“Everyone from CP9!”

Yes, standing in front of Xia Chen were all the CP9 members who appeared in the Seven Waters City in the original book, and the one who attacked him just now was Rob Lucci.

“Demon King Xia Chen, why did you attack our people?” Lucci asked Xia Chen.

“Heh~” Xia Chen couldn’t help but chuckle when he heard this, and then looked at him like an idiot.

“Your people have provoked me, it’s strange to attack him?”

“But don’t worry, you will soon go down to accompany him!”

Xia Chen’s eyes were slightly cold when he said this. In his eyes, Lucci and the others in front of him were already dead.

“Oh, Demon King Xia Chen, don’t be so angry, you just want to fight and kill!”

Just when Xia Chen was about to attack, a voice came from behind Lucci.

Then several people in white suits and masks slowly walked out from behind Lucci and the others. The one who spoke was the leading man.

“CP0?” Xia Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

“It seems that it was a mistake to let you go just now!”

“But… it’s not too late now. Since you have provoked me, it seems that you are ready to die!”

“Don’t talk so early. Do you think we are stupid? Knowing your strength, you still come to die?” The man said lightly.

“We made a big move to kill you this time!”

“Really?” Xia Chen smiled lightly.

“I want to see how you plan to kill me?”

Xia Chen’s face was full of indifference, without any panic.

Know his strength? Purely funny, even he doesn’t know what level his strength is at now. He has never fought with all his strength!

If the World Government uses his strength when he defeated the Golden Lion as the standard.

Then Xia Chen can only say that all the government personnel who appear here today must die!

From the time when he defeated the Golden Lion to now, Xia Chen’s strength has improved by more than one level. If he now faces the then-him, it won’t take much effort to defeat him.

“You will know! You can’t escape this time no matter what!” The leading man said lightly.

“At the same time, the same goes for Nico Robin behind you. You will be executed at the Navy Headquarters with Fire Fist Ace!”

“As for the rest of the Straw Hat Boys, they will all be wiped out here!”

“What did you say!!” Xia Chen’s eyes condensed and he said indifferently.

“Fire Fist Ace was captured by you? Was it captured by Blackbeard?”

“How do you know?” Hearing Xia Chen’s words, CP0 was a little curious. There were only a handful of people who knew that Fire Fist Ace was captured by Blackbeard, and most people thought it was captured by the Navy.

Otherwise, if it was captured by a pirate, it would have a certain impact on the prestige of the World Government and the Navy.

Hearing this, Xia Chen’s face looked a little ugly. It seemed that Blackbeard was indeed not dead at that time, and he even captured Ace.

This idiot, I reminded him not to cause trouble for Blackbeard at that time!

But he had to put this question aside for the time being. The question now was…

“You said you wanted to capture Robin and me and execute us together?”

This made Xia Chen a little curious. Since when did executions become popular in teams?

And… he and Robin didn’t seem to be worthy of being executed at the Navy Headquarters, right? Do you think so highly of them?

He didn’t do anything to destroy the balance of the sea! Killing a few Shichibukai shouldn’t be a big problem!
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Otherwise, how could Luffy and the others be so carefree for so long in the original work? Wouldn’t the government have solved the problem by sending CP0 earlier?

Could it be…

Xia Chen thought of a possibility at this moment, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the only possibility, and his face sank.

If it was His order, then it wouldn’t be strange.

And the next three people who appeared made Xia Chen more convinced of his inner guess.

Three figures walked out from behind CP0, two of whom were old acquaintances of Xia Chen, Admiral Aokiji and Tyrant Bear!

The other person was…

The Navy hero – Garp!

Seeing this scene, Xia Chen couldn’t help but twitch his mouth slightly, he really looked up to him!

“Admiral Aokiji, hero Garp, Tyrant Bear!”

“The government actually sent all of you here?”

“There’s nothing I can do, Xia Chen, I didn’t expect the government to value you so much, in addition to CP0, they actually called all of us here!” Aokiji said lightly.

Garp and Bear on the side didn’t say anything. Xia Chen could even see a struggling look on Garp’s face.

For a moment, Xia ChenI understood Garp’s idea.

He said so! Why did Garp, who always disobeyed the transfer order, come here? It turned out to be like this!

Ace has been arrested and will be executed soon. At this time, Garp must be struggling in his heart, but he heard the news that the government was going to deal with the Straw Hat Pirates.

So he couldn’t sit still. He already had a grandson arrested, and he had to protect the other grandson no matter what!

Thinking of this, Xia Chen was relieved, because this meant that Luffy’s safety should be no problem.

So now the problem is him and Robin!

Thinking of this, Xia Chen used the observation color to make the voice sound directly in Robin’s mind.

“Robin, turn around and run now, run anywhere, anyway, find a place to hide yourself, I will hold them back and buy you time!”

This method is similar to the one used by Rocks at the time, and only Robin can hear it. He can only use this method after his observation color breaks through to the top level.

Robin was startled when she heard Xia Chen’s voice suddenly, but she didn’t see Xia Chen turn around to talk to her, and she immediately understood the current situation.

After looking at Xia Chen again, Robin turned and ran. Since she saw Aokiji appear, she knew that the situation was not good.

Later, when she heard Xia Chen say the names of the other two people, her back was soaked with sweat. Tyrant Bear, Hero Garp, which of these is not a well-known figure?

Especially Garp, that is the man who has forced the Pirate King into a desperate situation several times!

She knew that if she stayed here, she would only become a burden to Xia Chen. On the contrary, if she ran away, Xia Chen would have nothing to worry about, and the situation would be better!

The moment she saw Robin running away, several people from CP9 immediately took off with the Moon Step and prepared to chase Robin.

But the next second…


A strong pressure fell from the sky and crushed the people in the air fiercely. In an instant, several people fell down one by one like dumplings.

The powerful domineering aura made everyone look horrified, and they immediately looked at Xia Chen.

Xia Chen had turned into a demonic form without knowing when. The demonic flames on his body soared to the sky! At the same time, three more Xia Chens appeared on both sides of Xia Chen.

The four Xia Chens stood together and released their domineering aura at the same time, and the combined power was extremely powerful!

Xia Chen looked at the people in front of him and said lightly:

“You chased people in front of me, don’t you think I’m not worth it?”

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