With Tana's speed of 50 knots.

In less than three days, they have returned to Rhodes Island.

It's just that the port has not been built yet, so Tana cannot dock.

However, it doesn't matter. Luo Lan directly ordered the marines who were learning on the bridge to continue to stay on the ship to learn.

By the way, they can do some practical exercises in the surrounding areas.

It lasted for half a month.

When it was over, the port was just built.


And the best thing is that Nami was also ordered by Luo Lan to stay on the ship.

After waiting for half a month...

Tsk tsk...

All the property has been dealt with! !

Even if Nami makes a fuss, it's too late!


After processing some documents.

Luo Lan also came to the training center.

I saw Ace in one of the single rooms, training frantically.

After looking at the usage records of this room again...

Wow, I've only been away for less than six days, but this guy has spent all his time here except for eating and sleeping?

He's really hardworking.

After shaking his head, Roland stopped watching Ace's training and walked into his single room.

Although he left the branch these days and couldn't use the training center.

But this doesn't mean that Luo Lan has abandoned his training, it's just that there is no gravity blessing.

Although he hasn't measured it specifically after returning, Luo Lan estimates that his Dao force value should be close to 500.

Originally, the Dao force value was only 5, but it reached 500 in just over a month.

Who wouldn't be confused if this were told to others?

The reason why he can improve so quickly is that after unlocking the first gene lock, Luo Lan not only has no upper limit in terms of physical strength, but also improves at an absurdly fast speed.

If you want to give an example...

For the same time and the same intensity of training, Luo Lan's improvement speed is about two to three times that of Ace.

It can even be said that if Luo Lan does not use the gravity training room, the effect will not be much worse than Ace using the gravity training room under the same time.

This can also be regarded as...

Another form of cheating.


Since the Sixteen Branches Incident, more than half a month has passed.

Coupled with Morgans' efforts.

Things are getting worse and worse.

Everyone is watching how the Navy Headquarters will deal with this matter.

Even the Revolutionary Army is always keeping an eye on the progress of the incident, ready to seize the opportunity at any time, so as to fish in troubled waters.

However, this time, whether it is the Navy or the World Government.

Their reactions are very fast.

A vice admiral was directly airdropped from the headquarters to the East China Sea, with full responsibility for thoroughly investigating this incident.

In addition, the Navy also offered a huge reward to the outside world, and no matter who is involved in this matter, they will not let it go.


Cannot be tarnished!

To be honest, in the pirate world, except for the villages that suffered like Cocosia, most of the places and civilians actually trust the navy.

Therefore, under the continuous voice of the navy.

The impact of this incident is also gradually weakening.


The third day after Luo Lan returned to Branch 157.

It was also the day when Vice Admiral Val of the headquarters crossed the Calm Belt and entered the East China Sea.

The world...

Because Morgans' World Economic Report exploded again!

[The mysterious operation of the Navy made the mastermind investigate himself? ]

[Rumor has it that the World Government wants to protect Vice Admiral Val, and Marshal Sengoku's opposition is invalid! ]

[Why is this the case? The unspeakable secret between the Five Elders and Val! ]

[After serving as Vice Admiral of the headquarters for five years, Val's personal assets increased by 300 million Baileys! ]

[According to reliable information, in five years, the rat handed over more than 1.8 billion Baileys! ]

[Where did the missing 1.5 billion Baileys go? 】


It's the same pattern as before.

A headline, plus a large part of the newspaper is made into a special feature, with more than 20 articles attached.

Although it seems that each article is independent, in fact...

After reading it, you will find...

They directly connected a complete story.

Even in the last few articles, the World Economic News directly gave photos of Mouse's private account book.

You know, there is no such thing as photoshopping in the world of pirates.


That's equivalent to a hammer! !

So, many people who read the newspaper are asking the same question.

That is...

If Val is not the biggest black hand behind the scenes.

Then who is?

And who pocketed the missing 1.5 billion?

The most important thing is.

There is also an article added temporarily in the newspaper.The content is also quite explosive.

First, it was said that Smoker had found out that it was Val who was behind the rats.

But when he reported this result, he was immediately dismissed from all his positions by the Navy Headquarters.

This makes people think that the Navy is rotten...

Is it really just the 16 branches?

Or is it rotten from top to bottom?

This is not only a global public opinion explosion, but even the Navy is a little bit exploded.


The grassroots navy!

Hundreds of thousands of grassroots navy, this is the backbone of stabilizing this sea.

After all, it has been said before that the biggest harm to civilians is not those big pirates, but...

The bottom-level pirate groups on this sea are numerous.

These hundreds of thousands of grassroots marines are targeting...

These bottom-level pirates.

But now, almost the entire grassroots of the Navy are in a state of turmoil.

They are clamoring for explanations from the top and execution of all participants.

It seems that if they don't give a satisfactory answer, they will all leave the Navy.

If it was just a few people, or a branch.

The Five Elders would have ordered their execution long ago.

But now, the people making trouble are almost the grassroots soldiers of the entire Navy, hundreds of thousands of people!

Even the Five Elders can't order the killing of all these hundreds of thousands of people.

In fact, there is a hint of regret in my heart.


Why did I want that idiot Boval?

If I had killed him directly, it wouldn't be such a big deal now! !


"You are so dirty!"

"You are a guy who is not good at doing things, but more likely to cause trouble!"

In the power room, the curly-haired Five Elders said gloomily.

Now, things are really troublesome.

If it goes wrong, not only will there be big problems on the Navy side, but the reputation of the World Government will also be devastated.

Therefore, it is necessary to cut the Gordian knot and solve this problem quickly.

And the most direct and effective way...

That is...

Push Val and other participants out and give everyone an explanation.

At the same time, confiscate all the assets of these people, and then withdraw part of the military expenditure of the navy to compensate the affected villages.

In this way, the situation will definitely be alleviated quickly, and maybe it can also increase the reputation of the World Government.

Of course, the Five Elders will not let it go after suffering such a big loss this time.

Just a few minutes ago.

The blond Five Elders have already issued an order to CP.

Mobilize all forces.

Find the mysterious force behind the trouble!

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