So, Torrebol once again forced out a smile and praised Baby-5: “Yes, following Captain Mok is a wise choice.”

As he said that, he calmly led the way again.

Mok raised his eyebrows, and he wanted to know more and more what tricks Torrebol was playing.

So he followed him.

And Baby-5, who had already replaced his maid, followed Mok’s side very obediently.

The three of them had a smooth journey and soon arrived. The bedroom where Sugar lived…


At this time, Sugar was eating a plate of grapes happily!

When she saw Torrebol, she was a little surprised: “Why are you…”

But before she finished her words, she froze there. Even the action of putting grapes into her mouth stopped there, as if she was hit by a spell.

Because the next second, Mok followed in.


Suddenly, I felt that the grapes I was eating in my mouth were not fragrant.

Torrebol’s eyes lit up, and he turned his back to Mok and winked at Sugar. His eyes gradually became sinister!

Sugar finally came to his senses at this time. Don’t look at her like a child, but she is already 20 years old and smart!

However, she looked innocent and cute.

Then she jumped in front of Mok and even stretched out her hand to Mok with grapes in her hand: “Uncle, do you like grapes?”

Seeing Sugar’s hand getting closer and closer to Mok, Mok didn’t seem to hide, and Torrebol on the side was so excited that he almost jumped up.

Not only her, but Sugar’s “innocent” look also revealed a flaw. Just when her hand was about to touch Mok by sharing the grapes.

There was a glimmer of cunning in her eyes.

But at this moment, a hint of purple emerged in Mok’s pupils.

Sugar froze there instantly, and a drop of cold sweat flowed down her forehead.


Sugar swallowed her saliva, her legs trembling. Because she felt like she was being stared at by the god of death.

Mok glanced at Torrebol: “So you are planning this!”

Torrebol was frozen in place, his heart sinking.

Mok’s eyes returned to Sugar at this time: “Sugar, the user of the Parahuman-Childlike Fruit. You can turn the people you touch into the toys you want, and the type and style of the toys are completely determined by the user’s preference. For example, it is possible to turn the target into a doll or an animal doll, etc.

And people related to the target who has been turned into a toy (such as relatives or friends) will lose “all” memories of the toy they have ever been with. And those who are in the toy state will work for the Don Quixote family or fight to death under your ability.

Now Dressrosa is full of toy people, but the whole world thinks there is nothing unusual, just because of your ability!

Also, Doflamingo should use your ability to secretly deal with many people! After all, some people are not convenient to kill… but you can use your ability to erase them from this world.”

“How is it possible?”

Trebol was horrified. You must know that Sugar has always been the top secret of the Don Quixote family. The most important thing is that with her ability, no one should leak it.


Trebol’s face changed wildly because he thought of a possibility. But he couldn’t accept this possibility.

Because only the official members of the Don Quixote family knew about the existence of Sugar.

But Mok knew it so clearly, so there was only one possibility, that is, someone among them betrayed the entire Don Quixote family.

But the entire Don Quixote is like a family!

Baby-5 was also stunned, and then her innocent eyes revealed a cruelty that was completely inconsistent with her age.

Because her hand was very close to Mok, as long as she moved forward a little bit… she could turn this hateful guy in front of her into a teddy bear toy.

But Mok’s next sentence directly shattered her resistance.

Mok said softly: “If you dare to move your hand forward a little bit, you will soon see the body of your sister Monet.”

He added: “I think your sister Monet will soon come back here with Caesar Kulan! After all, someone still needs to reattach Doflamingo’s leg.”


Torrebol felt his scalp tingling. He really didn’t expect that Mok even expected this. You know, they just mentioned this today!

Mok looked at Sucrose: “You are in your early twenties, right?Then you should also understand why so many cadres want your sister to keep an eye on Caesar Kulang! ”

Sugar’s eyes flashed.

Moke’s words hit her heart, because she didn’t want to be separated from her sister.

At this time, she was not as naive as she was twelve years ago.

The reason why Doflamingo separated the sisters was very simple. Use her to control her sister, and use her sister to control her.

As long as the two are not together, they are each other’s weaknesses.

For each other, no one will have other ideas.

Even if they have doubts about the disaster that happened to them, they can only suppress it in their hearts.

But it doesn’t mean that they are really stupid.

Especially after seeing the methods of Doflamingo and the entire Don Quixote family in these years. There has been suspicion in my heart…

Perhaps, it was because of her ability that Doflamingo valued or targeted her.

Moke immediately added: “Join my pirate group! In this way, not only you and your sister can be together every day. Moreover, you don’t have to be locked up in this palace every day, you should go see the outside world…”

Mok directly invited.

Sugar didn’t refuse immediately, but remained silent. Because, Mok’s two words hit the nail on the head, and pierced the two pain points in her heart.

Yes, she wanted to live with her sister.

She wanted to go out for a walk, rather than live in “this little world” in the palace. If she lived in “this little world” all her life, what would be the meaning of her life, and what fun would she have?

Although she didn’t speak, her silence was deafening.

Torrebol’s face changed again and again, and finally he made up his mind. Because Sugar must not lose…At the same time, he secretly regretted it. He shouldn’t have thought of using Sugar’s ability to deal with Mok.

He looked at Mok and found that Mok’s eyes were always on Sugar, and his eyes became a little crazy…

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