After a long time, the two of them went to the beach.

Half a day later~

"Goodbye, Uncle Chrysanthemum!" Luffy stood on the Merry and waved to Crocus on the shore. Then he looked at Laboo.

"Laboo, I'll come back to you after I travel around the world for a week. Before that, you must not knock the painting on your head off!"

"Moo~" Laboo responded with a reluctant sound.

Gradually, the Merry slowly went away under the eyes of one man and one whale.

Crocus looked at the Merry in the distance and murmured, "Roger, I saw someone like you again!"

"It seems that the world will not be peaceful in the future..."


Half a day later, on the Merry...

At this time, the ship was already full of a lot of snow.

"Why is the weather on the Grand Line like this? It was sunny just now, and it snowed heavily in the blink of an eye!" Nami said shivering in a sweater.

Then she looked down and saw that Usopp and Luffy were competing in making snowmen. The result was definitely that Usopp won, and the snowman he made was much better than Luffy's.

Even Xia Chen, who was standing aside, couldn't help but praise Usopp's snowman. It was really good!

Then Xia Chen picked up the coffee and took a sip. Don't say it, drinking a cup of warm coffee in this weather is so comfortable.

Then he turned his eyes to the two people above.

"Hey, you two! Come over here and shovel the snow, what are you doing?"

"Ah? Mr. 1, do we have to work too?"

"Nonsense, why should I take you to Whiskey Peak if you don't have to work? Hurry up!"

Mr. 9 wanted to say something, but he finally shut up at the signal of Weiwei next to him, and the two of them started shoveling snow honestly.

Seeing the two of them like this, Xia Chen smiled.

"It seems that the identity can't be played anymore~"

"Xia Chen, there is a huge iceberg ahead, what should I do?"

Just when Xia Chen was still thinking, Sanji's voice came from the bow.

Xia Chen slowly stood up and walked slowly towards the bow. Then he jumped and landed on the goat in front.

Looking at the huge iceberg in front of him, he said slowly: "Well, if you encounter such a situation during the voyage, it is easy to solve!"

"Look at my demonstration!"

After that, Xia Chen slightly raised his leg, and then his right leg swung quickly like a sharp blade in the wind.

A huge slash shot out and rushed towards the iceberg in front.

The slash quickly passed through the iceberg without making any sound.

After a few breaths, the iceberg began to crack from the middle and collapsed to both sides. The cut in the middle was as smooth as a mirror.

"Done, call it a day!"

Xia Chen returned to the original stool and slowly took a sip of coffee.

"Hmm~ Comfortable~"

Xia Chen's face was indifferent, but the others widened their eyes at this time.

‼ (•'╻'• )꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ

Such a big iceberg? How come it disappeared in an instant?

Are you sure we can learn it by demonstrating like this? Do you think so highly of us?

Among the crowd, only Zoro's eyes lit up. After all, only he would be able to release the slash in the future, and the attack methods of others were not of the slash type.

Weiwei and Mr. 9's feet were shaking constantly at this time. Is this kind of strength against natural disasters really something that humans can possess?

"Hey, what are you two doing? Don't be lazy!" Xia Chen stared at the two of them.



One day later~

An island covered with huge cacti appeared in front of the Merry. This was the destination of Xia Chen and his team's trip - Whiskey Peak.

"It seems that I can enjoy some delicious food tonight!" Xia Chen smiled.

But before that...

"Xia Chen, why did you tie up those two people with ropes and put them in the cabin?"

Luffy asked curiously, and the others also looked at him with puzzled eyes.

"You will know tomorrow!" Xia Chen showed a meaningful smile on his face. But his attention was on the sound that just sounded in his mind.

[Ding, successfully checked in at Whiskey Peak Island, and obtained the Somersault Cloud! ]

"Somersault Cloud?" Xia Chen's face showed surprise. This was the first time he checked in and found something that did not improve his strength.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at the properties of the Somersault Cloud.

[Somersault Cloud: Golden cloud, the fastest speed can reach 1

00 km/s (all interpretation rights belong to the system)]


Although Xia Chen didn't know how fast a somersault was, it shouldn't be this kind of number with both zeros and integers.

No wonder the system had to add the right of interpretation at the end. It turns out that this somersault cloud is "not authentic"!

But Xia Chen didn't bother to care about these.

100 km/s is enough for him, okay?

Even Kizaru may not be that fast. Although Kizaru has the Flash Fruit, his speed certainly doesn't reach the speed of light, otherwise how can other people do anything?

Who can react to a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second?

Xia Chen was quite satisfied with this reward. Although it didn't improve his strength, it didn't matter. His current strength can already deal with most situations.

On the contrary, this somersault cloud made him want to play with it, but he restrained himself for the time being.

If he accidentally ran too far, it would be funny if he couldn't find the way back later.

It seems that he will have to collect one more thing besides treasure in the future.

Permanent record pointer!

As long as there is a permanent record pointer, Xia Chen can travel between all the islands in the world. And the speed is very fast, it doesn't take long at all!

After closing the system panel, Xia Chen cast his eyes on the thick fog around him. With his observation Haki perception, he knew everything around him.

However, he did not intend to disrupt the development of the plot, otherwise he would not have to tie up Weiwei and the others.

Wouldn't it be good to have a big meal for free?

And if nothing unexpected happens, he can see a good show tonight, which is what he is most interested in!

Thinking of this, Xia Chen looked around quietly, waiting for the development of things.

As the fog gradually dissipated, the surrounding scene was also revealed.


"Welcome, welcome!"


Seeing countless people around them surrounding their ship, pretending to be very welcoming.

"Oh~ Do people here welcome pirates?" Luffy showed a happy smile on his face.

Usopp also kept giving love.

"It turns out that pirates are so popular here!"

"Beautiful girls!" Sanji kept twisting his body as he watched the women on the shore greet him.

Apart from Xia Chen, only Zoro and Nami looked at this scene with some doubts. On the surface, they were calm, but in their hearts they were alert.

When the boat stopped, everyone got off the boat. At this time, a middle-aged man with long curly hair walked towards them...

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