"Admiral, we are about to enter the doldrums and arrive in the East China Sea in a day!"

"Got it, order the fleet to prepare for combat against the Sea Kings, after all, not every ship has safe seastone!"

"Yes, Admiral!"

The lieutenant colonel nodded.

He immediately ran down to convey the order.

Yes, even in the navy, only a small number of ships are equipped with seastones on the bottom of the ship.

After all, that thing is produced in small quantities and is expensive.

Moreover, most warships do not usually need to cross the doldrums.

Soon, more than ten warships in the entire fleet put down their sails.

Some warships with the ability to sail in the doldrums unfolded the auxiliary power wheels on both sides, while the rest of the warships...

opened a row of windows on both sides, and then more than a dozen huge oars stretched out on each side.

As for the decks of each ship.

A large number of marines have also been in place.

Some of them operated the ship's guns and were ready to shoot at any time, while the other part raised their guns and stood guard.

A few minutes later.

The fleet entered the Calm Belt.

"Admiral, if you ask me, we might as well go directly to the Kingdom of Akado and take him down before Drago runs away!"

"When the suppression fleet arrives, most of them won't be able to find anyone!"

On the bow deck of a giant warship, Ghost Spider stood behind Akainu, with a somewhat dissatisfied tone.

"At present, we are the only ones who can block the East China Sea in advance!"

Akainu shook his head, but...

Ghost Spider still had a lot of opinions about the headquarters' arrangements.

"But, with just a dozen of our warships, it is impossible to just block the boundary between the East China Sea and the Calm Belt. That is more than 2,000 nautical miles, not to mention that the marshal also asked us to divide our troops to block the Upside-down Mountain!"

What is the concept of this?

On average, each warship is responsible for a range of 200 nautical miles.

And the most important thing is that if you really disperse the warships like this, except for the one where Akainu is.

Which other warship can stop the Revolutionary Army alone, let alone take down Dragon.

You know, when Dragon was still in the headquarters, his strength was already the top among all the vice admirals, and he had even stepped into the level of generals.

As for the current Dragon...

They have fought against many revolutionary armies over the years.

Not to mention him, an elite vice admiral.

Even in a one-on-one situation with a general, it is estimated that they can only draw a tie.

Therefore, in Ghost Spider's opinion, this arrangement of the headquarters is not reasonable at all, and there is also some suspicion of deliberately pitting their hawks.

After all...

In the end, Dragon ran away, and this black pot will be directly put on the head of their advance fleet.

And who are the people in the advance fleet?

One hawkish general, five hawkish vice admirals.

Even the major generals, brigadier generals, and colonels below.

They are all hawkish generals.

You know...

This fleet was originally Akainu's team after the G1 branch changed its defense and returned from the New World.

To be honest, Akainu was also very annoyed by Sengoku's arrangement.

He even suspected that Sengoku had left a loophole for Dragon to facilitate his escape.

But there is no evidence after all...

"Okay, stop talking. Since the order from the headquarters has been issued, we will act according to the order!"

"But, the admiral..."

"Don't... wait!"

Suddenly, Akainu sensed something.

He turned around and looked to the left front, his eyes suddenly focused.

I saw a series of small dots appearing on the horizon, rushing straight towards the fleet.

"This is..."

Akainu is too familiar with this thing.

After all, he had seen it before in Punk Hazard.

However, at that time, it was attacking Kaido, but this time...

It attacked himself!

This is something that can even hurt Kaido, Akainu dare not be careless!

"Yes, Junlin!"

"Order everyone to prepare for battle, and never let any of these things fall!"

"Remember, as long as one shot falls, we can scrap one of our large warships!"


Hearing what Akainu said, Ghost Spider took a breath of cold air.

One shot can destroy a large warship, what is so terrifying?

Hurry up and pass the order down.

Let everyone be ready to intercept.

Akainu raised his head and stared at the missiles that were getting closer and closer to the fleet.

The next moment, he jumped out of the warship and came to the air with the moon step.

Then he bent over and punched out.

"Big Fire!"

The right arm was elementalized, and then reconstructed, turning into a huge lava fist.

Don't look at it as just a fist, its size is veryIt was much bigger than a large warship.

It smashed directly in the direction where the missiles were coming from.

Boom boom boom boom...

Missiles were instantly destroyed.

Exploded directly in the air.

Of course, since there was still a distance of several hundred meters, it did not affect Akainu and the fleet.


Akainu's attack did not stop all the missiles.

There were still seven missiles that slipped through the net and passed by Akainu at a very fast speed.

At this time, Akainu had no time to attack again and could only leave it to the vice admirals in the fleet.

However, the next moment, the interception did not happen.

Because, when these missiles approached the fleet, they moved to both sides.

In the end, they were all shot hundreds of meters away on the left and right sides of the fleet and exploded.

"Is this... a warning to us not to move forward?"

Akainu clenched his fist fiercely, his face full of anger.

At this moment, the Den Den Mushi in his arms suddenly rang.

Bru Bru Bru...

"I'm Akainu!"

"Senior Sakaski, long time no see, I'm Luo Lan!"

"Luo Lan..."

Akainu was a little confused.

Of course he remembered who Luo Lan was.

But why did this guy call him?

And at this time.

"Of course, you should be more familiar with my other identity!"

"I'm the marshal of Junlin, and also the leader of Junlin as you said!"

At this time.

Luo Lan no longer had any need to hide himself.

After all, the entire Junlin would come to the front.

On the contrary, after announcing his identity, it would be convenient for him and Akainu to say something, otherwise...

I'm afraid that this guy would hang up on him after a few words.

"What, you said you are the leader of Junlin?"

Akainu's eyes widened suddenly.

No matter how he thought, he had never linked Luo Lan with Junlin.


How is it possible?

"Senior Sakaski, I saved your life some time ago. It shouldn't be too much to ask you to repay this favor now, right?"

"What do you want?"

Took a few deep breaths.

Akainu calmed himself down.

He asked.

"The advance fleet will withdraw from the Calm Belt and return to the Grand Line!"

"Luo Lan, do you know what you are doing?"

"I know. I am stopping you from slaughtering civilians!"

Slaughtering civilians.

The word Luo Lan used made Akainu stunned for a moment.

For them, this trip was to quell the rebellion and suppress the rebels.

Although everyone knew that they were just civilians, no one would use the word civilians to describe the hundreds of thousands of rebels in the Akado Kingdom.

After all, as long as they were called rebels, and the word civilians was not mentioned at all.

Then, there would be no burden when they took action.

And at this moment, Luo Lan's words completely tore off the fig leaf.

"Senior Sakaski, tell Zhan Guo for me."

"I will handle the Revolutionary Army. If you insist on intervening, deploy outside the Calm Belt to prevent any fish from escaping the East China Sea!"

"Also, don't even think about breaking through the Calm Belt and rushing into the East China Sea!"

"Your understanding of Junlin is only the tip of the iceberg."

"After all, I am from the headquarters. If I don't want to attack the navy, don't force me, otherwise..."

"Your suppression fleet is really not good enough!"

Holding the Den Den Mushi, listening to Luo Lan's words.

Akainu was completely confused.

Was he threatened?

Or was he threatened by Luo Lan...

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