After a hearty meal in this tavern, Mok rested for another night.

The next morning, Mok once again turned into a beam of light and headed towards the Upside-Down Mountain.


Navy Headquarters.

Marshal Sengoku stood up from his seat in shock, and exclaimed: “What?”

Garp and Vice Admiral Tsuru, who happened to be in his office, looked over at the same time, especially Garp, who even forgot to put the donut in his hand into his mouth.

Because he rarely saw Sengoku lose his composure like this.

Vice Admiral Tsuru frowned slightly, because he had a bad premonition that something big had happened again.

Then he asked: “What’s wrong?”


Sengoku hung up the Den Den Mushi in his hand, exhaled slowly, and then calmed himself down: “Colonel Wild Dog, who replaced Smoker in the East China Sea, was killed.”

“How could it be?”

Garp was surprised. You know, he often goes to the East China Sea. So, he knows it very well. There are only a few pirates with some strength in the entire East China Sea.

But no matter which one of them, they don’t have the courage, let alone the strength to kill the highest authority of the East China Sea Navy!

Obviously, Crane also thought so. If there is a decent strong man among the East China Sea pirates, they will not be called the weakest in the four seas.

So with some doubts: “Could it be that there is a strong man in the East China Sea?”

Zhan Guo nodded: “Moke, unknown age, unknown birthplace. Has good swordsmanship, and is also a devil fruit ability user.”

He paused here. Then he added: “According to intelligence, his swordsmanship was learned from Smoker’s deputy Corporal Tashigi. The devil fruit is extremely special. Not only can it have the ability of light and soil, but it also has the unique elementalization of the natural system.”


Vice Admiral Crane and Garp both showed a stunned expression.

Garp said bluntly: “Zhan Guo, you heard it wrong! How can anyone naturally control light and soil at the same time?”

Don’t even mention him, even Zhan Guo himself doubted himself. If he hadn’t just confirmed it again and again, he would never believe it. No… Even after repeated confirmation, it was still hard to believe in my heart.

Muttering to myself: “Natural system, natural system, nature is a natural element in nature. How could two natural abilities appear in the same person! Could it be that there is such a devil fruit? Or, this person has two devil fruit abilities at the same time?”

But no matter which one it is, it has exceeded their cognition all along.

Vice Admiral Tsuru also came back to his senses at this time, turned to Sengoku and said: “Since this man’s swordsmanship is learned from Smoker’s deputy Corporal Tashigi, why not ask them two. Maybe they will know what’s going on!”

Sengoku heard this, his eyes lit up.


At the same time, Smoker, who was chasing the Straw Hat Pirates with all his strength, was lost in thought while looking at the sea.

But soon, a soldier immediately ran to Smoker with a Den Den Mushi in his hand.

He said respectfully: “Colonel Smoker is Marshal Sengoku of the headquarters.”

Smoker’s pupils shrank when he heard this, and not only him, but also Tashigi on the side looked over.

His face was full of worry.

You know, Smoker is a first-come, first-served person, otherwise the Navy Headquarters would never agree to Colonel Smoker’s pursuit of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Now I’m afraid it’s troublesome.

Otherwise, it’s impossible that Marshal Sengoku personally called.

But now there is no way out, so I can only bite the bullet and take the Den Den Mushi: “Marshal Sengoku, I’m Smoker.”

Sengoku: “Do you know Mok?”


Smoker and Tashigi were both stunned, because they were both ready to be scolded. At the same time, they were extremely confused and didn’t understand why Marshal Sengoku asked about Mok.

After they realized what was going on, although they were still confused, they immediately answered: “We have some understanding. He is a friend of my deputy, Corporal Dashiki. Not only does he have a terrifying kendo talent, he also has a very special devil fruit ability!”

Warring States: “Tell me more about it!”

Smoker looked at Dashiki, and Dashiki immediately understood: “Three months ago, I met him in the weapon shop in Rogue Town. He bought two famous swords at once. He used one of the famous swords as a reward for me to teach him kendo, and I agreed. At that time, he knew nothing about swordsmanship… Three months later, his swordsmanship was far better than mine, and he was only one step away from being a swordsman. His kendo talent is the only one I have ever seen in my life… Even those lieutenant generals who are good at swordsmanship in the headquarters are far inferior to his kendo talent.”

“The devil fruit ability is very special. When we first met, he showed an ability similar to the superhuman-cutting fruit in the weapon shop, which can turn people into blades. Later, when the Straw Hat Pirates were rounded up, he also helped. But at that time, he showed elementalization andThe ability to control the soil. ” At this point, she glanced at Smoker, and then added: “Colonel Smoker and I speculated that perhaps he has multiple devil fruit abilities!” “What?” Dashiqi’s words caused Sengoku to exclaim. Immediately, the phone turned into Vice Admiral Tsuru again: “This guy actually has such a terrifying kendo talent? He also has an ability similar to the superhuman-Zhan Zhan Fruit? Then add soil and light, doesn’t it mean that he is a three-ability person with terrifying kendo talent? ” The key is that these three abilities are stronger than one! Especially the light element ability similar to the Shining Fruit, it is simply a copy of Kizaru! No matter who faces such a person, it will be a headache. Because, whether to fight or leave, it is all up to him. Trouble! Smoker couldn’t help asking at this time: “Marshal Sengoku, what did this kid do? He actually asked you to turn on the power yourself…” Sengoku said bluntly: “Because this guy killed Colonel Wild Dog who replaced you.” “What? ”

Smoker and Dashiki exclaimed at the same time, and at the same time they were very confused.

Dashiki: “No! I have been with him for three months, and I can feel it. He has no ill will towards the navy!”

Zhan Guo: “He stole a devil fruit that Colonel Wild Dog was supposed to hand in.”

When these words came out, Smoker and Dashiki’s pupils shrank.

Devil fruits, except for the Celestial Dragons, are the most important strategic resources in any force. Because a devil fruit can quickly cultivate a strong man.

You can even directly win over a strong man.

So, this sentence contains a lot of information!

Dashiki clenched the snow in his hand, with an angry face: “I will never allow the famous sword to fall into the hands of such a guy. One day, I will take back the Sandai Kitetsu from his hands. “……..

Back to the Marshal’s office of Sengoku, he had hung up the Den Den Mushi. But at this moment, his brows were furrowed even tighter…

Three months and only one step away from becoming a swordsman?

What kind of kendo talent is this!

And his ability…Sengoku suddenly felt a headache.

Vice Admiral Tsuru on the side also had a solemn face. You know, her good sister Momotogi doesn’t have such a kendo talent!

Including Garp, the three of them fell into a brief silence.

Then, Vice Admiral Tsuru took the lead and said: “Sengoku, I suggest a reward…”

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