonable in this navy.

This pirate obviously came to Rogue Town early.

But he has been here for so long, and you, as the Navy, did not arrest him, which is your dereliction of duty.

Now that he has made so many troubles, he still wants us to help you, and you still have the face to come to us for money at this time? ”

As soon as she heard Smog ask her money, Nami suddenly became furious.

In the face of Nami’s sharp teeth, Smogg, who was not good at words, was dumb on the spot.

“Anyway, I’m still saying that.

Either leave Cappenbeki or half the bounty.

Choose between the two choices! ”

After being coldly spoken by Nami, Smog seemed to be a little embarrassed and angry, and directly pulled out the sea lou stone weapon behind him: ten hands.

“I’ll pick the third.”

Qin Yu took a deep look at Smogg, and without seeing any movement from him, his right hand had already come to Smogg’s face in the lightning stone fire.

Although he didn’t know why Smogg looked like he was looking for fault after meeting him, no matter what the other party thought, if he wanted to grab food, he had to pay the price.

If Smogg wanted to count on the piece of navy skin he was wearing to make him retreat, it was obviously overthinking.

“Then you don’t even want the remaining half of the bounty.”

Smog Fangfo had long expected that Qin Yu would make this choice, and in the face of Qin Yu’s fist, he quickly raised his ten hands to block the oncoming punch.

It’s just that although he had been prepared and dealt with in time, the explosive fist power contained in Qin Yu’s right fist was something he had not expected.


“What a lot of power!

Could it be that this guy has the blood of a giant? ”

Smogg’s face changed slightly, and without waiting for him to stabilize his body, he was already slammed into the wall by Qin Yu’s punch with ten hands.

“It seems that bounty hunters can’t do it, and they can only change careers to pirates in the future.”

Nami on the side sighed when she saw Qin Yu blast Smogg, but she did not have the slightest blame and dissatisfaction with Qin Yu’s actions.

Some are just relieving hatred!

Obviously, Smogg’s behavior of deliberately finding fault as soon as he came up, and also wanted to take her more than 30 million berry, made her very unhappy.

“It’s a bit of a skill!

If it’s somewhere else in the East China Sea, you can really walk sideways.

But unfortunately, this is the town of Rogue! ”

For other people, such as pirates like Capone Becky, who were punched by Qin Yu, they had already been hurt.

After Smog was slammed into the wall, his body first turned into a cloud of smoke, and the next moment he changed back to his human form.

“What kind of devil fruit is his ability to turn into smoke?”

When Nami saw this scene, her pretty face suddenly appeared with a touch of surprise.

It was the first time she saw someone punch Qin Yu unscathed.

“The world is big, and the strongest bounty hunter in the East China Sea is just an insignificant name.”

Smogg’s voice came out of the smoke.

“With all this smoke, you want to teach me to be human?”

A sneer rose at the corner of Qin Yu’s mouth.


Just because my smoke fruit is the devil fruit of nature, I am enough to teach you to be human. ”

Smogg said proudly.

As a natural ability, he is a key training target of the Navy headquarters.

Even to say that he was trained by the next big future on the spot, there is no problem in this.

It’s just that as soon as his words were finished, his entire face was blown up by Qin Yu’s kick.

“Don’t bother in vain.

Even if I stand here and beat you to exhaustion, you can’t hurt me in the slightest.

This is the gap between the power of the East China Sea and the top power of the Great Sea Route! ”

After Smogg’s face was blasted, it instantly turned into a cloud of smoke.

Under the reorganization of smoke, it quickly returned to its original state.

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