Kozuki Sukiyaki said very respectfully: “Please wait a moment, I will go and get it.”

Although the second generation of Kitetsu is precious, it is nothing compared to his granddaughter Kozuki Hiwa.

Mok nodded.

Soon Kozuki Sukiyaki took the second generation of Kitetsu and handed it to Mok.

After Mok took the second generation of Kitetsu, he absorbed it. Mok’s “Kitetsu body” immediately reached the level of a big sword.

His body became much stronger.

The most important thing is that he absorbed the second generation of Kitetsu to replace the third generation, and the ghost energy in his body increased exponentially. Mok’s mouth corners could not help but rise slightly, so that.

The power of the Shura series of moves is definitely a step up.

How could he not be happy?

“Ayu will go with me… Don’t worry, I’m here. Nothing will happen to her.”

Kozuki Sukiyaki looked at Ayu after hearing this, and naturally felt very reluctant. After all, he had long regarded Ayu as his granddaughter.

But he understood.

It was a good choice for Ayu to follow Mok, and most importantly, he had no power to refuse.

So, he smiled and nodded at Ayu. And he said, “Remember, listen to the captain.”

Ayu nodded very sensibly: “Yeah!”

Then, Ayu held Mok’s hand very obediently. As if, I’ll go with you.

Mok was touched.

He put the second generation of Kitetsu on his waist and hung it with Qiu Shui and Sandai.

Mok couldn’t help laughing. This way… it was quite like Zoro’s three-sword style. At the same time, he also understood that he was facing a choice.

After all, he was only a two-sword style.

There could only be two swords hanging on the waist, and more would be redundant.

Qiu Shui, the second generation of Kitetsu, the third generation of Kitetsu, and the soon-to-be-acquired Yan Mo. He must give up two swords and put them in his own treasure house as his collection.

Soon, Mok had made up his mind.

Then, he lowered his body to pick up Ayu, stomped his feet on the ground, and the whole person soared into the sky.


Soon, Mok walked openly on the streets of Wano Country.

Who is he?

The fifth emperor!

Although Wano Country is very closed, most people don’t know the situation outside. However, there are always some special people.

For example, Kaido’s people…

Mok has naturally captured these people, but he didn’t care. Soon he came to the place where Kozuki Hiyori was… No, at this time she should be called Kozuki Kozuki, the oiran of Wano Country.

She is also the most beautiful woman in Wano Country.

But she fascinated many people, including the current general of Wano Country, Kurozumi Orochi.

Soon he came to the place where Kozuki Kozuki was, and saw that he was surrounded by a group of people. The leader was a tall man with long fluffy red hair, a helmet with bull horns, and a black and green kimono with shuriken patterns on it.

He is the Wano countryman, one of the members of the Orochi Oniwabanshu, Daikoku.

He was seen smiling in front of Hiyori Kozuki: “Xiao Zi, the general will go to the general’s mansion first today… Do you think you should prepare well?”

“Wow, so beautiful!”

When Ayu saw Xiao Zi, her eyes lit up. Because she had never seen such a beautiful person.


Xiao Zi’s words startled many people. When they saw Mok coming towards them, they all raised their eyebrows. The leader Daikoku warned: “Boy, this place is temporarily closed, go play somewhere else.”


Mok couldn’t help laughing at this time, and at the same time it was a little hard to believe.

The news of Wano country is too closed!

Who is he?

The fifth emperor… In recent times, he is definitely the brightest boy. No matter where you go, ask someone, you will know his name.

Just because he killed Akainu, one of the highest combat forces in the navy, in a live broadcast all over the world, everyone can remember his name.

But he never expected that when he walked on this street, almost no one could recognize him, and the guy in front of him. He was a cadre under Kurozumi Orochi, but he couldn’t recognize him. It can be seen that the closure of Wano Country is much more serious than he imagined. “Swish…” Kozuki Hiyori and Denjiro, who transformed into Kyoshiro, also looked over and frowned slightly at Mok who continued to walk. Because they saw that Mok was holding a little girl! But immediately, their pupils shrank. Because they also recognized the three famous swords on Mok’s waist… At this time, Mok had already walked in front of Dahei. He said coldly: “Get out!” The arrogant attitude shocked everyone present. Dahei was the same, but at this time his heart was full of anger.Who is he?

Daihei, who is under the command of Kurozumi Orochi, is the first time he has seen someone dare to tell him to get out since Kurozumi Orochi became the general.

He is simply courting death.

Daihei threw a punch directly at Mok’s face.

Perhaps, here, Daihei’s strength is still good. But who is he facing now?

The Pirate King of the New World.

Mok grabbed the opponent’s fist, and then pulled him over with a fierce pull. Then, an elbow hit Daihei’s face hard.


Under the powerful force, Daihei was knocked out. He fell more than ten meters away, and his face had already been completely changed by Mok’s blow.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that… all the bones in his face are broken. Kyoshiro and Hiyori Kozuki also widened their eyes.

For so many years, in Wano Country, except for the superior Beasts Pirates, no one has ever dared to attack Kurozumi Orochi’s people.

Mok, however, looked calm and composed: “Even if your great general Kurozumi Orochi comes, he has to kneel before me. Who gives you the courage to block my way?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the aura that only belongs to the world’s top strong men burst out immediately.


Everyone present couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air, because they were like falling into an ice cave at this time!

The people who came with Dahei also woke up immediately. The people who came were far beyond their ability to deal with, so they had to report to the general.

Let him send someone to deal with this daring guy.

Mok, however, led Ayu to the front of Kozuki Hiyori and Crazy Wolf.


At this time, Crazy Wolf’s apparent identity was Kurozumi Orochi’s man. It was impossible for him to see Mok attacking the general’s men and remain indifferent.

Otherwise, he would be suspected.

So, the samurai sword in his hand was already unsheathed, and he looked at Mok with a vigilant face. He even took an attacking stance, as if he would attack if Mok made another move…

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