Blackbeard bent his legs slightly, exerted his strength, and retreated rapidly. In the past, he wanted to suck the ability user over. Now he wanted to stay away from Mok. No… he wanted more! “Shave…” Mok instantly entered a high-speed movement state. Blackbeard’s pupils shrank suddenly when he saw this, and then he turned his head to the left. Because his observation color captured the position where Mok would appear. “Not good…” Blackbeard’s face changed drastically. He immediately entered the beastman form, spread his wings quickly, and finally shook violently. The whole person immediately rushed into the sky, the speed was so fast that it was amazing. “Dual ability-dark water!” Mok raised his hand and launched the ability towards Blackbeard in the air, and a vortex appeared in his hand again. Blackbeard, who had already flown hundreds of meters high, felt an irresistible terrifying suction sucking him, and forced Blackbeard, who continued to fly upwards, to drop rapidly. Finally, he was sucked to the ground. “Ka Ka…”

Mok’s right fist blasted out, and the shock ability was activated. The space was shattered… and Blackbeard seemed to have been hit from a distance.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Mok’s mouth, and his face turned pale.

Mok did not stop, one punch, two punches, three punches… one punch after another. When he was sucked back to the ground, he had been hit by ten punches.

The power of the shock ability is so terrifying!

And it was swung with all his strength…It is conceivable how miserable Blackbeard was at this time. Fortunately, when he was not touched, he could still use the fantasy beast species.

The person was also in the orc state, otherwise he would have lost his combat ability long ago.

But even in the orc state, a quarter of the bones in his body were broken, and the internal organs in his body were also greatly damaged.

What made Blackbeard even more desperate was that Mok had touched his body at this time.

“It’s over…”

Sure enough, the next second Mok punched him hard on the head. The power of the two abilities of shock and sound wave was too strong. It knocked Blackbeard unconscious.

“Huff, huh, huh…”

Mok was panting at this time, using two abilities continuously. In the end, he used four abilities at the same time, and his physical strength was consumed like water.

If he fought for a while longer, Blackbeard would not fall down, and he would not be able to hold on first.


He turned into a ray of light and found two fruits from the island. Then, he returned to Blackbeard’s side.

Soon, the two demons in Blackbeard’s body were sucked out by him and pressed into the fruit.


He had already done this, so there was nothing to surprise him. The next step was the key… I saw Mok pressing on Blackbeard’s head.

“Blood absorption…”

Sure enough, under the effect of the ability, Mok felt that his body had obvious changes.

Blackbeard, a multi-ability person, has always been controversial. There are also many different opinions….

But one thing is very clear.

That is, Blackbeard’s body is an alien, because this is what Marco said during the war at the top in the original work, and it is absolutely correct.

This should be the open secret of the Whitebeard Pirates, and everyone in the group knows that Blackbeard has an alien body.

You can only eat one devil fruit. If you eat a second devil fruit, the power of the devil will conflict and explode in your body and die. This is an iron rule, but Blackbeard got the ability of Whitebeard’s fruit. Marco only guessed that it should be related to Blackbeard’s alien body, of course, he did not say where Blackbeard’s body was alien.

There is another key point, that is, Blackbeard has never slept.

In the latest episode, after the truce between Roger’s group and the White Group, Roger’s trainees Buggy and Shanks and the White Group’s trainee Blackbeard stood guard and alerted each other. Buggy told Shanks that he found that Blackbeard never slept during the battle and truce.

And it is said that Blackbeard has never slept since he was born. This is because Blackbeard’s body is shared by three souls, and taking turns to sleep in the body will create the illusion that Blackbeard does not sleep.

This statement is supported by many people.

Because there is a very important evidence for this statement, that is, the position of Blackbeard’s tooth gap is often different.

The gaps in Blackbeard’s teeth are different in different stages. This is because his body is controlled by three souls in turn, and the position of the tooth gaps of each soul is different, which causes this phenomenon.

Blackbeard’s pirate flag has three heads. Blackbeard’s pirate flag has three heads, which also implies Blackbeard’s physical characteristics. There are three souls coexisting in his body.

Of course, there is only one body, and it is impossible for the tooth gaps to be in different positions. However, this may be a foreshadowing of Oda, reflecting the coexistence of three souls in the body.

All along, Mok has also been veryI totally agree with this statement.

However, after successfully absorbing Blackbeard’s bloodline, he found out…. that he was completely wrong.

Because, as mentioned before, the soul cannot affect the position of the tooth gap. There can only be one reason for the different positions of the tooth gap.

That is different bodies.

Blackbeard has three different bodies that are inextricably linked to each other.

Within a day, every eight hours, it will switch once. Or in other words, there are three different bloodline factors in his body.

These three different bloodline factors compete with each other for the control of the whole body. This is why Blackbeard is an alien…

And the devil fruit will be attached to the bloodline factor.

Just like Vegapunk, it is to extract Kaido’s bloodline factor to create the dragon fruit. Because once the devil fruit is eaten, the devil in the devil fruit merges with the bloodline factor.

Therefore, when extracting the bloodline factor, it is not just Kaido’s bloodline factor that is mentioned. It is the bloodline factor after Kaido and the devil in the devil fruit are fused together.

Another example is Seraph.

They are clones of the former Shichibukai members, but they have been strengthened by the blood of Abelru (Jin) of the Lunaria clan.

So although they look like the Shichibukai in their childhood, their skin is different from that of the original Shichibukai.

The Seraphim have artificial blood called “green blood” in their bodies.

Green blood contains the bloodline factor of the superhuman devil fruit ability user, which allows the Seraphim to obtain the corresponding ability.

In other words, he can still eat two devil fruits.

Although An An is strong, he was excluded first….

His eyes fell on the animal-mythical beast… He was a little impatient.

“Bulu Bulu…”

But at this time, his Den Den Mushi rang.

After receiving the energy, Ata’s voice sounded: “Captain, we finally asked Tezoro about the location of his treasure house, and got two devil fruits from it.”

When talking about the devil fruit, Ata’s whole body revealed excitement.

“Huh?” Mok was slightly stunned.

Tezoro’s collection is definitely not ordinary. So, he put down the devil fruit he had picked up.

Asked: “Tell me what devil fruit it is.”

Ata: “Natural type – Static Electricity Fruit. Although this one is not as good as Enel’s Thunder Fruit, it is definitely a first-class devil fruit. The other one is…”

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