
The next second, Kaido’s huge body was hit hard. He was heading towards the sphere in the air at a faster speed.

He looked down.

His heart trembled.

Because he saw rocks bursting out of the ground and heading towards the sphere in the sky.

And Kaido, who turned into a dragon, became an obstacle to block these rocks.

So, one rock after another, like one shell after another, hit Kaido hard. Although it did not cause any substantial damage to him.

However, Kaido could no longer resist the suction. He was directly sucked onto the huge sphere in the air, and then the rocks that were constantly sucked up from the ground gathered one by one.

Finally, Kaido was buried directly in the sphere.

No matter how Kaido struggled, he could not get out.

Finally, it returned to calm. There was only a huge sphere hanging high in the air.

Mok frowned slightly. If it were someone else, he might really think that he was killed like this.

Then, it was not someone else.

It was Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, who was known as the strongest creature in the world.

Sure enough, after a moment, the sphere in the air became abnormal. It became redder and hotter, and even the air around the sphere was distorted.

In the end, the sphere actually burned. The sphere also melted quickly…

Soon the huge sphere turned into a magma-like existence.


The next second, the huge sphere exploded directly. Kaido rushed out of it, and his whole body was wrapped in flames.

This is one of his most powerful moves, “Fire Dragon Torch!”

Once this move is launched, it can create a huge fire dragon that wraps around its body, and things touched by the flames will melt instantly.


Kaido rushed out and roared at the sky. Finally, the dragon’s tail swung, and immediately rushed from the air to Mok on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Mok was not afraid, but excited.

He saw him put the Yama Heart into the scabbard at his waist, and then he entered the human-beast form. The dragon claws were wrapped with flowing cherry and ghost energy, and they rushed towards Kaido.

Mok’s dragon claws collided fiercely with Kaido.

Only then did Mok truly realize how terrifying the power of Kaido’s attack was. Not only did it have powerful force and shock waves.

It also had a terrifying high temperature.

As soon as it touched, Mok’s hand felt the burning sensation. If it weren’t for the flowing cherry, if his body wasn’t strong enough.

I’m afraid it would have been ignited at this time.

This is not just talk, the terrifying high temperature, along with the shock wave generated by the collision between the two people, swept around. The speed was extremely fast….

In a blink of an eye, it affected the entire island.

The temperature of the entire island immediately rose rapidly. Finally, what was even more outrageous was that all the dead trees on the island burned. 、


Mok also felt the pressure under this terrifying high temperature. He could even feel that the air he breathed into his lungs was boiling hot.

If it were someone else, he would probably die under Kaido’s move.

But who is Mok?

He is a superhuman-absorption fruit ability user. He directly used the fruit ability to absorb the heat wave and has the ability to control the body and the outside temperature.

Mok directly controlled the temperature and let it soar rapidly. One thousand degrees, two thousand degrees, three thousand degrees, and soon soared to a temperature higher than the flame.

Four thousand degrees, five thousand degrees, six thousand degrees…..

The situation was reversed instantly. At this moment, Kaido, who turned into a fire dragon, felt the burning sensation. It made him very uncomfortable…


At this time, Kaido swung his dragon tail and swung it at Mok. Mok immediately raised his other hand.


Mok was directly blown away, but the blown Mok stepped in the air. Not only did he stabilize his body, but he also rushed to Kaido’s belly.

Then he blasted out with a claw, hitting Kaido’s belly, who had turned into a huge dragon.


The dragon claw wrapped with flowing cherry blossoms directly pierced the dragon scales on Kaido’s abdomen, and blood gushed out.


Kaido roared in pain.

Then he counterattacked, the dragon head turned and bit towards Mok. Although it did not hit Mok, it also forced Kaido back.


Just when Kaido was about to launch another fierce attack, his observation color suddenly caught a person. Instinctively raised his head… just a glance.

He showed a look of shock, and his eyes were also wide open.

“Thunder Bagua…”


The person who came was Yamato, and the iron rod in her hand was wrapped with electric current. She fell from the sky with full power, and she was ready to smash Kaido into a pulp..


Mok, who saw this scene on the ground, was also shocked. If we talk about the most powerful filial daughter in the world, it must be this one… I don’t know if Kaido has done too many evil things.

She gave birth to such a thing.

Damn, if his daughter is also so “filial and powerful” in the future, he will kill her for the sake of justice.


The iron rod in Yamato’s hand hit Kaido’s forehead fiercely.

Although Yamato’s strength has not reached Kaido’s level, he also has the strength of a big billboard. This blow is definitely not light.

The huge dragon head of Kaido in the air was smashed and fell directly to the ground.

“Good opportunity!”

How could Mok miss such an opportunity?

“Dragon Destroyer!”

Mok met Kaido again, with the dragon claws wrapped with ghost energy and flowing cherry blossoms, and the shock ability was also activated. A small white circle appeared on each fingertip of the dragon claws.

The ghost energy and flowing cherry blossoms directly broke through Kaido’s defense and pierced five blood holes. Then, the shock ability began to destroy Kaido’s body crazily.


This attack directly hit Kaido hard.

The dragon head opened its mouth and a mouthful of blood spurted out. There was even a moment when Kaido’s eyes were wide open and his pupils were dilated.

It must be said that the combination of Mok and Yamato was really effective.

Kaido directly returned to his human form and lay on the ground gasping for breath. From time to time, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth…because the damage caused by Mok’s shock ability to destroy his internal organs just now.

It was far greater than the damage caused by the two dragon claws piercing his body.

This was the first time in his life that he was so close to death…He first looked at Mok, and his eyes were different at this time.

Because at this time, Mok’s position in his heart was even higher than that of Whitebeard in his heart.

But immediately, his eyes turned to Yamato. If it weren’t for this filial daughter, even if he lost, he wouldn’t lose so quickly.

Even if he wanted to leave, Mok couldn’t stop him.

So, if you really count it.

This time, his filial daughter took the lead in the failure.

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