“Are you useless? You can’t even find a person?”

Zi Shu yelled at some government officials in front of him. After that, he jumped into the sea.

Fortunately, he is not a devil fruit user, otherwise he would not dare to do this.

After a while~

Zi Shu slowly climbed out of the sea, his face was extremely ugly.

He is really gone!

He clearly saw Xia Chen fall in this place, but now he can’t find a hair.

“Damn, what went wrong?” Zi Shu roared angrily.

You know, in order to catch Xia Chen, they used two king guns this time, but in the end they told others that he was missing!

How should he explain this to the Five Elders?

Thinking of this, Zi Shu’s face became more and more ugly, and Bai Ge beside him was thinking without changing his face. After a while, he said:

“It seems that there may be a third person here besides us!”

After he used the Wang Gun to hit Xia Chen, he could clearly feel that Xia Chen’s breath was already weak.

Moreover, he was a Devil Fruit user, and it was impossible for him to escape by himself, so there was only one explanation in the end.

That is, someone rescued Xia Chen in the dark!

After thinking about this, Bai Ge’s expression did not change. He came here just to provide a guarantee this time, and he was not the main person in charge of the mission.

Now that Xia Chen escaped, Zi Shu would definitely take the blame. What does it have to do with Bai Ge?

Then Bai Ge turned around and walked in a certain direction, and said to everyone without looking back:

“Let’s go! Xia Chen ran away, but his companions can’t run away! Capture all of the Straw Hat Pirates except Xia Chen and take them to Impel Down!”

“I came here with six vice admirals of the navy. They were fighting with the Straw Hat Boys at the cape just now. The battle should be almost over now!”


Garp’s face turned ugly instantly after hearing this, and he looked at Bai Ge and asked, “When did you bring the navy here? Why didn’t I know?”


Bai Ge turned around slowly, looked at Garp with a slightly cold look, and said bluntly, “Vice Admiral Garp, please pay attention to your wording. This is an order from the government! When did the government need to notify you of what it wants to do?”

Garp’s face became even uglier after hearing this. At this time, he was struggling in his heart. If Luffy was also arrested, then both of his grandsons would be arrested.

Thinking of this, Garp suddenly felt a little regretful. Why did he come to fight Xia Chen?

If he hadn’t participated, would Xia Chen have been able to go back and save them?

Garp kept blaming himself on the spot. Purple Mouse and White Pigeon were slowly walking towards the cape at this time. Aokiji stood there, looking at the expression on Garp’s face. He couldn’t help but sigh.

He knew the relationship between Luffy and Garp, so he also understood Garp’s inner feelings now!


They are the navy, not to mention that the World Government is now involved in this incident. If it were just the navy, they could let them go and find a reason to let them go.

But now it is obviously impossible to do so. Aokiji was silent for a while, and then walked towards Purple Mouse and the others. He didn’t know how to comfort Garp.

But he would do his best to save Luffy’s life. Even if he was caught in the city of Impel Down, it would be fine. As long as he was alive, it would be fine!

Garp was alone with his head down, his eyes dim, and he didn’t know what he was thinking…


I don’t know how long it took, Xia Chen opened his eyes with difficulty, and what came into view was a simply decorated house.

Looking at this scene, Xia Chen murmured in a daze: “Where is this?”

“You’re awake!”

A voice came from the side, which instantly cleared Xia Chen’s confused mind. He turned his head to look at the source of the voice, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.


Yes, the uncle who appeared in front of Xia Chen was Long, who had met him once in Rogue Town!

In an instant, Xia Chen figured out a lot of things, and then looked at the heavy gauze wrapped around his body and asked:

“You saved me?”

“Yes!” Long nodded.

“When you were fighting CP0 that day, I and some other members of the organization were watching from a distance.”

“When we saw you fall into the sea, we asked our people to rescue you before CP0!”

“That day?” Xia Chen keenly grasped the information in Long’s words, and then asked hurriedly: “How many days have passed? What about Luffy and the others? How are they?”

Xia Chen knew very well that once he was not there, then when facing those CP0, Luffy and the others would have a very low chance of escaping with their strength.

He had originally decided to use the somersault cloud to carry all the people on the ship and run away, but he was helpless and Cheng Yaojin showed up halfway and made him overturn.

So he is not optimistic about Luffy and the others’ situation now!

And what Long said next also verified Xia Chen’s guess.

“It has been three days since you fell unconscious, and Luffy and the others…”

“They were captured and taken to Impel Down!” Long said with an ugly face, and then took out a stack of newspapers from the table beside and handed them to Xia Chen.

Xia Chen took it and saw that it was about Luffy and the others.

“The Straw Hat Boys have all been killed, eight of them have been captured and taken to Impel Down, and the Demon King Xia Chen has been killed!…”

Xia Chen looked at the newspaper in front of him, his eyes dim, then turned to look at Long, stared into his eyes and asked:

“Since you were there at the time, why didn’t you save Luffy and the others?”

“I can’t do it!” Long shook his head.

“There are too many strong men dispatched by the government and the navy. With my strength, I am not enough to save them from so many strong men.”

Hearing this, Xia Chen looked at Long deeply and did not speak.

Sometimes he felt that Luffy was actually quite miserable to have such a family. If Garp had not told him, he would not even know who his father was.

Not to mention getting along with his father, Xia Chen felt that they were now more like strangers with blood relations.

Father and grandfather, the two people closest to Luffy, watched him being captured and taken to the Impel Down.

What Xia Chen did not say just now was, you did not even try, why do you know that it is impossible?

And even if it is really impossible, but seeing your son being captured and taken to the Impel Down in front of you, you should save him, right?

Xia Chen really did not know what Long was worried about. Was it really for the so-called overall situation?

Don’t be kidding!

With the current situation of the world, the power of the World Government is completely beyond the ability of a revolutionary army to resist. At least that’s the combat power shown so far.

So Xia Chen still can’t see what role Long and other revolutionary soldiers have.

And to be honest, Xia Chen doesn’t think that the people in the revolutionary army can be much better.

Now they are in the civilian class, so they speak for the civilians, but what if they are in the ruling class? Will they still be like today?

Just like Xia Chen said before, if the world government didn’t do anything to him, he really didn’t want to care about it!

But now the world government has done something to him first, so he naturally has no need to endure it anymore.

Shaking his head, Xia Chen exhaled a breath of turbid air, sank his mind into his body, and felt his physical condition.

Next, there will be a big move…

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