Kaido did not hide anything and said bluntly: “I was defeated at the hands of Shiliu.”


Charlotte Perospero and Charlotte Katakuri looked surprised, and then looked at each other with a bit of shock.

Charlotte Perospero said with a bit of disbelief: “It’s not Enelu, it’s not Weibull, it’s not Jinbei and Gizas Badges. But this Shiliu?”

At this moment, they finally understood.

Shiliu’s bounty exceeded one billion last time, and he even became one of the top three figures in the entire Moke Pirates. Not just because he obtained a natural-type static electricity fruit.

But he does have such strength.

Both of them frowned.

At this time, the aunt’s expression also became a little solemn. Based on her understanding of Kaido, she would never talk nonsense on this matter.

After a moment of silence, he asked: “So, are you really just here to invite me to Yamato’s wedding?”

When she said this, she looked at Kaido with a little more scrutiny. If it weren’t for their relationship, if it weren’t for her understanding of Kaido’s character, or if it wasn’t for the fact that Kaido owed her a big favor.

She had to wonder if Kaido had bad intentions when he came this time.

Kaido: “This is just what Mok means. He wants to give Yamato the grandest wedding in the world.”

“Just what Mock meant?” Charlotte Perospero and Charlotte Katakuri immediately grasped the key point.

Kaido glanced at Charlotte Perospero and Charlotte Katakuri and sighed in his heart. These two boys are indeed Lingling’s most capable sons.

The response is so fast!

Kaido couldn’t help but raise the corner of his mouth: “He is my ally, and you, Lingling, are also my ally. When the time comes, we can join forces to deal with the white beard and the red hair. Three against two, we are very sure of victory! By then, the entire new The world is divided equally between the three of us.”

When the aunt heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up. However, he immediately added: “What if Mok doesn’t agree?”


Kaido’s eyes flashed with cold light: “If he doesn’t agree, let Yamato restrain him. I will join forces with you to kill Whitebeard first and seize his territory. Then, we will force him to join forces to deal with the red hair. ….”


The aunt couldn’t help but smile her signature smile when she heard this, and she was also very satisfied in her heart.

However, without revealing any trace, she glanced at Charlotte Perospero and Charlotte Katakuri.

Charlotte Perospero and Charlotte Katakuri understood immediately.

You know, they originally planned to marry Mok. The candidate has been chosen, and that is Brynn. Kaido can marry Mork, and so can they.

And they plan to leave Custard and Garrett with Mork.

Mork was horny, they all knew it.

So, put a few more. Only in this way can Mok be won over… As Yamato, if they don’t use some means, how can they suppress her?

After all, they still defended Kaido.

They were afraid, after dealing with the white beard and red hair. Mork and Kaido will join forces to deal with them. After all, Dago is Kaido’s only daughter.

This amount is much heavier than their Brynn. After all, they have dozens of daughters here alone.

After knowing that the two of them understood, the aunt nodded: “I agree. I will take people to Yamato and Mok’s wedding.”

At this moment, we are eleven people in a very evil era. At this time, everyone has entered the new world.

Because of the appearance of Mork, their fate has also changed a lot.

However, their ambitions have never changed.

And some fates are back to the starting point, but much earlier.

For example, in the original work, the Eleven Supernovas chose to form an alliance with each other.

The alliance between Luffy and Law. Luo and Luffy met for the first time at the Chambord Islands. They fought against the navy together. When they met for the second time, Luo actually ran to the top of the mountain to fight and saved Luffy. He kept saying that he and Luffy had a bad relationship. , as a result, the two began to have a bad relationship after meeting for the third time. The two formally formed an alliance. Together, they captured Caesar, made a big fuss in Dressrosa, destroyed Ming Ge’s factory, and angered Kaido.

Because Doflamingo killed Clason, Law has always regarded him as his enemy, and in the end Luffy helped him defeat Mingge. Therefore, Law’s alliance with Luffy was completely dead this time, so the two will fight against each other. The country continues their bad relationship.

Kidd, Hawkins and Apu formed an alliance after the War on the Top. But soon they met Kaido who committed suicide. Kaido jumped from an island thousands of miles above the sky and survived. Then we met the Kidd Alliance. We already know the result. Kidd was beaten and covered with injuries and was imprisoned in Kaido.’s prison.

But is it really such a coincidence?

Of course not, Appu had already joined Kaido’s Beasts Pirates. So… it was such a coincidence.


At this moment, under Mok’s arrangement, Law once again formed an alliance with Luffy.

The target is still the Big Mom Pirates.

Kidd and Hawkins, under App’s calculation, also formed an alliance.

X. Drake has joined the Beasts Pirates at this time. Capone Bege married Big Mom and became a member of the Big Mom Pirates.

Urouge has been recovering from his injuries on Sky Island.


These two alliances once again shocked the world. After all, these eleven supernovas are a headache alone, and now forming an alliance is even more of a headache.

Of course, in addition to the navy and the world government.

There is another headache, that is the Dragon of the Revolutionary Army. He still has a certain understanding of his son’s talent. He believes that in the near future.

Luffy will become the strongest man in the world like him.

But now….


Anyone who dares to touch any of the Five Emperors is looking for death, and there is no possibility of survival. How can he not be anxious?

Let alone the Five Emperors, any pirate group that encounters a stronger pirate group in the New World will be beaten to death.

The difference in strength is too far.

Luffy at this time is not the Luffy who practiced with Rayleigh for two years. ,

Zoro is not the one who learned swordsmanship from Hawkeye for two years.

In the New World, it is the little Karami who has some strength… So, Dragon is very likely to come once. This is also Mok’s goal… Dragon is definitely his most suitable partner now. Because their goals are the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. They all want everyone to live a good life… The only difference is that Mok wants to replace the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. Dragon wants to completely abolish the nobles… Let everyone be truly equal.

But this does not prevent the two from joining forces to deal with the World Government in the early stage!

Of course, Luffy has to deal with Big Mom’s pirate group.

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