After a moment of silence, Xia Chen slowly said, “Do you… want to come out?”

As soon as Xia Chen said this, the pirates around him suddenly fell silent, and no one spoke.

Looking at this scene, Xia Chen couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows slightly. The prisoners on the sixth floor are different from the prisoners in the previous ones. These pirates here are all arrogant.

Even if Xia Chen said that he could give them freedom, he would not be like the pirates on the previous floor who would immediately abandon their moral integrity without saying a word.

After a while, a gloomy male voice said lightly: “Tell me your conditions, Demon King Xia Chen!”

Following the direction of the voice, Xia Chen looked there, and saw a familiar figure staring at him at this time.

Xia Chen’s mouth corners slightly raised.

“Oh, it’s Crocodile! It’s been a long time since we last met!”

“No need to say extra nonsense, just tell me how you can let me out!” Crocodile replied lightly.

From Xia Chen’s tone, he could hear that there were definitely conditions for letting them out, otherwise he wouldn’t say these nonsense.

“Simple! As long as you agree to accompany me to the Navy Headquarters to make a scene, I will let you out!”

Xia Chen replied indifferently.

The current situation has deviated too much from the original situation. Xia Chen dare not guarantee that the Navy Headquarters will still have the defense configuration in the original work.

He thinks that there is a high probability that it will change. If nothing unexpected happens, the World Government should get involved.

It will not be so easy to rescue people from the Navy Headquarters at that time.

In addition, there was a gap in strength between the Navy Headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates in the original work.

Didn’t you see that the people in the Whitebeard Pirates were injured here and there, and it seemed that only Akainu was working diligently on the Navy side.

Aokiji just vomited a little blood at the beginning, not to mention Uncle Kizaru, who was not even covered in dust.

The people on the Seven Warlords’ side were also fine, and it felt like they were just here for a trip.

Alas! In the final analysis, Whitebeard is too old and his strength has declined seriously!


Xia Chen looked at the pirates around him. If their combat power was added, it would be much simpler.

“Crocodile, Jinbei, Shiryu, Catalina Depen, San Juan Wolf,…”

These are all well-known figures, and their strength is not weak.

As for whether he will not do what he promised after releasing them?

This is even simpler. For those who play tricks on him, he has always been very enthusiastic to send him to have tea with Qu Yuan!

“What do you mean? Do you have an answer? Everyone!” Xia Chen asked lightly.

“I promise you!” Crocodile replied.

It’s just to make trouble at the Navy Headquarters, what a simple thing! In comparison, getting out of here is the most important thing!

“I’ll go too! How can I be left out of saving Brother Ace!” Jinbei said from the shadows.

“Count me in!”

“Count me in too!”


Listening to the countless voices around him, Xia Chen smiled. The vicious pirates he knew were also among the army that spoke.

It seems that these people are still eager for freedom!

Then Xia Chen released all the people who promised him, and the pirates walked out of the prison one by one, filling the entire sixth floor with a solemn atmosphere.

“Hahaha… I’m finally out after so many years. I can go to the Navy Headquarters and make a big fuss later. I’m excited just thinking about it!”

“Navy Headquarters? Whoever wants to go there can go. Anyway, I won’t go. You don’t really want to listen to this brat, do you?” A rough voice said.


Hearing this, Xia Chen raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction of the voice. He saw a burly man looking at him with disdain, his eyes full of contempt.

“World Destroyer, Bondi Waldo?” Xia Chen spoke with a questioning tone.

“Yes, it’s me! Since you’ve heard of my name, you should know how terrifying I am, right?”

“Since you let me out, I’ll forgive you for threatening me before!”

“Oh? Do you mean you lied to me when you said you would help me?” Xia Chen asked calmly, without any emotion in his tone.

“Is the situation still unclear now? That’s right! I’ve been playing tricks on you from beginning to end, what can you do?”

Bondi Waldo looked at Xia Chen arrogantly and smiled.

“Is that so! I understand!” Xia Chen said calmly.

Some pirates around saw Xia Chen’s calm tone, and for a moment they were a little eager to move, considering whether to break the agreement.

Looking at Xia Chen’s appearance, Bondi Waldo smiled and said, “Boy, it seems that you are quite sensible……”


Before Bondi Waldo finished his words, Xia Chen appeared in front of him and punched him hard in the stomach.


Bondi Waldo felt a sharp pain in his stomach, his limbs curled up in a bow, and then flew backwards like a meteor. A large mouthful of blood spurted out.


His body hit the cage behind him, and the strong impact deformed the cage made of seastone.

When the noise disappeared, Bondi Waldo was lying there quietly, his eyes rolled back, and he lost consciousness.

Instantly, the air around him seemed to solidify, and you could hear a pin drop.

“Gudong! ”

One of the pirates couldn’t help but swallow his saliva, and then there were swallowing sounds one after another.

At this time, these pirates looked at Xia Chen with great fear and even a little fear.

Most of them were not as strong as Bondi Waldo, so now they couldn’t help but feel a little scared when they saw that Bondi Waldo, who was stronger than them, was solved with one move.

And the few pirates who were ready to move just now were like good babies, and they didn’t know where they shrank, and didn’t dare to make any noise.

Some other big pirates who thought they were stronger than Bondi Waldo also became honest at this time.

Just now, Bondi Waldo When they came out to cause trouble, they didn’t care just to see what Xia Chen would do!

If Xia Chen didn’t care about anything, then there was no need for them to abide by the agreement.

For them, the agreement only applies to the strong, and a weak person has no right to constrain them!

But now that Xia Chen has shown his strength, it’s different.

They are all well-known pirates on the sea, so they will naturally abide by the agreement.

It’s definitely not that they were shocked by Xia Chen’s strength, absolutely not!

Xia Chen glanced around and said lightly to the group of pirates who had calmed down:

“I reiterate again, I just need you to go with me to make a scene at the Navy Headquarters!”

“If anyone wants to violate the agreement during this period, the result will be…”

As he said that, Xia Chen slowly walked to Bondi Waldo’s side and leaned over slightly.



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