“Si…Siguoyi! What is this? Such a big fountain!” Luffy exclaimed as he looked at the Seven Water Capital in shock.

“Indeed! It is an industrial city, it looks very prosperous!”

“By the way, what are the numbers on the wall?”


Everyone was talking about it, and they were all sighing at the prosperity of this city.

Nami took out the map she got from Granny Kokoro, and said thankfully: “Fortunately, we went to that station first, which saved us a lot of trouble!”

“Let me see how to find the person called Iceberg!”

Nami opened the map happily, but in less than a second, her face suddenly turned black, and she threw the map in her hand to the ground.

“This painting is so readable!”

Chopper on the side picked up the map and blurted out.

“This painting skill is comparable to Luffy’s!”

Hearing this, everyone also came over curiously, and when they saw the things on the map, they instantly understood why Nami and Chopper had such a reaction.

This kind of map may only be understood by people with artistic talent like Luffy!

“Hey? Pirate ships can’t go in here in a swagger!”

At this moment, an uncle who was fishing next to them shouted at them. Then he said:

“If you want to go in, you can go around to the back street!”

“Okay! Thank you!” Nami shouted.

When the Merry officially entered the Seven Water City, the familiar system prompt sound rang in Xia Chen’s ears again.

[Ding, check-in Seven Water City successfully, observation Haki has been upgraded to the top level! ]

Instantly, Xia Chen felt that his spirit began to disperse continuously, and then returned to one again.

Xia Chen carefully experienced the top-level observation Haki. This feeling is very wonderful. Not only is the range of perception much larger, but even the time to predict the future has become longer, and it can predict a more distant future.

Thinking of this, Xia Chen couldn’t help but eager to try, and used the observation Haki to predict the future.

After a while, Xia Chen’s mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Zoro with a bit of hostility, and looked at Luffy with a bit of teachable meaning.

But he still wanted to explain that what Luffy was going to say was not taught by him. He didn’t teach him, but Luffy was more comprehensible and learned it by himself!

As the Merry shuttled through the city of Water City, Luffy couldn’t help but sigh:

“It’s so beautiful here!”

“It’s worthy of being the Water City. Even the houses are built on the foundation in the water. Being in this city, it feels like being surrounded by water!”

Sanji also sighed in the same way.

Suddenly, Zoro suddenly said to everyone:

“Hey, have you noticed! The people in this place are all weird!”

“Huh? Don’t they all have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth? What’s weird about that?”

“Haven’t humans looked like this for so many years? Zoro, I’m not saying anything bad about you, but have you really observed them carefully?”

“You’re saying they’re weird for no reason, and you’re going to be hurt, okay?” Luffy couldn’t help but retort.

Zoro: . . . .


“Are you an idiot? I mean do they look weird? I mean their behavior is weird!”

“Also, where did you learn this set of words? It makes me want to hit you! Did Xia Chen teach you again?”

“Is there anything weird about their behavior?” Nami asked curiously.

“Didn’t you notice? The people here didn’t show any fear when they saw us pirates showing up here! Isn’t that strange?”

“Now that you mention it, it does seem to be the case!”

Nami turned around and looked around, and found that many people had noticed them, but they didn’t care, as if they were just ordinary passers-by.

This phenomenon is indeed a bit abnormal, and it’s a bit disrespectful to their profession!

“Hey! Pirate ships can’t be parked here, are you here to rob?”

At this time, an uncle who was mopping the floor on the side of the road looked at Luffy and others and asked.

“No, we’re here to play and repair the boat by the way!” Luffy replied.

“Is that so! Then you go over here, there’s a cape behind, it’s more convenient for you to park the boat!”

“Thank you, uncle!”

“Did you see that? Would a normal person ask if we were here to rob? And in such a dissatisfied and indifferent tone!” Zoro said lightly.

“Maybe there is some force on this island that is protecting them!” Xia Chen said calmly, glancing at one of the alleys on the side of the road.

! ! !

“Did he find us?” In the alley, two people wearing white suits andThe masked men stood together.

“If nothing unexpected happens, they should have discovered it! Is this the man with a 2 billion bounty? He is really sharp!”

“Then we have been exposed. Should we take action now?” One of the men asked, with murderous intent in his words.

“Are you an idiot? With just the two of us…”

Before the other man finished speaking, a strong domineering aura descended from the sky and instantly pressed on the two men.

The strong pressure impacted the two men’s minds and bent their bodies a little. Beads of sweat kept rolling down their heads.

It was not until more than ten seconds later that the pressure suddenly disappeared.

The moment the pressure was lost, the two men fell to the ground at the same time, their bodies were full of sweat. If the masks were removed, the expressions of fear on their faces could be seen.

“What kind of strength is this? Just releasing the Conqueror’s Haki is enough to make us unable to resist! We are CP0! The strongest intelligence agency of the government!”

“Pirates of this level are no longer something we can handle. Hurry back and report to the captain!”

After that, the two figures disappeared instantly.

At this time, Xia Chen on the Merry narrowed his eyes and frowned slightly.

Why is CP0 here? This kind of thing didn’t happen in the original book!

Of course, this doesn’t mean that Xia Chen is afraid of CP0. The two CP0s just now are just stuff that Xia Chen can easily kill.

But the problem is the meaning behind the appearance of CP0 here, because generally, the place where CP0 appears means that the situation has reached a very serious level.

It shouldn’t be for them, right?

They are just a small pirate group!

Forget it, never mind these! Just show up!

When the enemy comes, the general will stop him and when the water comes, the earth will cover it. Now he is no longer the one who would run away when he met the admiral. A mere CP0 is nothing!

After a while, the Merry arrived at the cape.

“Let’s go, let’s exchange the gold!”

“Okay! Gold, gold, Bailey, Bailey!”

Luffy raised his hands and said happily.

After everyone’s discussion, it was finally decided that Luffy, Usopp and Nami would exchange the gold.

Sanji decided to buy some fresh seasonal ingredients, while Xia Chen went shopping on the street with Robin and Chopper.

As for Zoro, who is the most trustworthy, of course he will guard the ship!

Originally, Nami asked Xia Chen to go with them to exchange gold, but Xia Chen was still a little worried that something might happen, so he decided to go with Robin!

With him, he wanted to see which cowardly CP9 dared to come.

Just see if he can twist his head off!

After a while, everyone came to the entrance of the city, and the first thing that caught their eyes was a place with the words “Blue Rental House” written on it.

“Blue? What is this?” Nami asked in confusion.

However, before she could react, Luffy had already dragged Gold inside, and shouted loudly:

“Hey, please rent us Blue!”


“Find out what it is first!!!”

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