Monet: “…” It turns out that there are more than just captain and crew between these two!

Sugar: “…” Numb, she has experienced all the most exciting ones. After all, she is a door-opener.

Baby-5: “…” So envious. She blinked subconsciously!

No, I have to go find the master tonight and experience it… Ah, so embarrassed…

Her face turned red with naked eyes.


When Mok and Rebecca separated, Mok looked at Monet: “I think Sucrose has explained the specific situation to you!”

Monet nodded: “I have explained it clearly.”

Mok: “Then how did you decide?”

Monet: “As long as I can be with my sister, I am willing to join your pirate group.”

Mok glanced at her feet again and said bluntly: “Let Caesar recover your feet! You are a natural ability user, why do you have a different body… If you want to become stronger, rely on yourself instead of these inferior things. That will only limit your own potential… Just practicing a little physical skill is better than this.”

After that, Mok added: “You are a natural ability user. Although the Snow Snow Fruit is not outstanding in the natural system. But it is still… a rare devil fruit, don’t waste it.”

Monet was stunned, and Sucrose was also stunned. The two sisters didn’t expect it. Mok’s concern was actually here!


In the Navy Headquarters, Aokiji has taken the position of Sengoku.

At this time, his brows were furrowed.

Because the Five Elders, on behalf of the World Government, gave him the first order.

A large-scale recruitment of soldiers from all over the world.

Only considering strength, as long as there is no major fault. The Navy will take the vacant position in the war on the top, and the capable will take the top position.

In a word, the World Government wants Aokiji to quickly make up for the combat power lost in the war on the top.

Even the overall strength is stronger than the previous Navy. Only in this way can the pirates be deterred again. Moreover, a turnaround war is urgently needed, only in this way can the world see the strength of the Navy and the World Government.

You know, after the end of the war on the top, the number of pirates increased sharply. It brought great pressure to the Navy, which lost a large number of fighters…

After all, the war on the top has drawn a lot of manpower from various naval bases.

Forget about the naval soldiers, those officers, every loss is likely to be an important combat power of a certain naval base. Therefore, many naval bases are now lacking combat power.

This made it impossible to suppress the pirates who rushed out after the war.

This is also what Aokiji felt was wrong. But he couldn’t object, because the current situation really requires a quick replenishment of combat power.

In particular, he was promoted to the rank of Admiral of the Navy, and Akainu died again.

Two positions of admiral were vacant at once. Other positions are fine, but these two positions are too important. He doesn’t want to fall into the hands of those guys who suddenly appeared.

Who knows if they are spies of a certain force.

Since the world’s conscription is inevitable, he wants to control this matter as much as possible in his own hands.

So, Aokiji issued two important orders after being promoted to the rank of Admiral of the Navy.

One is external, and the other is internal.

Externally, according to the World Government and the Five Elders, the world will be recruited. As long as you are not an enemy of the World Government, you can participate.

And as long as your strength allows, you can skip the normal promotion method and directly take up the position of Navy General.

Internally: Hold an internal competition of the Navy. Competition rule 1: “Each naval base will hold an internal competition. The top three will be sent directly to the naval headquarters and enter the second stage of the competition.” Competition rule 2: “Any naval base with a Dao power of more than 500, or close to 500, and no younger than 20 years old, but who did not enter the top three in the internal competition of the base, can also be directly appointed to the corresponding military rank, and at the same time sent to the naval school with a job, and enter its three-year special training.” Competition rule 3: “The highest commander of the naval base can also participate in the competition. However, the highest commander of the base has a heavy responsibility. Therefore, the naval bases in a sea area will be drawn to compete. For example, if there are five naval bases in this sea area, one of them will be drawn first. The first batch of competitions will be held…basic strength will be improved. The top three of each batch will directly enter the finals of the military competition.” As soon as these two orders were issued, the entire navy and even the entire world were boiling. The Five Elders naturally learned about it. Saint Nasushoulang, Saint Pitt, Saint Vochuli, Saint Maz, and Saint Satan looked at each other. Peter nodded in satisfaction: “This Aokiji usually looks a bit lazy, but I didn’t expect that after taking the position of Admiral of the Navy, he has become more active in thinking.”

Nasu Shoulang SaintI agree with him very much.

After all, they only gave the order of the world conscription to Aokiji. But unexpectedly, Aokiji held another navy competition.

This is a good idea.

Not only can we dig out some powerful people in the navy, but we can also recruit geniuses and send them to the naval school as a reserve force.

The most important thing is that this can stabilize the military spirit.

After all, the navy has always been based on military merit. Even strength must be ranked after military merit. Just like Akainu, Kizaru, and Akainu before.

When they graduated from the naval school, they were only brigadier generals. But at that time, they already had the strength of vice admirals.

Moreover, when they were in the naval academy, they had already wiped out many pirates under the leadership of Zefa.

If this world conscription directly skipped military merit, those navy who were promoted all the way by military merit would definitely not be balanced.

But now, Aokiji also gave them the same opportunity.

Even… there is preferential treatment.

After all, under the same strength. Without a doubt, the Navy’s own people will definitely be prioritized. Then the people recruited this time will be selected.

Saint Satan: “Interesting… But Aokiji may have taken it for granted.”

Saint Maz: “If I’m not mistaken, he is going for the positions of the two Navy Admirals.”

Saint Nasujuro smiled: “He proposed from the beginning to promote the two Admiral candidates, Momosabu and Chaton, to the position of Admiral! Now this move, isn’t it playing a trick on us!”

The other four people also laughed when they heard it.

Yes, Momosabu and Chaton, the two Admiral candidates, are indeed at the level of Admirals. In terms of strength and military achievements alone, they are indeed fully qualified for the position of Navy Admiral.

However, Momosabu and Vice Admiral Tsuru are like sisters.

Tsuru has been friends with Garp and Sengoku for decades, and they are from the same faction.

Chaton follows Momosabu’s lead… If they really let the two of them sit on the position of Navy Admiral. Wouldn’t the entire Navy become a faction?

They don’t want to see a single company dominate the market. After all, that would easily lead to a disadvantageous situation where the tail is too big to be removed.

At that time, will the words of the Five Elders still count?

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