In the end, the two shook their heads, because they didn’t want to stand against their brothers and sisters.

After all, in their opinion, the conflict between Mok and his mother was irreconcilable.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Mok could guess something: “Think about it carefully, as long as you agree. No matter what kind of battle we have with the Charlotte family in the future. One, you don’t have to take action. Two, if we are sure, we will try to capture them alive. We won’t kill them all!”

Castad and Garrett’s eyes were wide open, and their pupils were shaking.

Because the amount of information revealed in Mok’s words was too much.

After coming back to their senses, the two couldn’t help but look at each other.

Finally, they all looked at Mok: “Are you going to take action against the Charlotte family?”

Before, they didn’t know the strength of Mok and his crew, so they didn’t pay much attention. But now they have a clear understanding.

Because Mok’s group of people only has nearly 20 people in total. But these people, except Jinbei, are all capable people.

Their strength is not inferior to their brothers and sisters at all.

Especially Yixiao, Enel, Shiryu, Weevil, Gizas Badgers, Jinbei. They all have the strength equivalent to the generals!

Ape King Burns, Katrin Diemy, Avalo Pizarro, Basque Jot, Runti, and Page One also have the strength equivalent to the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The other few people have not been understood clearly.

But the powerful devil fruit alone is not worse than these thirty-six ministers.

Although, their mother gave birth to a total of 39 daughters and 46 sons, a total of 85 children, most of whom have grown up.

They also have strong strength.

So, in terms of quantity, they have a huge advantage. But most of these children are scattered on various islands.

After all, if there are “Ten Thousand Countries” under the mother’s command.

Naturally, there must be some people to guard, otherwise how can they deter the pirates in the new world. So, if they really want to fight.

In fact, their mother’s side does not have much advantage in numbers. On the contrary, they are much worse in terms of the highest combat power.

After all, they only have three generals. Even if we add the already expelled Charlotte Snag, there are only four generals… Maybe the eldest brother Charlotte Perospero can also take a position.

But… can these five people really stop any five of Yixiao, Enel, Shiryu, Weevil, Gizas Badgers, and Jinbei?

Except for Charlotte Katakuri, who is the strongest person under their mother in their eyes. Unless others are not superior!

Look at what kind of people these six people are.

Yixiao, the superhuman-gravity fruit ability user, is more capable than Golden Lion in terms of ability. He is also a swordsman!

Enel, the natural-system thunder fruit ability user with the strongest destructive power.

Shiryu, the natural-system static electricity fruit ability user, is also a great swordsman.

Gizas Badgers, the animal-type mythical beast-fighting form ability user.

Former Shichibukai, Animal-Ancient-Bloodthirsty Kong Form Ability User Weevil.

Former Shichibukai, Jinbei.

The weakest of these six people is Shichibukai-level Jinbei…


Both of them were extremely worried. If it was just a fight for territory between the Four Emperors, they would still be restrained. After all, no one wanted to fight desperately.

But the fight for the throne is bloody and cruel. Back then, when Red Hair broke into the New World, he experienced the attacks of the three emperors in turn.

The battle was extremely tragic.

If Red Hair hadn’t shown his terrifying strength and broke out. Casualties are inevitable… But that time was different from now.

At that time, the New World could still accommodate one Pirate Emperor.

And now, it really can’t accommodate the fifth Pirate Emperor. So, from the moment Mok became the fifth Pirate Emperor, everyone in the world knew.

One of the five Pirate Empires now will fall. That was a real battle of life and death…

Mok also understood this, because this is not an anime. After fighting for a long time, none of the main characters died. The reality is that in a war, many people will die.

So, Mok planned. He didn’t rush all the way… Moreover, his ambition is not just to be a pirate emperor.

He not only wants to destroy Big Mom and Kaido, but also to recruit their subordinates and forces. Only then can he confront the Navy and the World Government head-on!

Mok did not force Castard and Garrett to answer immediately, but chose to leave and let them think about it carefully.

However, when he walked through them, he patted their shoulders: “Think about it carefully, this may be related to many of your sisters.”

Of course, he is not afraid of hatred or something like that. After all, he has a great weapon in his hand. Sucrose….So, he can choose not to kill and turn those who don’t obey into dolls.

In this way….there will be no blood feud between each other. Defeating and conquering will become a matter of course.


After that, he came to the crew.

“Yixiao, Burns, Atta, Brook, Perona, Baby-5, Sucrose, Monet, Rebecca, Ms. Golden Week, Kalina, you stay in the Golden City.”

“Enel, Katrin Diemi!”

“Wibul, Jinbei!”

“Shiryu, Page One, Runti!”

“Gizas Badges, Basque Jot, Avalo Pizarro!”

You are divided into four groups, Enel, Jinbei, Shiryu, and Gizas Badges, I want you to conquer those pirate captains who are independent of the Four Emperors.

You have to fight hard, the harder the better. We must not only let the world see the strength of our pirate group. We must also let the world see our determination to develop our power.

Jinbei: “Captain, are you going to conquer powerful pirate groups like the Whitebeard Pirates?”

Mok nodded.

He did have this plan, of course, this also serves the purpose of attracting other people’s attention. People cannot know his real plan.

Enelu, Shiryu, and Gizas Bajies, the three militants, have already become excited.

The corners of their mouths are harder to suppress than AK.

Finally, Mok looked at Yixiao, Burns, and Ata: “I’ll leave this to you… and keep an eye on Castard and Garrett. I’m going to visit the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates respectively.”

Yixiao, Burns, Ata: “Don’t worry, Captain, we will guard this place.”

Mok finally looked at Monet, who immediately understood: “Don’t worry, I will protect Sucrose.”

Everyone looked at Sucrose, and everyone felt that Mok valued her.

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