Two days later, the magnetic force of the recording pointer on this island was stored, and everyone set out on their sailing journey again.

Luffy and others were playing hard on the boat, while Zoro was sleeping at the bow.

Suddenly, as if he felt something, Zoro, who was sleeping, opened his eyes in a daze, and then saw a scene that surprised him extremely.


Then Zoro hurried to the deck and said solemnly to Luffy and others who were playing:

“Don’t be afraid of what I’m going to say next!”

Looking at Zoro’s serious expression, several people also put away their playful hearts, and Luffy said seriously:

“We are pirates, we are not afraid! You say!”

“I just… saw a huge frog that can swim free!”


Luffy and others were shocked when they heard Zoro’s words, and then they were silent.

A few seconds later~


A series of laughters came from the mouths of several people, and the laughter was so loud!

“Frog? Freestyle? Hahaha… Zoro, what are you talking about?”

“I only realized today that you are also quite funny, but your tricks are not very good. Do you want to learn from me and I will teach you?”

Usopp was lying on the ground, holding his stomach and laughing hard, and tears came out of his eyes.

The other people were not much better than Usopp, and they also laughed at Zoro.


“I advise you to go and see it before you laugh at me!” Zoro said to them while suppressing his anger.

“Just watch it, I don’t believe that there are really people who can freestyle…”

Usopp walked to the edge of the boat while talking, but before he finished speaking, the words in his mouth got stuck in his throat, and he turned to spit out a national quintessence.


“There really is a frog swimming freely!”

“What?” Everyone ran over immediately after hearing this.

The next second~


“Quick, turn the rudder! Catch up with that frog!” Luffy shouted in surprise.

As soon as Luffy finished speaking, everyone immediately took action.

Zoro turned the rudder and said:

“Although I don’t know why I do this, I always feel uncomfortable if I don’t catch up!”

“Haha… Yeah, I think so too!”

Looking at the few people chasing the frog, Xia Chen smiled. Then he looked at the Yokozuna who was swimming freely over there.

To be honest, the frog swimming freely is really interesting~

Feeling the turbulence of the hull, Nami immediately thought something had happened and hurriedly opened the hatch and ran out. But all she saw was the endless blue sky and the calm sea.

Then she saw several people paddling hard below. Suddenly, a surge of anger surged into Nami’s heart, and the veins on her forehead could not help but bulge.

“What are you… doing!”

Nami’s powerful lion roar made everyone’s paddling pause, but then they paddled even harder.

“Nami, there’s a free-swimming frog over there, I must catch up with it!” Luffy shouted excitedly.

“What? A free-swimming frog?”

Hearing this, Nami’s first reaction was also disbelief, but she did not question it immediately, but looked in the direction Luffy had just pointed.

Then she really saw a free-swimming frog, and Nami opened her mouth wide.

“It really is!”

But she reacted immediately and yelled at Luffy again:

“What does it have to do with us whether it can swim free? We have deviated from the course now, you know? Hurry up and turn the rudder back for me!”

“I don’t want it!”

“It’s very strange to see this frog swimming free, and looking at its thick arms and obvious muscles, you can tell at a glance that it is top-quality meat! I must catch it and eat it!”

Everyone: . . . .

So you chased it for so long just to eat it!

But now that we have been chasing it for so long, it would be a bit unreasonable not to chase it. With this idea in mind, the rowers rowed hard again.

Seeing Luffy like this, Nami knew that no matter what she said, it would not change the result, and she couldn’t help but support her forehead.

“These idiots!”

“Wait! Stop!”

Just when everyone was rowing hard, Xia Chen’s voice came, causing Luffy and others to pause.

Luffy looked at Xia Chen and said unhappily: “Xia Chen, what are you doing? If you don’t hurry up and row today’s dinner, it will run away!”

“It won’t run away, it has stopped!”

“Huh?” Hearing this, everyone came up curiously and looked into the distance.

I saw that theThe swimming frog was standing on the sea surface at this time, with its hands spread out and its legs slightly bent, making a confrontational posture.

“What is it… doing?” Sanji asked curiously.

“A hen!” Everyone responded in unison.

“This frog is a bit mysterious. Why can it stand on the sea? As a skeleton, I can only be on the sea when I run, but it can stand directly on the sea surface with such a huge body!”

“Isn’t this a bit outrageous?” Brook asked curiously.

“When you say that…” Hearing this, everyone’s eyes looked down at the bottom of the Yokozuna, and vaguely saw a black shadow.

And when everyone saw clearly what was under it, they all rubbed their eyes and looked again.


After a long time, Usopp asked in a daze: “Everyone, I feel that there is something wrong with my eyes. I actually saw railroad tracks on the sea surface. Do you think it’s outrageous?”


Another silence. Everyone stared at each other, wondering if there was something wrong with their eyes.

“Is it possible… there are railroad tracks there?”

At this time, Xia Chen’s faint voice came, pulling everyone’s thoughts back. Then they shouted in unison again.

“Why are there railroad tracks on the sea!!!”

Looking at everyone’s surprised look, Xia Chen chuckled and said, “This is a railroad track dedicated to the sea train!”

“Sea train? There will be trains on the sea?” Nami asked in surprise.

“Of course! Who said that only ships can sail on the sea?” Xia Chen replied with a faint smile.

Just when Xia Chen wanted to explain about the sea train, a strange sound came from a distance.

Xia Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth. Well, he didn’t need to explain, the real owner is here!

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw a scene that surprised them.

I saw a huge object with a black body and multiple carriages coming towards them at a high speed.

And in front of it was Yokozuna who had been ready for a long time.

As the distance between Yokozuna and the train got closer and closer, Luffy couldn’t help but shout anxiously: “Run! Frog!”

But Yokozuna completely ignored the noise around him, and his eyes were only on the train in front of him.


Without any suspense, the moment he hit the train, Yokozuna was knocked away and fell into the sea beside him.

“My frog meat!!!”

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